
298 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Daenerys Targaryen


Eragon defeated his opponent and managed to not get hurt, I am very happy with this outcome. I almost thought he was going to get his brains knocked out when he narrowly avoided a hit. But he pulled off a clean kill with almost the same events happening in the second engagement but instead of jerking a response with his spear to avoid it getting hit to the side, he baited the killing blow.

He laid the dying man down to his final rest in a way that the onlookers nodded in approval, respecting the challenge and the challenger is big in this culture. His face was unreadable when he walked off to clean up the blood that got on him but I could see the storm behind his eyes. He seems to be overthinking things once again, I will bring it up after Nata finishes her fight.

He is good about voicing his thoughts but I have noticed he tends to keep certain issues to himself. Those issues are usually about the 'grand scheme' or future endeavors and he likes to brew on them alone without anyone else's voice. When he has finished and finally speaks about what has been on his mind it is usually something he is firm on and won't let anyone pick apart his decision.

Watching Zelo get carried off with blood trailing behind him I frown when I see the face of Yula.

The prince does not look like a man who just lost a son, he looks like he is fearful. His hands gripping his spear so tight they are changing colors and his eyes are wide. No anger or sadness, just fear.

This is unexpected, I was expecting he would be furious or tearful but this looks like a man condemned to death as he holds himself steady on his spear.

"He seems, off." I comment and heads turn to look at the Golden head prince.

"He looks ready to run away." Ellaria disdainfully spits, it seems she is also of the same mind as me.

Eragon slides into the seat beside me and I wordlessly nod toward the Prince and he raises a brow before looking over. His brows then furrow together and his eyes narrow, he weaves his fingers together with mine and I lean into his side.

"I wondered how he would perform seeing his son die, I expected red-hot anger coming in a raging fight. This does not look like what is about to happen." I hum in agreement as we both watch Nata walk into the battle circle and twirl her spear in hand.

The black wood ceremonial spear with a stone head on it with carvings of a dragon's head, a tribute to her bond Balerion. She named it Balerion's fang and the dragon seems to approve of it when she showed it off to him. The black Ebony wood is a common tree around Ebonhead and is also what she commissioned a flagship to be built from that will be named the 'black dread'.

"He is walking over to us." Eragon's confused voice breaks me from my thoughts of ships and I look up and see the prince approaching.

He is purposefully walking around the circle not putting a single foot in it as he comes around with quick steps. He looks around and over his shoulder at his men who also seem a bit confused and once he gets Infront of us he takes a deep breath.

"I would like to speak to you about something." He picks his words carefully as he speaks and refuses to make eye contact.

"My ears are listing." Eragon lazily responds.

"I have reconsidered your terms, I would like to go ahe-." Eragon waves his hand and his frown is deep as he looks at the man in disdain.

"There are no terms, fighting is what we decided and fighting is what we are doing. Your son already paid in blood and so will you, you also insulted my wives and are expecting to negotiate?" He bites his lips and his hands grip tight.

"Coward, how did you even win the lands of Golden head if you are afraid of fighting?" Zeina the 'master of arms' spits on the ground and Yula shakes in place while looking back at Nata.

Nata who is a distance away cant hear but likely guessed what is going on by how she crossed her arms with her spear nestled in her armpit. She has her head tilted back as she leans against Balerion's fang with an amused look. This man questioned her ability and motives and wants to squirm out after seeing his son die, did he at any point expect to win against her?

Did seeing his son die put the fear of death in him or is it something else? Did he expect his son or plan with his son for him to be the one to fight and after his defeat he lost hope?

I have no idea but this whole thing is over, even if he steps into the circle now it is obvious who will win. I lean my head on Eragons shoulder and rub his arm comfortingly as he gets lost in his thoughts once more.


298 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


Nata made quick work of Yula as the man stepped into the ring, it seems even his men lost respect for him after figuring out what kind of man he was. I agree with Zeina and wonder how he ever managed to win the Golden head, to begin with but it matters not with his corpse following his sons into the flames.

