
299 AC


Eragon Targaryen


"I suppose now is as good a time as any, Aemma is on the way with Viserra so I suppose we can have the babes on Dragonstone brought to the Red Keep." I finish writing the letter to Tywin should it even reach the old man before he falls out dead to an Iron Born attack. "I also am missing my little ones deeply, it will be nice to have them closer than across the Black Water." I set the letter down after sealing it with a Targaryen sigil, I will put it with the box heading to the Westerlands with Cersei's head after sending off a raven to Dragonstone.

"I agree, it will be nice to have the babes nearby again, I miss smelling their scent already." I look at Visenya oddly as she smiles lightly lost in thought after her words.

"Is that... are you sure you are not actually a wolf?" I ask in a joking manner as I look toward the Dire wolf who is panting on the side because of the heat in my Solar, the poor furry thing.

"Babies smell good... most of the time at least." Rhaenys is quick to agree with her Sister even though she smiles at my joke that gets an annoyed look from the Dragon-Wolf Queen.

"Well if they smell so good then you can sniff them all you want once they arrive, I doubt it will take long once the raven arrives at Dragonstone." I wave off their odd habits of sniffing the babes, I might or might not agree with them after all.

They do not need to know that though.

"When do you think we will start seeing other Lords and Ladies and not just the scheming Reachmen?" I smile hearing the annoyance in Dannys voice, she did not like what we heard from a serving woman who came and reported to us.

The Tyrells seem to be planning something, she did not hear fully but she swears she heard them talking with the 'Spider'. Honestly, it's easy to guess what they are planning, the constant curious looks from the Golden Rose are easy to read. The little maiden is years too early to think I did not notice her observing me far closer than even the most bawdy of Ladies who are arriving from all of Westeros.

She seems to have some confidence, like she is at the market and checking if a fruit is spoiled or not. I almost am tempted to play a little prank on her, but I do not want to give the Tyrells anything to use against me. Even the smallest of things can be dragged around and made into a big deal when you have someone as dramatic as Lord Tyrell and his seemingly always-in-motion mouth.

Either chewing or talking, one or the other, and sometimes both, but he is always using that mouth of his for something. It's no surprise he is large enough to feed half of Flea Bottom with how much he eats, if Winter ever hits hard enough and there is a food shortage I know who is getting tossed to the Dragons first.

"The North and Riverlands are hot on the heels of the Westerlands, the Westerlands are either cutting their loses with the Lannisters or helping to fight off the Iron born who are reaping and raving across the Westerlands." Bouncing my head side to side I almost scowl remembering what Varys told me about Viserys, I wish it was not true but I almost can't deny it based on how well I know my Brother. "Viserys is still rallying a force in the Stormlands, Dorne is with him but I have gotten word from multiple Dornish Lords and Prince Doran and they are ready to send their men back to rest and bend the knee to put to rest this 'Reclamation of the Kingdoms'. The Vale Lords are almost all here except Aemma who is on the way but had to avoid the Mountain clans who kicked up a fuss." I actually do scowl remembering how she told me using the candle that the Mountain clans had a plan to kill her and steal my Daughter to try and claim the Eyrie and the Vale.

I was moments from mounting my Dragon and flying over to end those wild beasts, they can squat in their caves all they want but if they threaten my family they are as good as dead. But for now that can wait until everything stabilizes and I have free time to hunt them all down, I will burn them out root and stem if they won't bend the knee finally putting to rest their savage ways. Many other Kings have been fine with their antics in the Vale, but I will not, they are a threat to all of the Vale Lords and I won't let my sweet Daughter I have never even held have to one day deal with them.

"That leaves a few Crownland Lords who are sure to be on the way, everyone else is either here or busy at war." I nod at Danny's words as I purse my lips wondering if I should fly off to help end the Lannisters.

I am sending a 'gift' to Tywin but it might not be necessary if I just fly out and try and find him myself. I can give him the gift of death by fire that the last Lannister King barely avoided on the field against Aegon and his Sister-wives.

"Do you think a Great Council will be summoned?" Nata asks as she runs a hand over her toned stomach that seems to be showing the promising sign of a baby bump that matches Shieras in size if not only a little smaller.

