
299 AC


Cirilla Blackfyre


Getting the dragons to get into a small box to be smuggled out was more of a challenge than I would have liked. They practically thrashed and burned the first one to ash and wood chips, so another was needed. This time Helaena put them in and covered the cage with it in her arms, they remain docile and silent.

"It's best this way anyway, I need to be able to fight, and carrying them will make that difficult so just stay with me the whole time. I don't want you to leave my side for anything, we don't know if anyone is aware of this plan so we need to be extra careful." She nods and I pull the hood to my cloak up and cover my head as I head for the door.

It is dark out and everything easy to move of value was smuggled out by Mehrune, he said most will travel with us on horses. We have many plans but we don't know which will be picked until we know if we make it out without being discovered. If things go perfectly we plan to ride out with no one the wiser and a small group of us and a hundred people.

If we are discovered and fighting breaks out we plan to make our way to the Dothraki and test if they truly are 'loyal' to me. Only a thousand of them are left as more and more break off every day taking my absence as a sign of weakness. But the main figures seem to be holding out and I am not sure what their intentions are other than the dragons so I am worried about their 'help'.

Worst comes to worst I am taking Helaena and fleeing on our own while a panic breaks out, I somewhat hope this happens. I plan to sneak off if I can with my sister, I don't trust the people who are helping us. The Dornish bastard Mehrune is hungry for a place in Westeros as all men in the Golden company seem to be, he likely sees himself using the dragons.

The way he doesn't show fear around them even when they hiss at him is a telling sign, he has designs for them. He wants them to get comfortable around him so he can try to control them or chain them most likely.

"You two ready?" A daughter of Mehrune pushes off the wall with her spear at her side as she looks at Helaena and me.

"We are ready, thank you for helping us escape." Helaena speaks up when I remain silent and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Lead the way." I grunt and the woman named 'nym' leads the way with a sly smile on her lips.

"Right this way." She walks with confidence as she takes the lead and I put aside my hesitation and instead grip the handle of Blackfyre tightly.


299 AC


Oberyn Martell


Knowing Nymeria they should be fine getting to us without a problem, its once they are here I will worry. Getting out of the Black walls is the real challenge and not escaping the fortifications of the Golden Company in the black walls. Men of the Golden Company are easy enough to pay to let in and out of their tight fortifications. The fiery hand and Tiger cloaks are a different story and they hold almost all of the entrances to the Black walls.

Only one is under the Golden Company and it's near where the Blackfyres mansion is, so it's where we are waiting. Once she gets to the entrance with the girls we will be making a move depending on if she can bribe the guards to let them walk through. The men that accept the bribes tend to hurry people through so they don't get caught taking gold so I am hopeful.

I hold my breath seeing three people approach the guards and spot a spear in the hand of one.

"Get ready." I warn for those around me not paying attention.

I watch a discrete payment of coins reach one of the guard's hands and he throws his hand up to let them through. I keep my eyes trained as they start walking through the exit of the wall, I bite my lip seeing one of the guards point at the covered box in the hands of one of the girls. The girl in question looks to be Helaena and that box is likely the dragons.

They would not separate from them so we could not move them with the rest of the stuff we smuggled out. So they can only get them out on their own or we will have to kill the guards if they stop them here. It is a good thing that my daughters showed up, it made it much easier to have a new face do this part but it won't matter if the dragons are spotted. The cloaks don't help their case in blending in as it only makes them stand out more but it's better than their faces which are easily recognized by all of the Golden Company.

"On my command." I make sure for a second time the men with me are ready as one guard starts talking to the girls and points at the cage.

Nymeria tosses something at the man and he catches it and shakes it, a coin purse.

My shoulders sag when the guard nods and the three of them walk through unimpeded and head toward the rest of my daughters. I take a last look at the Black walls wondering how things will go once they realize in the morning my men who were on guard duty tonight are long gone with the Blackfyres.


"Good job, you did perfect." I almost regretted not going myself but I am recognizable to many of the Golden Company because of the time I have spent here.

"It was easy, I was not expecting the cage to be so big though so I was a touch worried but they shut up with some more coins in their hands. I wish I could see their faces when they find out who they watched leave, if they even figure it out." She snickers as she adjusts her feet into the stirrups of her horse.

