Chapter 34

You can count on an answer from me saying "Me, too." The two of us lock lips.

As soon as we reach the bedroom, William helps me into bed and lays me down. If you were my, you'd never leave the house without a cute outfit like this. When he does this, he lifts the cloth just enough to expose my pussy. How knowing there's nothing preventing me from being within you drives me mad, you have no clue.

That's right? As I support myself on my elbows, he undresses. Without the slightest bit of embarrassment, I admit that I sometimes jiggle my shoulders to make the straps fall off and reveal my breasts. I saw it as you calling me a slut for wearing this way.

It's you. My li'l whore. He disrobes down to his underwear and comes over to me. I'd kill you, Lisa. If you want to go somewhere, go there. "Let's see how long we can go till I'm up your skirt."