
299 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


"I can't believe how many people have shown up for this event, word only went out a few months ago and yet ships have been pouring in." I purse my lips hearing Daenerys marvel at the turnout for our 'crowning'.

With Last Lament bending the knee we officially finished our conquest and word spread far and wide, no doubt into our enemy's ears as well. We put off the crowning as it will mark the start of this new kingdom and we wanted to make a showing of it. That way we can have people come and celebrate, mainly they will be coming to get a look at us for themselves.

The goal here is to make allies and receive gifts from various free cities and Lords of Westeros who risked sending someone. The plan has been going well with ships showing up almost daily for the last month and various envoys taking up residence in Ebonhead.

"Summer kingdom, I personally still like the name New Valyria but Summer kingdom will do until we have actual land from old Valyria so it makes more sense." Summer kingdom will turn into Summer Principality when New Valyria is formed but that is still a ways off and this name doesn't show our 'grand ambition'.

"Well, the name is already spread around and is a bit too late to go back, though if we say something during the crowning we may be able to change it." I shake my head hearing Nata speak from the side room.

"It's fine, this will be for the best once we start taking other lands." I don't hear a response from her but I know she heard me as I approach Danny from behind.

"We should deal with the Naath situation sooner rather than later, the representative is worried and we have made him wait almost a moons time." I wrap my arms around Danny's hips as she looks at the crown in her hand.

Our mom's crown from before Roberts's rebellion, a beautiful crown that suits her very well. Mom and she both cried when she wore it for the first time and I couldn't get enough of how good she looked. She wore it that night as well and even in the dark it looked good upon her head.

"It is simple, they want protection from the pirates in Basilisk Isles and we like land and resources. They will bend the knee to us after electing a representative and provide us with some resources and in return, they will be under our protection for all time." I have mapped out the travel times and Naath is the same distance from Ebon head that Last Lament is.

"That is risky, it is a hot spot for slavers as the Naath people are known for pacifism and won't even defend themselves. They refuse to pick up a weapon and would rather pray to their god of creation to send butterflies to protect them." Nata is worried about it but I am looking at it long-term.

"Once the dragons are grown the flight from Ebonhead to Naath would take around a day if that. We don't actually know how fast a dragon is but we know a raven can travel around one hundred miles a day. Dragons beat Ravens in speed and distance of flight by a large margin according to available texts and I am guessing it is around four hundred miles a day at least with no rest. The total miles in a straight line from here to Naath is five hundred miles roughly, if the rider stops to rest for a while on the tip of Lizard's head they can cover the rest of the distance which is around two hundred miles. Naath is just as easy to defend with dragons as Last Lament is, the only problem is that they can't get word to us without sailing here first." Naath has rare shimmering silks and other resources that would be stupid to pass up on, that and we all feel for their plight.

They refuse to fight and are targeted because of it, I can fight for them in return for making my coffers lined with more gold. It also gives me a very good reason to declare war with the pirate kings on the Basilisk Isles and kill them off for good. I can then try to settle the Basilisk Isles and have people explore more of Sothorios, its untapped resources sing to me in a pleasant tune. But we will not be able to focus on that until the war for Westeros is completely settled and we can put some resources toward exploration.

There are some maps made by Summer Islanders but also a lot of horror stories so It will need to sit back while we focus on winning the Iron throne for House Targaryen.

"Still seems like more trouble than it is worth at this point, I don't disagree with going through with it but I don't think we are ready. The best thing to do would be to make an example out of a large group of people to let them know Naath is off-limits. We can't leave people there to fight off invaders because the butterfly disease kills anyone who is not from Naath. They say the flesh will fall from your bones when you catch it and I know no one will want to stay there and risk it." I let go of Danny as it seems everyone is ready and we are about to head out to the ceremony.

"We can talk about it later, we will meet with the representative from Naath in a few days and let our thoughts be known." I buckle Brightroar on and grab my crown before walking to the door.

Behind me everyone is holding various crowns all with their own unique designs, today is the big day.


