
298 AC

Summer Isles - Jhala

Eragon Targaryen


The idea of a fight between two opposing forces of one hundred barely dressed and armed with 'sticks' men and women could decide who owns one of Summer isles biggest cities is crazy. I am not one to complain since I will abuse their customs to my advantage but still, it is kind of dumb. It will be something that is slowly changed over time by my family after we unite the Isles for good.

Keeping the ritual war as a way to settle disputes and claim land is not bad for small things but when it involves a big city it will need some more control by House Targaryen. Would be pathetic to lose everything when an eventual 'weaker' Targaryen rules the isles and can't win a fight to defend his or her lands.

Given there won't be many people who want to piss off their king or queen when they have a dragon to ride around and melt things with.

"How are you feeling?" A hand grabs my ass cheek in the ceremonial clothes I am wearing.

I turn my head to see Nata in her own ceremonial clothes and see her wiggle her brows as she grips a bit harder before letting go. My hand descends from where I snuck it up in the air behind her and lays across her rear making her eyes go wide.

"I feel fine, I am ready to stab some people and get this done with. We got weddings to get started and a palace to redecorate, I got enough Targaryen banners to cover half of Ebonhead. I plan to have the three-headed dragon soar over Ebonhead by the end of the day and a nice feather bed to sleep on." She leans against her spear showcasing her figure wonderfully as she looks toward our opponents.

"They stand between you and that feather bed, let's make sure your poor back doesn't have to lay on the rough fur-covered ground again. My husband deserves at least a pillow to rest his weary head on and I will make sure he gets it." I snort and meet eyes with the summer prince and he gives a toothy grin.

He wears a feather cloak and has Kinvara behind him praising him for his 'victory' and the man eats it up. I shake my head and make a plan to get my own feather cloak to show off my 'status' when I gain my summer prince title.

I feel naked in this leather wrap barely concealing my manhood and my bare chest is caressed by the sea breeze. I hope I don't have to fight like this too many times, if Ser Barristan saw me fighting like this I would never regain my dignity in his eyes.

I look toward my little audience off to the side safe behind Dornish spearmen and women as they watch with obvious worry. I do my best to give a reassuring smile and nod in their direction and pained smiles are what I see in return. I shake my head and crush the last of the hesitation down as the 'priest' who is serving as judge finishes the 'ritual' to start.

A ribbon is held up in the air and when it touches the sand we are to begin, a blood bath will ensure. I know for a fact if the prince dies we win and the fight is called and the man looks ready to charge like a bull. It is serving us tremendously to have him so 'worked up' before the fight as it will present us the chance to win quickly.

There is no honor or rules in the fight other than the allowed weapons and 'armor' and so I am expecting a dog pile coming my way. But they could also be going for Nata as we are a split team with us both seemingly in charge. Regardless Nata and I will prioritize staying alive so our side doesn't lose right off the start. Everyone on our side knows they need to focus on the prince of their team and we promised them victory.

If we lose we likely are dead but the men and women left behind will be exiled from the lands, so they have a lot on the line as well. They are ready to see this done and their 'debt' cleared so they can return to rebuilding their homes that were destroyed. I will see to it that pirates never bother these people again and they have as bright a future as possible.

The colorful ribbon falls from the raised hand and floats in the breeze toward the Woodline and I feel my heart hammer in my chest. Each breath I take fills like I am adding wood to a fire as I take a similar stance to the people around me. feet dug into the sand and ready to charge at our enemies, hopefully not catching one of those rocks to the forehead they have in their slings.

The ribbon hits the sand and the priest calls out as the start of my first 'war' begins.


298 AC

The North - White Knife

Dacey Mormont


"I still can't believe you decided to come with me." Lyanna pulls a cloth with a fully white dire wolf pup on the other end yanking with all its strength.

"I can, I find the idea of seeing some new stuff appealing and you easily convinced me with all your stories. I am not looking forward to the heat but if a wolf can handle it then a bear can." She scoffs and the puppy tears the cloth at the same time and flips onto its back when its 'anchor' is no longer holding it back.

"I am just surprised your mom let her heir leave for an undisclosed amount of time, I know how the wildlings attack bear island, and even the Iron-born still make trips to the shores. I am sure the bear missing from the front lines will be noticeable when you are not caving skulls in with your mace." I smile watching the two other pups pile unto there downed brother.

