Chapter 9: Negotiations begins and Progress.

During the first of man United first game against Brighton, looking at the way the match is going and looking at the score, there is not much to write home about. I turn to my assistant, "hey how is the plan moving on the side of the consultants company".

We bought almost all man United shares outside after all the price we are offering is too great to be declined.

And that adds up to how many percent of the total shares. I ask.

Well it's about 21% plus a bit, she replies.

Oh that's not enough to take the club back to the stock market, I noticed.

Yes, it's not. But according to the initial contact they are planning to sell about twenty percent to thirty percent of the shares to raise fund for their company in USA seems like it has some problem that needs cash.

Hahaha, seems even God is helping me, we have not even started our plan yet they need help, after we hit them hard they would come crawling for more money.

Agree to them it's not like it will be enough after we kick start our plans against them. I say.

Wait on what is their valuation. I ask

5 billion dollars and to be paid once.

Agree to them, no problem. It's close to our valuation as well.

And I hope they do not know that we own 21% of the club already, that might complicate matters and make them feel we want to steal the club from them. I explain.

Even though it is true, she jokes, but don't worry it is bought under three different shell companies, one in USA, one in India and one in Canada.

That's great, well help me contact an influential newspaper here in the next two weeks and use them to get closer to other newspaper, we will put pressure on them and make them hate this club and believe we don't appreciate them. And always interview those #Glazers out activists.

Okay no problem, sir. She responds.

Let's leave here nothing to watch, I stand up to leave.


Good day Mr. Joel Glazers, Our company is interested in buying the shares you have for sale, I begin. I am surrounded by my team consisting of 16 people.

Oh and why is that, is it not better to buy a smaller club and build it up like Newcastle owners, Chelsea owner and Man City owners did. Mr. Joel Glazers asks.

Well we plan on buying a big club for advertisement purpose while not taking part too much in the running so as not to affect the club since we are not used to running a club. We don't even care if it makes profit, just remain high-profile. I explain.

Oh okay, lets leave the negotiations to our subordinates and go talk, I heard this hotel spa is very good, he invites me.

Behind my back, thinking I did not see it he made a slaughter gesture to his subordinates before taking me away.


Well what do you think of the current man United, he asks trying to boast thinking me an half fan.

Well they are the biggest club in England. I try to flatter, while keeping my facial expressions under control.

He smiles from ear to ear, not that great! not that great!! he says, just ab it better than it's rival which keeps getting much and that's why we are selling part of the shares to raise money and keep our competitiveness at the top.

Oh that's great, seems like I am doing business with a responsible person.

Two hours and some flattering later, I leave and being under that guise that I am just a general manager at our company, I decided to go down to see how far, and on getting there I can see they are rounding up.

How has it been well great and we are almost through just hashing out some details and that's all.

Later I met my team alone to look at the transaction details, wow how did you manage to cheat those little vampire to sell 25% at $1,000,000,000. I was expecting 20% at that price.

Well we learned from the best, and that's you, Ibrahim flatters.

Flattering would get you everywhere and to celebrate, tonight all bills on me. I say.

"And then transfer it to the company's account, I thought we are getting cars like Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz and the likes". Aisha grumbles.

"When Man United is mine, a car for you all". I announce.

Hurray, they all shout.