135 R18


298 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


"So that went exactly how we expected." Watching the messenger we sent to Golden head leave the throne room I let out a sigh.

"We had to at least try, now we just await their arrival, and upon their defeat, we will have all of Jhala. Their wounded egos stirring them into a frenzy and having them sail to their defeat only saves us traveling time." I reluctantly nod at Nata's words as it is convenient they are bringing the 'fight' to us.

The man we sent weeks ago to Golden Head managed to survive 'insulting' the prince and came back bearing news of war. The Golden head prince Yula is personally leading men to Ebonhead to challenge the 'foreign conquerors' and end our conquest. According to the messenger, he will arrive within a few days with all of his best warriors.

It will still be a ritual war as the men of the isles would have it no other way but we still have to double security just on principle. Would be unfortunate to catch an arrow in the neck because we didn't have enough men on guard. I will also try to check the glass candle later and make sure they are not bringing a massive force with metal weapons as that will show their true plans.

"I think we have heard enough for the day, let's go and relax for the rest of the day. I want to peer at the candle for a while and try to get a read on the true situation." She nods at my word and stands up from my lap where she was sitting sideways as she lounged on top of me.

We need to get some other thrones set up in here, listing to the people who come in for varying reasons can get boring alone so we accompany each other. With one throne we can only choose to share or stand on the side of it when we get tired of doing that.

I have seen a lot more friendly looks once we started hearing people out and trying to aid them with their problems. We haven't sunk any coin into it but we instead are having the boys in training we took in be laborers for helping around. Everyone is happy with the situation, the happiest about it being the young boys who are glad to escape from Zeina for a few hours.

I nod to one of the guards as we make our way down the aisle leading up to the throne, he nods back and heads out to cut off any more people who wanted to be seen. We turn right heading down a hallway that leads to our living area and I can't help it as my eyes roam around.

I tug her hand a little to get her attention as we walk and when she looks over I jerk my head toward a store room. She raises a brow at me in confusion but that leaves her as I pull her behind me into the dark room.


Pressing Nata against a wall with her legs wrapped around my waist and hands digging into my back we kiss slowly. Tongues swirling in a dance we have made a habit of our frequent and passionate couplings. Hips are anything but slow at this point as I rut her into the wall, her sex has managed to drip out enough fluids to make trails down my legs past my knees.

I try to wiggle my boots through my pants so my pants don't end up getting wet before we walk of shame back to the room. Well, it's more of a walk of pride for me as servants going by will see her freshly fucked appearance.

"Fuck...harder." She breaks the kiss and drops her forehead on my chest with tempting words coming out of her mouth.

Slamming her into the wall her nails draw lines down my back as she groans with each impact. I grit my teeth and fight off the wobble in my knees as pleasure jolts down my legs and up my back. I put up my best fight to hold off but all defenses are blown away when she throws her head back and squeezes her legs around me.

With one final press into her deepest folds, I set my forehead on the stone wall as I fill her with my seed. I grip her ass harder as I unload into her with immense pleasure almost taking my legs out from beneath me.

Her hands find my cheeks in the dark room and lift my head away from the wall, her hot lips finding my own. Her deep breaths through her nose tickle my cheek and presses her breasts into my chest as the pleasure slowly fades.

Her legs unwrap and I set her on her feet, she slips my length out of her and I feel her hair smack me in the face as she twirls around. Her ass is pressed back against me and she wiggles it side to side firing me back up for the next round.

No words even need to be spoken as I line myself up and sink back inside of her, hands gripping her hips as I start to ram her from behind.


"Subtle." Visenya comments as she catches us walking into the room, not with her eyes but with her nose apparently from her sniffing.

Lots of wolf in this girl that much is for sure.

"Love you as well." I kiss the top of her head as I walk by her as she keeps stitching some clothes and doesn't even look up.

"The 'dreams' are getting worse." I turn around and look back at her with concern.

"Where were you this time?" Since our wedding each time she sleeps, she has been dreaming of being in 'different bodies' more and more.

