
299 AC


Eragon Targaryen


Dragons circling around and people from the villages stand on the shore and even climb over house-sized rocks to get a look at us as we take our first steps onto Dragonstone. The salty taste in the air as waves crash against rocks does little to hide the almost familiar smell in the air. Something I have never before smelled but also smells like something I have smelled a hundred times before fills the air on the beach.

Arrax lands on top of one of the large stones on the beach that looks like it broke off of one of the cliffs and roars loudly. The people don't run or act scared, instead, they cheer with passion in their throaty screams. Some even outright fall to their knees as dragons land around the gathering and sing a song that has long been missing on this island.

I can't help but smile as my heart feels warm at the sight, something about it just feels right.

"We made it." I speak up clearing the air in the small gathering of my family behind me, looking over my shoulder with a wide smile I feel the urge to run ahead but hold myself back.

I want to see every nook and cranny on this island, there won't be a single corner I won't see within time. This is where I was supposed to grow up, I was supposed to explore dangerous cliffs and maybe dark caves. I was never meant for the alleys and canals of Braavos or even the desert of Dorne or jungles of the Summer Isles I have recently taken a liking to. I was meant to grow up on this admittedly bleak-looking rock that for some reason feels full of more life than any place I have ever seen without even so much as a tree in sight.

"Let's go, I am sure you are eager to see the castle and I am ready for a proper bath." Danny speaks up snapping me from my thoughts as I watch one of the smaller dragons harass a small group of children.

"Let's." I smile squeezing my twin's hand as we head for the stone steps carved into the cliffs leading to a long stone bridge.


It is smaller than I was expecting." I can't help but grumble seeing the famed painted table, I thought it was much bigger than this.

"It is giant." Rhaenys speaks up as if she is defending the 'family table' but I just snort.

"Not as big as I thought it would be either." I nod hearing Cirilla agree with me as she stands beside the Vale looking down while tracing the Eyrie carved onto the table.

"Did you expect a table for a Dragon?" My Mother asks with an amused tone.

"No." I respond as I look out at the waves and cliffs from the open wall at the far end of the table. "But the stories make it sound much bigger." My hopes of a mountain of swords melted into a throne are slowly turning from flames to embers as my dream takes a kick to the stones.

"We could have a bigger one made if you really want one." Rhaenyra speaks up trying to be helpful.

"It will do, Kingslanding should fall soon enough anyway if what we have heard is true." The Blackwater Bay is cut off to all who are not on the Targaryen side, the Vale also started sieging Kingslanding with a small force. "We should clean up and rest for today before meeting with those who have camped out in our home waiting for us." Lords and Ladies eager to jump onto our ship are what they are, wanting to side with us as soon as they can.

Not out of old loyalties but instead out of fear if they are too late they don't want a dragon swooping down onto their heads. But their fealty is accepted regardless, but eyes will be on them waiting for one to slip up. We need to set examples like Aegon did with Harrenhal and the best way would be if we catch someone committing treason. Of course, House Baratheon will make for a good example, those in Kingslanding are dead men walking.

But the ones in Storms End are different, I almost hope they are defiant long enough to justify killing them in the eyes of everyone. I want to topple the Stags entirely and ensure their line dies out for good with Storms End being free for whoever we want to put in it. Casterly Rock will likely be the same but that is a different matter as the lions are scattered all over and we do not even know if they still live regardless.

Turning back to the table I slide my hand over it before walking off for the door to find where I will be sleeping. I want to rest off the sea voyage and prepare myself for what is next, long days are ahead.


299 AC


Rhaella Targaryen


I do not think I have ever been as happy as I am now to be on Dragonstone, I always preferred the Red Keep to this dead rock. But now I can't help but feel a sense of belonging after being away for so long, and to have so much of my family with me adds to my joy.

"Hello, little ones." I tickle two fat baby bellies in the nursery that rarely gets used as there are hardly this many Targaryen babes at once.

