
299 AC


Eragon Targaryen


Looking at my bed through the open door from the washroom I can't help but feel amused at the sight before me. Setting my feet up on the edge of the tub I enjoy the steaming hot water as I see Ciri wake up buried under breasts and wrapped in tight embraces. Her panic-filled eyes widen and she wiggles a little earning herself some dissatisfied moans and groans.

"Good luck." I speak up loud enough to be heard but hopefully not loud enough to wake any of the She Dragons in the bed.

Ciri manages to get Visenyas breast off of her and lifts her head to look toward me, her almost pleading look only brings a larger smile to my face. I shake my head and lean back into the tub letting the hot water ease the ache in my lower back. They put me to work last night like an expensive whore, I was slapping cheeks and slicking slits like my life depended upon it. The newest addition was scared of all the attention so she practically melded to my side trying to 'stay safe'.

Thus I had to fight off the evil She Dragons to defend the Silver-haired woman... and I paid a heavy price.

"Please." A whisper on the wind hits my ears and I crack open an eye to see Ciri getting her head pulled back against the breasts of my Northern-colored Queen.

I purse my lips and debate internally if it is worth getting out and potentially pissing off the no doubt blissfully sleeping Queens. Bouncing my head side to side I remember the flushed and heated look Ciri had on her face the last time I carried her off into a bath. The memory is enough for me to stand and fight off a real dragon so I rise and step out of the tub making quick strides toward the bedroom and my prize.

Ciri makes a confused noise as I grab both her feet and pull her from the dangerous grip of Dragons on the bed. Realizing what is happening she grins and sits up slowly after being freed, a thankful look on her face. But it does not last long as it turns to confusion as I slip an arm under her knees and one behind her shoulder and lift her.

"What are your doi- oh." She quickly figures out my motive for rescuing her and turns to lightly bite my shoulder after huffing at me.

Stepping back into the tub my legs almost give out as one of her hands goes low and her tongue lashes across my neck...

Maybe it was not wise to let her take 'lessons' last night...


299 AC


Cersei Lannister


Walking into the Throne room both the North and South side of the room are packed filled with witnesses for this trial. I am allowed to walk without chains but the two Summer Islanders behind me have their weapons ready to strike me down at a moment's notice. Neither so much as blinked when I tried to seduce an escape attempt out of them, just like the other guards who stood at my cell.

The 'Regent' must have sent cockless men to watch me knowing of my beauty.

Thinking about the Regent my eyes go to the bottom of the throne, many chairs are set at the foot of the throne with the various whore Queens of the regent. All of them dressed in beautiful gowns trying to hide the truth of the nasty form they have under them. They are sinful creatures who came to cast me down, they will all fail when the truth comes out. That I am the true Queen as I have been since my Father told me I was to wed the King of Westeros.

My eyes lock onto the belly of one of the 'Queens' and I spot the small bump her hands cradle. My eyes travel up and I almost growl seeing the blue and green eyes framed with the silver-gold hair. Undeniably the mix of Lannister and Targaryen, my fool of a Brothers bastard Daughter who was raised to a Targaryen and made a false Queen. She is what my Daughters would have looked like if the Mad King Aerys did not deny my Husband from me. Rhaegar and I would have had as many children as the Great Queen and Old King, all of them as beautiful or more than this... 'Shiera'.

Various Vale Lords and Reach Lords stand on either side with most of the Crownland Lords standing mixed among them. I see no Dornish or Stormland Lords or Ladies clueing me into the state of things, at least more than I knew before leaving my black cell. Thankfully I was allowed a wash before coming to stand before all these people or I would still be covered in the filth of the cell.

"Lady Cersei Lannister of Casterly Rock, you stand before Regent Eragon Targaryen the King of the Summer Kingdom and the man who will judge you of your crimes." A man on the side wearing black armor with a red dragon sigil on his chest steps forward announcing to everyone my and the regent's name, I can't help but look toward the top of the throne.

No matter how many times I see him, he has looked like Rhaegar each time.

The same hair and eyes without any difference between the two, but the face is a bit different in that Rhaegar was always sad looking and Eragon almost always seems amused. I am sure I could have made Rhaegar this happy looking, I could have changed the dour man into a satisfied one. I would have given him everything he needed and he would have never needed to seek out the wolf bitch.

Elia was a waste, she had everything but could not keep Rhaegar in her hands and everything went to shit for them. I doubt it would have happened either if instead of the wolf bitch Rhaegar had sought me out. I would have played nice with Elia until things calmed down and then I would have had her and her spawn dealt with. I could have brought peace to the whole realm with just my cunt and without any blood spilled other than my maidenhead.