"You got the good fight or at least the better of the two." Nata grumbles as we walk back to the throne room with the men of the Golden head following behind.

We will appoint one to lead Golden head in our stead as the Lord and offer us riches from Yula's coffers. We will have all of yulas belongings delivered to us and most of his ships will join our fleet, leaving a few ships for the new Lord of golden head. We will pick the richest of men left in Golden head to take over so he can afford to pay men to keep the order and defend it.

The golden heart bows of Golden head will be the best new addition to our arsenal once they are delivered we should easily double our current amount. Golden head has the most Goldenheart trees, after all, the best bows come from Golden head and we will be getting more made. We can't just take every tree though as we have to let some stay so more trees will be spread and take root and come back in the future for later generations.

Having 'farms' set up for future generations of House Targaryen to harvest for Goldenheart wood is likely a good idea while saplings are aplenty.

"I am not concerned with fighting, that left a bad taste in my mouth." Danny grips my hand and I feel her eyes search me for answers.

"Which one left a bad taste?" I snort and let go of her hand and wrap it around her waist to pull her into my side as we slow our pace to walk with our sides pressed together.

"Both, the coward was a bad taste but his son being so sure of himself reminded me of when we beat Xenioa to claim Ebonhead. These people have been so sure of their victory right up till they die and that could easily be us." voicing my concerns seems to breathe more life into them than they are worth but I also want to get it off my chest.

A somber mood takes over as we approach the throne room and the doors are opened by guards.

"It won't be, we will win and our confidence is important to keep up. I get where you are coming from, we could easily be compared to them but we are also different." Nata speaks up as we climb the stairs to the throne.

She takes a seat on the throne as the men of Golden head talk among themselves in hushed voices at the foot of the stairs. I take Balerion's fang from the side of the throne and spin it on its capped end and look down as the men gather their thoughts.

They were not expecting things to turn out this way and now they are without a leader to guide them. One of them will be raised up and the rest will look to him as their new 'Lord' and Golden head will be a part of the growing new kingdom.

"We would like to hear about what you intend to do with Golden head now, your graces." One man steps forward with a deep cut to his summer tongue that makes it sound ancient.

"We intend to rule, we will need someone to guide and overlook Golden head in our stead as its Lord. Regardless of your loyalties to the coward prince he and his son are dead and it is time to move forward. We will leave some of Yulas ships we have won to the new Lords use so he can defend his coasts, but we will claim everything else. If you have someone you would like to put forward as a candidate we are willing to listen but we will decide in the end who we pick." They shift uncomfortably but all of them look toward the man who stepped forward.

He takes a knee and lowers his head, the ones behind him follow his example and soon they all are on their knee.

"I am Zen and I would like to be considered, my family has lived and prospered in Golden head for a long time. I will work hard to meet any expectations placed on me and exceed them to pay back your goodwill should you decide I am capable." A subtle mention of him being rich with that 'prospered' line and also the others look to him so he has influence.

We will talk about it later among ourselves but I already lean to this man, sending someone from here would cause heads to butt and challenges to be issued. Picking someone from Golden head is the best decision and this man seems a good candidate. The more influence he has the better he can serve and ensure he keeps everyone in line and also alive.

"We will let you know our decision at a later time, for now, you will be shown to a room to rest in for the time being." Guards step up at my words on the side and the men of Golden head stand up and nod before being guided out of the throne room.

With this completed the Red flower vale will fully support us and bend the knee no conflict needed. Jhala is officially in our hands and as the biggest of the islands, I can't help but smile, we are making good progress.

"Have Belzal and his family summoned to the throne room." Nata orders and a guard bows before walking off to complete his task.

"Ready to have them bend and officially declare Jhala as our own?" I laugh seeing her nod eagerly.

"We are close, I can feel it as we take each step forward." Her voice is a soft whisper but reaches my ears as I nod and lean against the throne with Balerion's fang in hand.