News Of Ice Empress Bing's Inheritance

The Drakon's eyes lost their light, and its trembling body made it clear that it was petrified beyond doubt.

The aura radiating from Fan Yin was too towering and insidious, leaving the beast with no illusions about its chances of escape.

Its wings flapped weakly, but it remained in the same spot, weighing its options in a desperate bid for survival. Sadly, the trail was too tight, and there was no hope for it.

The only path left was to fly higher, but even that seemed futile.

The Crimsonflame Sky Drakon flared its wings wide in a desperate bid to escape. Its body, riddled with frost and wounds, radiated dwindling heat as molten blood trickled from its injuries.

With a primitive roar, it surged upwards, forcing its waning life force into one final effort. The air around it shimmered with residual flames, but its movements were sluggish, its strength nearly spent.