Sitting on a raised platform as people approach giving gifts from their families or employers I watch the pile grow. I resist the urge to yawn as we have been listening to boot lickers for over an hour now and I am getting tired of it. My crown is thankfully comfortable and not weighing my head down so it's not the worst but I am ready for this to be over.

To raise my spirits I look over at Shaena who is very heavy with my child at this point and is sitting on the platform but off to the side. It is sad to say but the only ones who can be 'queens' are the ones with dragons. She is still my wife and our child will still be a prince but she is not a tilted queen even though she offers her help.

She is fine with it from her own words and actions so I don't stress too much about it but it still feels like I am treating her worse than I am my other wives.

"-so I would once again greet you on behalf of my employer Illyrio Mopatis." Is that not the man who fathered the Blackfyres?

Looking around the platform it seems everyone else is thinking the same thing and I look back at the man and hold my hand up. Guards lower spears and archers draw their bows aiming them down at the 'spy'.

"What is a Blackfyre supporter doing in our Summer kingdom? The red dragon does not welcome the Black dragon." The man's eyes go wide and he holds up his hands in surrender.

"Wait your Grace, I was not even aware-." The guards approach and pin the man down before he can talk any further.

"Get him out of here." I wave him off while wondering what game the Blackfyres are playing, is there more of them here?

"Eragon do you think they are trying to steal the dragons?" My eyes go wide and I look over at Arrax who lies lazily on the ground next to the growing pile of gifts.

"I don't know but we should be extra careful from now on, it is confirmed they are aware of our presence here. From now on no one travels without twenty guards and if they are going out for an extended time they are to take a candle and make sure someone else has a candle to watch for contact. We will need to be more careful from now on and not present any opportunity to get hurt or killed." Solemn nods are all the responses I get but I can tell the festive mood is completely killed.

What was the goal here?

I can only see them testing the waters by purposefully sending someone using that name to give gifts. Maybe an attempt to see just how informed we are, I don't doubt those silk dresses are poisoned so we will burn them just to be safe. Dragons will sniff the rest of the gifts, there has yet to be a poison to pass their nose. I don't get affected by poison and the girls have been testing different kinds in small doses.

But we have no idea how any babies inside of their bellies would deal with the mother being poisoned so better safe than sorry.


299 AC

Kingslanding - Red keep

Eddard Stark


If I knew I would feel like this after a few months on the job I would have joined the Targaryens.

Debt to the ceilings and the city smells even worse than when it was burning the last time I got here. Whispers in the dark and schemes unfolding for petty reasons while everyone acts like it is normal. I have to sleep with a dagger in fear for my life and Robert just runs around screaming about dragons.

Before he worries about dragons flying around the Summer Isles he should worry about the people starving to death in the city around us. These people look rough and will kill for a few coppers, dead tossed to the side of the gutters in Fleabottom and no one seems to care.

Worst of all the crown prince was caught in bed with a Lord from the Riverland's daughter just this morning and Robert laughed it off. He laughed and said 'give the girl her due and tell her to get the fuck out of here' while the father was standing on the side going red in the face.

The queen is also fucking her Kingsguard and I am left wondering if I should even get involved in that mess. Robert has dug a hole and seems hell-bent on jumping into it head-first while drinking a bottle of wine. I have only seen him in a small council meeting three times and all three times it was about Targaryens. Little to no information on the Blackfyres who are confirmed to have allies in Volantis and are closing in on sixty thousand men total at the least.

I am just thankful to the gods I left my children behind in Winterfell, this is a mess and I don't plan on staying much longer. They won't let me try to do anything without fighting me on it and I just feel useless here.

I am left to wonder what the kingdoms would look like if Rhaegar had won, if Daeron had not died alongside him. Would the capital of the seven kingdoms be on the very edge like it is?

I doubt it would be like this if Daeron was alive, he always knew how to solve a problem. He was loyal to his family to a fault but he was one of the smartest people I have ever seen.

I sigh and rub my forehead while dread builds up hearing the door to my room get knocked. Seems my time alone to my thoughts is over and it is time once more to dodge viper strikes and have my ear chewed off like I am a child once more.