
299 AC


Eragon Targaryen


"This first Targaryen born at Dragonstone since the two of us." I speak up in a low voice as I look down at Rhaegar Targaryen.

Now I have two sons named after my long passed brothers, it made Mother cry so I know she is happy and Danny always liked the stories of both of them. I think Rhaegar fits for him since he has been the most silent of all of my babes thus far and Mother said Rhaegar was much the same way.

"I wish we had eggs to put in the cradles, even more now that Rhaegar is here." Danny pouts her lips as she shifts uncomfortably on the bed.

"There might still be some somewhere... but they might be 'dead' and I am not so sure about waking them up at the moment. But it won't be too long for the dragons to lay some surely, they are growing like weeds compared to what I have seen in the library. I don't doubt in three years at most we will have more dragons hatching at the latest and some Targaryens have held onto their cradle egg and hatched it nearly at the age of ten or older." I don't think we will have any problems giving the next generation of Targaryens dragons, the problem will be ensuring they don't burn shit with them.

"I know... Arrax and you have already flown four times and soon others will be big enough to ride and fly. The next big step for the dragons is being big enough to mate and lay a clutch of eggs and we now have Dragonstone the perfect location." She looks out the window at the pattering rain on the glass and smiles. "It is not the storm I wanted but it served its purpose." She mutters and then looks back down at the babe with a smile.

"Well the true storm is coming, the raven we received from the Vale forces sieging the city said they have intercepted pleads for help from the Lannister 'Queen'. The common folk have done as predicted and stormed the castle or at least tried and took a good number of the guards with them. We can head in ourselves using the secret tunnels Varys told me about with our own men and take the Red Keep." I am actually kind of glad the traitorous and new-blood Gold Cloaks got butchered freeing me up to recruit new ones and have them trained but more importantly more loyal which will be the real challenge.

"If she is sending for help knowing her ravens are likely going to get intercepted then she is desperate..." Danny groans as she tries to sit up more and I slip my arm around her to help causing her to smile at me. "Not much longer and a Targaryen will sit on the throne again." I smile back while also feeling a bit of hesitation with how things are turning out and worrying about Viserys.

Viserys is at the head of the siege for Storms End where they are not accepting any backing down from Stannis and only want his blood. I can't help but feel torn about it until I remember the man is a Baratheon and push it out of my mind. They seemed to not give to shits about us and if Stannis and his fleet caught us on Dragonstone when we were born we all would have died. That or worse and left to live lives worse than death being used for our blood to further legitimize the Usurper's claim to the throne.

"I am happy but if I am honest I would rather not go to the city known to be a den of traitors and snakes that reeks of piss and shit. Dragonstone is comfortable even with all the dull stone and constantly smoking Dragonmont, I like it here more." I speak my honest thoughts, a city with over a million starving people does not sound like a place I want to be.

Could we not rule from Dragonstone after taking Kingslanding?

Too bad the Iron Throne is in Kingslanding and the image of the King is important and he needs to sit in the pointy chair. I am looking forward to seeing it but not nearly as much as I was my birthplace, we all like it here even the dragons. It will be a shame to leave it to go to a place where we will have to watch our backs every moment.

Even the people of Dragonstone are nice to be around, they are kind and caring offering a never-ending supply of fish to the dragons. But I suspect the people of Kingslanding will only come with problems and complaints once the Usurpers line has been dealt with.

"It will be fine, everything will work out." Danny speaks up in a voice full of resolve unfit for someone who just went through half a day of labor and should be asleep. "We will make it work or we will make a change, either way, everything will be fine in the end." I smile and rub my forehead against hers as the baby starts to get a bit fussy.

"Well, he might turn out to be the biggest of all of my children if he keeps eating so much..." I mutter as I look at Rhaegar wondering if he will grow faster with how much he eats. "Only Viserra eats as much as him but that's according to her Mother since we have not seen her in person yet." My anticipation is building for that meeting, she will be brought once the capital is taken.

So there is at least that to look forward to when taking the horrendous city... I need to make sure to tighten down on security as soon as arriving. The secret tunnels Varys told us about that we will use will be dealt with either by barring them off or collapsing them. There is no telling who knows about them or who he has told and I refuse to find a spy in my walls. I will have the place searched as well as I can to find more to deal with, I won't be caught unaware.