"I think I was inside of Vhagar, it was too dark to see but I could 'feel' him being there with me if that makes sense. No other dream has been like this and instead, I feel like I am in control completely of the bird or monkey or whatever else I end up in. This felt like he was sitting on my shoulder and watching with me, it was sluggish and distorted like I was drunk." I finish taking off my clothes and spot Nata already grabbed the cloth in the pan of hot water and is wiping herself down.

She is also listening in on the conversation but spots me looking at the cloth and shields it behind her body so I can't snatch it.

"What do you think about it? The only person we can really talk to about stuff like this is Marwyn and he confirmed your belief of what it is." The ability to take over another's body, warging.

Mainly used on animals and Marwyn said it is 'forbidden' to take over another man but it is possible.

"I think it is fine so far but I want to learn more about it, I won't find any help here in the Summer Isles." I frown as I pull a clean shirt out and dip it into the warm water to start wiping down.

"This kind of thing is supposed to be prominent in the North, we are a long way from taking a trip up there. Maybe we can have someone with this skill to teach you about it when we get word from your mom. If the North decided to join us or stay neutral then we can ask Eddard Stark to find a person who can Warg and ask him to come to teach you." She looks over at me and smiles as she gives a small nod.

"Sounds like a good idea to me, I am just worried I will mess up and get 'lost' outside of my body..." Her voice softens and my heart clenches hearing her genuine worry.

I can't imagine what it feels like and she does it without trying as she is sleeping so she can't just 'stop'. I feel helpless as I have no way of helping her with something I know nothing about, any advice I have may end up hurting her. Marwyn also didn't have much to say and only really had stories of things wargs can do but not how they do it.

I can only hope she grows into it so to speak and it comes natural to her with more experience, it seems she will get that experience regardless if she wants to or not. I hear her snort and watch her head shake as she goes back to stitching.

"You look like someone just kicked a puppy, no reason to stress about it just yet." I wipe my legs down and nod in agreement.

I will pay more attention to her when we are sleeping even if it does no good, I just want to do something to help her.


"We are all married to you at this point are we really going to be stopped from joining in?" I look over at Rhaenys who seems annoyed after our talks with the priests.

"He didn't say that, he just said there is no real president for it. Lots of Princes and princesses have multiple partners and it is not rare for them to fight together. They are just wanting to let us know how others will view it." I can already tell she won't give a shit about what others think and will be joining in.

"Well, that won't stop me." There it is, a nod from Rhaenyra is soon picked up by Visenya and I preempt Daenerys own nod with a hand on her head.

"Hey!" Danny swats my hand away with a glare.

"Baby in the belly means no fighting unless it is to protect the baby in the belly." Her glare intensifies but she sees everyone else nodding along and puffs up in 'anger'.

"That is not fair, I am not even showing so it will be fine..." She trails off when no one joins in to support her and lets out an exaggerated sigh.

"If we have our way it won't be a full fight like the last one, just because they are coming with a bunch of men does not mean they will all fight. It is a show of strength and willingness to fight, on top of massaging his wounded pride. We are still trying to taunt them into a one-on-one with no one else spilling blood, best for everyone except the loser." Nata leans back and crosses her arms as she speaks.

"Well I still don't have to like being tossed to the side because the seed took with me, it could be any of you. I hope you all remember this when it is your turn and you look to me for support, you will find none." Her eyes go wet and I pull her into my side as the emotions pass over her.

Moody little dragon. My moody little dragon.

"Yea yea, you would for sure let one of us go into battle carrying one of 'your' babies anyway... don't make a show out of it you understand the game girl. No one wants to increase the chance of miscarrying when our family already suffers a high rate of babies not making it to take their first breath." Danny collapses in resignation upon hearing Shiera's words and I send her a thankful look as she rolls her eyes.

Thinking back on what the priests talked about a idea slowly buds in my mind but I keep it to myself for now. I will bring it up tomorrow morning and see what they think about it, right now I need to cheer my twin up.