Ready To Kick Off!

Strangely though, after the gaze of Zhou Mei fell on Xiao Ming's starry eyes directly, she shied and quickly turned away.

She did so to conceal the blush on her face after being caught looking at someone in such a direct manner.

It wasn't because she was falling for Xiao Ming but only because it was inappropriate to stare at people in such a manner especially if the other party was a stranger and the opposite sex.

Just like now, it could send the wrong messages and signals to the other party but as a cultivator, she immediately regained her composure and her look turned cold but not in the direction of Xiao Ming.

As time went on, more and more people continued discussing about the Zhou family and especially about Zhou Mei.

"The Bright Sun City's Ming Clan has arrived…" a voice room the audience exclaimed as a group of disciples stepped forward.

Each disciple which included male and female wore faint golden daoist robes.