Most of the time the babes stay in their Mothers room and a servant will tend to them there. But with four babes and hopefully six soon with Aemma eventually bringing Viserra and Daenerys birthing her own we will see it getting a lot of use. I can't help but smile seeing the four babes, Jaehaerys, Daeron, Shaera, and Nymeria who all look tired and ready to sleep. I am certain each of their Mothers will come for them soon after they get cleaned up and find something to eat... but for now, I will enjoy each of them on my own.


299 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


"What do you think about it?" I ask Shiera as we both sit on a stone bench in a very different garden from what I remember as a small kid... maybe I just made up all I remember anyway.

"It might as well be my first time seeing any of this, I do not remember it other than it being dark all of the time." Shiera responds with a faraway look in her eyes and I nudge her side earning a raised silver brow over her blue eye.

"You have not shown any of the excitement everyone else has had since we arrived." She snorts and I spot Tessarion the 'Golden Thief' scratching at one of the dragon statues before hissing at it.

"I am just taking my time to take it all in, it's been a long trip to end up back here and I want to take all of it in slowly. Soon we will head to the Red Keep and... this war will be over once we take the Iron Throne." She smiles but it does not reach her eyes.

"That is if we do not have anyone try to declare independence forcing the war to prolong." I counter and she sighs and I think I know what is eating at her. "The Lannisters." She blows through her lips and I chuckle.

"If I know anything about them they will not bend and even if they wanted to some will have to still pay the price..." Her Father who she does not know, I know she does not love him or anything but it must still be hard to know the man who helped make you is close to death.

"He made a choice." I state firmly and she nods with her eyes meeting my own.

"He did." If he loved Her or Shaena then he would have come to them to help them but instead, he stayed and did his 'duty'.

That duty has put him in the path of the dragons.


299 AC


Rhaenys Targaryen


Walking arm and arm with Visenya we both look over the castle as the light slowly dies down outside. The guards from the Summer Isles have secured the castle along with the help of some of the Dornish force we have kept since we left for the Summer Isles. The night in the castle makes it seem even darker but the flames keeping it lit enough to see make it seem like the mouths of the stone dragons are ready to breathe fire.

"I wonder if Rhaenys and Visenya walked arm in arm like we are now." I look over as I speak up to my sister and she smiles with the light of the flame catching her eyes.

"I am sure they did many things in this castle... from talking about dragons to planning invasions all the way to how they planned to steer their Aegon around." I chuckle and lean my head on her shoulder feeling peace wash over me like only the halls of Sunspear have been able to do in the past.

"I sure hope Aegon is being careful... the fool wanted to run off with Viserys to gain glory in war." I shake my head at our fool brother who could have came with us if he had waited long enough but instead, he got impatient.

He is not the best fighter... he is not a fighter at all if I am honest, but it did not stop him from wanting to storm the Storm Lands. To be there when Storms End falls just like it did in the conquest of Westeros when the old Storm King died in a duel. I just hope he does not get any ideas...


299 AC


Cirilla Blackfyre


Leaning on the edge of a window I look out at Daemeon flying around showing off a fish he caught. His dark scales make him blend in with the castle and the rocks its sits on, perfect for him to sneak up on someone or something.

Speaking of sneaking up...

"I will cut you from balls to brains if you do not step out without me having to come to you." I speak up only to get a chitter of a laugh in response.

"No need for that." A bald-robed man who smells pungent of Essosi Perfume steps out, the very smell having given him away as I almost thought my Father snuck in here with how rich the stink was.

"I suppose there are no balls to cut off regardless." I mutter recognizing my 'uncle' the man famed as a spider.

"Afraid not dear Niece, I wanted to talk to you before I speak with the Targaryens in the morn." I bite my cheek to stop from calling the man a damn fool but I can't jump to conclusions without at least hearing what he wants to say.

But if he is going to say something stupid that puts my Sister and Myself in danger I will make good on splitting him open regardless if he has balls or not.

"Speak." I purposefully soften my tone hoping he will just come out with some evil plan against the red dragons so I can cut him down without any guilt.

I would rather not deal with him at all but he is already here and I need to make sure he does not put Helaena in danger. Worst comes to worst I will kill him or talk to Eragon and have him get Arrax to eat my Uncle. I am sure he would not mind such a death, not many people can claim the honor of being a dragon's food after all.