"Well, you know my reasons, after my mom recognized you and you two talked she grew concerned with the way things were going. Not that she doubts Lord Stark but even we have heard of dragons on our island. There is a reason the last king of the north knelt and though some might still be angry over it there is no doubt it was smart. So regardless my mom wants me to come with you to both make 'friends' and see how things stand." She pours some water from her water skin into a wooden bowl for the pups before looking back at me.

"Yea she did seem pretty shaken up when I said the rumors are true, I just hope the North won't be pulled to Robert's side. It looks more and more likely that my family will end up fighting my other family and I feel like I am being torn apart." I am unsure of what to say to cheer her up so I just remain silent.

If the North joins with the Baratheons and goes against Targaryens with actual dragons I don't know how I will react. There are quite a few northerners that even after all the history of dragons burning armies or melting castles they still think they stand a chance. It's the entire premise behind the Company of the rose in Essos, a bunch of northerners who thought they could kill dragons and refused to kneel.

So my mom wants me to make friends with the future dragon riders in hopes when it comes down to it the bear islands won't get a visit from angry fire breathers. We will still follow the Starks even if they go against the Targaryens but one can hope to not burn to death.

"Things were simpler before I visited Winterfell, I was worried about getting killed by a wildling or an Iron islander who wants to make me his salt wife. Now I am thinking about actual dragons and the riders who will no doubt match the likes of their ancestors. I just hope none of them turn out like the mad king, that would be a disaster." Lyanna snorts and pats my shoulder.

"No worries there, I think I know them pretty well and there is no madness in any who have dragons." I feel at ease hearing her words until it hits me.

"So there is still madness just not in the dragon riders?" Her face sours and she nods slowly as she looks out at the water of the White Knife.

"Viserys is an odd man, I wouldn't say he is cruel or mad but he has a heavy attitude that wears on people quickly. He can see the effect he has on people but he doesn't stop and even picks up on it more as people tire of him. I thank the gods he didn't get a dragon or it might have turned out into a mad king situation." I nod with my gut twisting as I imagine being burned to death by a silver-haired man.

I am going to avoid Viserys like a sickness.


298 AC


Daemon Blackfyre


"It is as good as done, you will be one of the three triarchs for the next year once the announcement is done." Marinna congratulates me and I feel excitement boil inside myself.

With this, we have a foothold an actual foothold of our own without anyone like father or the other leaders of the Golden Company above me. Marinna fancies herself the real 'captain' of the ship as far as the Triarch goes and helped me because she thinks me stupid. I used her connections and influence to gain this position and now I have a say in how things will progress in Volantis.

I will push for Volantis to mobilize its tiger cloaks to help me take the Iron Throne. It will not be easy but it is something I can work on now. If I can get this to work we will have the numbers to take a real stronghold in Westeros, maybe Storm's end.

"Thank you, Marinna, I couldn't have done it without you!" She smiles wide and our glasses are filled by a servant as she talks about 'our plans' that are all her own ideas. "Forgive me a moment Marinna, you speak of 'us' but who is the third triarch?" She nods and licks her lips after drinking from her cup.

"That's right, you have not heard about the candidate Benerro forced through." I frown hearing the red priest has a member in the Triarch but calm down when I realize Marinna works hand and hand with him already.

I need to figure out how to get rid of the red priest's influence or turn enough tiger cloaks to my side with the help of the Golden Company to kill all the priests. Seizing the power of Volantis is my top priority and they have lifted me up and presented themselves to me. I would have to be a fool to fail at this point and I can almost see the goal within sight.

"They changed their name for a while and have been one of the highest-end providers as far as pleasure of the flesh goes in Volantis. But with the support of red priests screaming about Targaryens and the weight the name has now they have risen from the ashes of their failure. The descendants of Saera Targaryen have retaken the name Targaryen that they used to hide." My eyes dry up as I look at Marinna in shock and feel like I heard her speak of the sun rising in the north.

"A Targaryen is the third Triarch?" She barks a laugh and nods quickly and my head buzzes as if a hammer struck it. "How?" That is all I can ask as my throat feels dry.

"They have been around since that princess who was exiled for spreading her legs too much settled here. She built her own little 'kingdom' within Volantis and left it to her children who took pride in the name she gave them. They married the old blood of Valyria and kept up the traditions of their house as if clinging to a corpse, it is unsightly. But now that the red faith has so much power and is an avid supporter of House Targaryen they no longer care to hide their ancestry. In recent years they have cloaked their name after people like the mad king. They are avid supporters of the tiger party and are among the richest in Volantis." I slump into my seat and wonder if my House is just cursed.