"Hopefully not, I am confident if it was called I am the one the Lords would vote for." I shake my head but am glad to not see any disapproving looks from my wives.

At first, they misliked my decision of not wanting the Iron Throne, but it's binding and will trap me and them here and that is not what I want. Essos calls and I know a threat is coming to match the boon I was given by R'hllor, I can complain all I want but at the end of the day, I picked this path. I need to gather even more men to our side to face the coming 'darkness' and I see an easy path to do that in Essos and freeing the slaves. Volantis is almost free to claim at this point, I am praised by almost the entire city as their 'hero' even though I have done nothing for them.

I do not plan to walk in with my guard down, but Volantis is a good place to start to both start a foundation in Essos and to rally like-minded individuals to my cause. If I am stuck in Westeros being King then I can not do that, I would much rather focus on saving all of life than playing the Game of Thrones.

But... Viserys is not where he needs to be to be a good King.

That much is abundantly clear, he won't even trust me enough to head here and claim the throne. It shows his mistrust and paranoia are still as strong as ever, traits that lead our Father down a dark path and made him mad. But at least our Father had some good reasons, the more I learn the less I hate the man even though I can blame him for most of the horrible things in my life.

I mean Duskendale alone would have sent many men to an early grave in madness and hatred. The Game of Thrones on top of that was just too much, and he had always been a poor player at the game. Tywin as his hand shined like the moon in comparison to my Father as King who was a best a dim star next to the Lion of Casterly Rock. It truly is a shame that they both fell out and became at odds with one another, all over some blonde cunt as well.

Tywin was likely one of the best Hand of the King to ever wear the badge, he even paid a debt to the Iron Bank out of his own pockets to help my Father. He might as well have been the Master of Coin as well as the Hand of the King and that is something I can respect as not only the Crown's coffers were full but even his own regardless of my father's spending problems.

"Damn, I just remembered we still need to pick a proper Master of Coin if the Tyrells are going to be playing games and untrustworthy." I sigh slumping into my chair, my Wives have taken to helping with 'council matters' but we need proper badge-wearing members of the council at some point.

"I think Lord Redwyne could be a decent choice." Shiera sits up, her mismatched eyes ablaze as she finally gets to talk about all the digging she has done into learning about the various Reach Lords.

Even with her stomach flipping and turning and her feeling sick she took up the duty of meeting and greeting as many Reach Lords as possible. Small meetings with their Wives and Daughters mainly, to have some small snacks and drinks with them and hear about their home life. She has taken an interest in House Redwyne and their desire for support against the Iron Born as well as the like-minded House Hewett.

Shiera even took a handmaiden in the form of Lord Hewett's bastard Daughter Falia Flowers. A woman roughly our age that I was told to never be alone within a room, something about her being too tempting of a sight. I admit she has some massive breasts but I am not that much of a... never mind who am I trying to lie to.

Being honest with myself is the only way to be unless I want to fall into denial, and I know I would rut that bastard into the floor if given the chance.

"Let's take an early lunch, I am feeling quite starved." I stand up shaking my head making sure to grab the letter that will be sent with Cersei's head.

Wrapping my arm around Shiera as she stands up with a bit of a grimace I smile encouragingly as she pinches my side. A knowing look on her face as she eyes me with her mismatched eyes as if she was able to hear my thoughts. But she does not speak up and instead lets me support her as we head for the door of my Solar.

My thoughts drift from the soon-to-be-had meal and the big-chested bastard from the Reach to my children who will be here soon. I will have to send the raven after the meal but they should be here sometime tomorrow at the earliest and it sends joy through me. I look forward to showing all of them the skulls that are being brought out from the dungeons.

It will be quite the sight to show them Balerion and see if they can understand what they are looking at. They love to see the dragons fly around and spit flames, to see a skull the size of an elephant will surely be something they enjoy. I know I am looking forward to seeing the skulls brought out into the light and cleaned up to show off to the court.

I can't wait to see all of their faces when they see Balerion's skull and know deep down that there will be dragons chasing after his size soon enough.