I look back at the cart with the 'goods' stacked and covering a small false bottom with the dragons stashed inside. Helaena is riding on top of it to keep them calm, it's good we did this sooner than later or they would be too big for this. My daughters told me about Eragons dragons and I can't wait to see them myself.

Which now that we are making it out with no problem could be sooner than I was thinking. If we had a tail or were being pursued we would have trouble loading up and getting a ship to the Summer Isles. The main problem is convincing the Blackfyres, but that's looking to not be a problem at this point.

I could be direct and bring it up to them and convince them to join the Targaryen cause relinquishing the Blackfyre cause and name. I could also deceive them and trick them onto the boat to the Summer Isles. Maybe I could even let Eragon himself talk to them and let them come to a deal together to join forces.

Once the Blackfyres are safe and sound and are a part of the Targaryen force the Golden Company has no candidate for the throne to push. They could bend the knee and get scraps or truly earn land in Westeros under the Targaryens or they can give up Westeros. I am hopeful Eragon at least will see the benefits of having the Blackfyres bend the knee and join rather than die. They only want to live and once they give up any 'perceived' claims they are just any other house.

With dragons but I am sure there are ways to fix that problem, such as a Targaryen claiming the dragons once the two girls die. House Velaryon had dragons and was one of Targaryens greatest friends because of them.

Maybe I am being soft, they very well could be a threat but they also are helpless until their dragons are of size. By that point, Eragons dragons will have conquered Westeros and he has more than double the amount the Blackfyres have. That and Jadewing could be claimed by a different Targaryen, maybe one of the babies I have heard is on the way in less than a month's time.

It would go a long way to get in the Targaryen's good graces if they relinquished Jadewing to be claimed by a Targaryen.

But I am getting ahead of myself, I still need to decide whether to tell them the truth or trick them into going to the Summer Isles.


299 AC


Varys Blackfyre


I read the message one more time to make sure I am not seeing things and my heart almost stops.

My Nephew died.

With him dying any chance of putting my sister's son on the throne, a daughter stands no chance with the name Blackfyre. The realm would have to be split and splintered to pieces to accept a Blackfyre as Queen and I just don't see it any time soon. But the part of the message that says the Red Priests did a ritual with his body and his sisters watched makes my blood cold.

I remember that night when that man took my man parts and tossed them into the flames, he needed dragon's blood. The flames confirmed at least I had the blood when a voice answered back we both almost passed out in fear. Well, mine was from having my manhood cut off but I still remember the chill when I heard the voice.

Now my nieces willingly or unwillingly have experienced something much the same, but no word about what happened next. My informant seems unable to get closer after the ritual, which is a bad sign as he is high up in the Golden Company.

If he does not know what happened I can assume the worst, there dead or turned into broodmares for someone to use for sons. Sons they will try to put on the Iron throne, and I do not know if I will support it. My sister's children are one thing, the spawn of my niece's abuser is another thing and I can't trust they won't make things worse.

I will need to wait for more information but if I hear nothing soon I will have to assume the worst happened. I will need to make plans to fix the realm without my Nephew as the main piece, I can't sit by as it falls apart. I long to see my sister's blood on the throne but anyone would be better than who is on it now or will be next.

Robert is a fool who lost all his fire and his son is a menace who will likely declare war on anyone he can find. I can even see him trying to invade Essos, the boy multiple times has talked to girls that my little birds have overheard and spoke of being a conqueror. He longs to become a 'demon' like his father was on the Trident.

But the Targaryens will burn them anyway and without my family and their dragon blood to oppose them it won't matter, the Targaryens will have the throne.

I will need more information from the Summer Isles, Eragon Targaryen looks to be the real future King of Westeros with my nephew dead. If he could be a good king I can look beyond our family's old rivalry and help him mend the realm. Maybe I could even rescue one of my nieces and have her wed him in return for support.

The Targaryens have to keep the blood strong now that the dragons are back so they will marry their kids to each other. Maybe Cirilla or Helaena could have a child with him and it put into the mix, one day returning our blood to the main line of dragon blood. It's not what my sister wanted but it's better than nothing, she would always be a part of the future House of the Dragon.

Who knows, maybe one of them could steal his heart and he names their child his heir. He supposedly has many wives so there is a chance to move my sister's grandkid to the front of the line. I need more information before I humor this any further, but it's a possibility.