299 AC


Cersei Lannister


They have Jamie and are waving him around like a prize in chains!

How could Father allow them to capture his son while he runs off to the Westerlands, fuck the Squids. The damn Iron Born can have the Westerlands castles when we can hold Kingslanding instead. But instead, he tucks his tail and runs leaving behind his son and now forcing my hand in many ways. I can't let them continue what they are doing without repercussion.

"Take the women to the walls, hang ten of them for every hour my Brother remains a prisoner." The beast of a man covered in scars nods and heads for the door without a word making me smile.

They can play their game, I will play my own.

The hate will spread to the illustrious knights of the Vale and all of their high honor if they do not put a stop to the deaths by handing over my Brother. Then when he is by my side we can figure out how to fix this situation and kill all of our enemies. The traitors will all die and even my Father will have to pay for abandoning the both of us. All in favor of his legacy in the form of his Grandchildren Jaime spit out and let the old lion raise.

Mother will understand, she is likely furious with Father all on her own and he will face her wroth as well.

But I can't help but grit my teeth at the news from the Stormlands, Stannis cramped in Storms End doing nothing but hiding as he did in the rebellion. For such a famed commander he has done nothing in the two biggest wars in all of his life, quite pathetic. I wanted him to carve down the Dornish and maybe kill the Targaryen sitting outside his castle. Viserys Targaryen, the one that was supposed to be crowned if they won.

But it does not look that way anymore... instead, it looks like the younger is aiming for the crown. A new Dance of Dragons will be born from the conflict no doubt, and the people will see how foolish it was to trust the beautiful Targaryens.

For all their beauty they are a destructive force like a storm wherever they go and soon they will come for me and my Son. I need to be ready for that time even if Jaime is not rescued, we need to survive no matter the cost. I won't see everything I have done thrown out because the men in my life are all fools. I should have been the one with the cock and it would have been me on the throne and not Robert.

I would have found the Targaryens as well and put them to the sword instead of boasting about slaying the dragons. I brought it up time and time again and he would only say it will happen when it happens and I need to stop whinging.

Shaking my head I lift the cup of wine to my lips and take a drink as my eyes go to the window to see the burning buildings as the city revolts.


299 AC

Outside of Kingslanding

Jaime Lannister


"They hung twenty women so far, all on the orders of your bitch sister wanting you to be set free." The guard kicks the cage I am in and I scrunch my nose as I bite back a retort.

I am not at fault for my sister's actions, the crazy bitch will do what she wants and there is nothing I can do to stop her. Especially out here in chains and inside of a cage, so those women who died are not on my hands. He can't make me feel bad for them when I am not even capable of helping them to begin with, so best to stay silent and avoid annoying banter.

"I think the only way to avoid more girls from hanging from the walls is to send the head of this lion to the lioness in her den. Then she might stop... or she could just kill everyone she was planning to hang immediately." I hear another guard speak up and find myself nodding along with his assessment.

Somehow that man knows my Sister better than anyone else I have heard in discussions about her in the last week or so. She is cruel and would lash out at seeing my head which would defeat the point of taking my head, to begin with.

"I heard the Dragons are planning to sail soon." I look up to see who said that with curiosity starting to boil away in my gut.

Will 'they' be showing up?

I sure hope I don't look like this if they do... would be a poor sight to see.

"The Velaryons and Celtigars already have some ships out in the Blackwater making sure not even an oar boat leaves the city. The Targaryens have a clear path to take the city with minimal blood spilled the way things stand." I close my eyes letting my head slump as those words sink in.

A mix of emotions but the main one being concern for all the people I care about being in danger. A strong desire to just see the ones I give a shit about surviving is the main thought in my mind but I can't do anything from here. I am just a lion stuck in a cage to be looked upon and jeered at as the prize I no doubt am. I will likely be presented to the Targaryens if I am not dead before they arrive and honestly, that does not even sound all that bad.

After everything I did, I have no doubt I will be shown some small amount of mercy, but I might also be able to see who I have longed to see. Which will be more a reward than embarrassment even if I am still covered in filth and looking war-torn.