I would have kept the younger Targaryens in line as well, obviously, their Mother could not. Just looking at them all and knowing they are in some monster of a marriage of so many people is... odd. I could have gotten them all proper marriages and secured House Targaryens rule for the next thousand years while ensuring House Lannister was the Right Hand of the Kings for all that time as well.

The Velaryons failed to keep up with the House of the Dragons but House Lannister could keep as a close ally without faltering. We have the gold and manpower unlike the Lord of Driftmark who only ever has gold when someone sails across the world every few generations. Things could have been perfect, we could have had everything while also having peace...

"-how do you plead?" I see the mouth of the Regent moving but only hear the last of his words, I blink in confusion before steadying myself.

"Not guilty." I smile even as the crowd starts mumbling, the regent joins me with a wide smile of his own.

"You say that you are not guilty of supporting the usurper and his House?" He shakes his head chuckling lightly. "I must have the wrong woman then, is this not the Cersei Lannister who was married to Robot Baratheon for the majority of my life?" He asks and gets 'ayes' and 'she is the one' from the crowd making me bite my lips.

I should have been paying attention, now I look like a fool.

"Sorry your Grace, I was lost in thought and misheard your question." He nods and leans forward with a curious look in his eyes.

"Thinking about how I plan to kill you?" He asks sending a wave of whispers through the witnesses and a chill down my back along with them.

"N-No, I was not-t." I chew on my cheeks as he hums loudly, a shadow passes over the window behind him with the distant sound of leathery wings flapping.

"Humor me." He commands while sitting against the throne of swords like a true Dragon King with dragons flying around to be seen from the windows.

"Humor you?" Does he want me to act a fool some more for his amusement?!

I am willing to suck and fuck my way to keeping my life and secure a hold over the young man's heart... but I will not dance like a monkey for his amusement.

"Tell me of your thoughts that are so important you ignore me charging you with treason against the Rightful rulers of Westeros." The room goes silent and the curious looks on the dragons flying around turn to me as I shift in place.

Do I tell him that I was thinking about a time when things could have been perfect and no war needed to be fought should I have married his dead Brother? Do I tell him how I thought about being a gardener of House Targaryen and ensuring its power grew to new heights? I am sure he would love to hear how I planned to have ten daughters more beautiful than his wives.

I likely would have had to end Eragon before he could have stolen their chastity with how easily he has acquired a following of wives. That or I would have been the one to deal with his lusts myself in my free time, I am sure he would have enjoyed that.

"I was just thinking about how things went wrong... all because of the Mad King denying the marriage between our Houses." Gasps are heard around the room as the Regent raises a silver brow. "If I had wed Rhaegar none of any of this would have happened, there would have been no rebellion or any war during my life." I respond confidently as the Regent looks down at me in surprise.

My words seem to have taken everyone by surprise but no one is denying them making me raise my chin and feel light in my heart. They know it's the truth, if Aerys did not go mad and engaged his Son to his friend's Daughter... everything would be better.

"I see." Eragon responds while shaking his head, he sighs as he adjusts his grip upon the sword I know is rightfully House Lannisters. "Is that all you have on your mind, if you have nothing to say in your defense then I will pass the sentence." My heart pounds in my chest as he looks down upon me with a distant look.

"What?" I ask as I am filled with confusion.

This is the trail, a quick trail obviously with the intent to kill me with zero real chance of getting away innocent? The look in his eye is all the answer I need as my guts stir and I try to make words but fumble. Gripping the edge of the raised wooden platform I am standing on I lean forward trying to call out for real justice.

"T-Trial by combat!" I choke out the words and if I am not mistaken a look of glee passes over the regent's face before it vanishes.

"As is your right as a Lady of a Nobel house, you will be allowed to defend yourself or call for a champion. But the trial will be finished today, you will walk away an innocent woman or you will lose your head." He stops and looks around the room as my head starts spinning. "Is there anyone who would like to be the champion for the Lady... if not I will have to cut her down myself and that would be in poor taste." I look around wildly with hope blooming in my chest but everyone avoids my eyes.

"Gold, I will give your weight in gold if you defend me!" I shout looking around but no one looks toward me and instead watches the dragons outside the window or look toward the Regent, all except the Queen of Thorns who is watching me with a stony face. "My Brother will defend me!" I scream looking toward the throne, my eyes unable to look at the mask of Rhaegar.

Please Jaime... please.