WebNovelThe Scion11.50%

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

In the middle of the night, Haella was lying in bed, feeling her chest and arm covered with bandages and the smell of herbal medicine still lingered on her skin. The sounds of people talking woke her up, and she tilted her head to see the room area and suddenly saw a familiar face sitting on her left side, Krysha, who asked her what was happening. Krysha hugged Haella and cried, asking her to forgive them for leaving them to die,

the Dwarf Beor was also with Krysha, however, he was too ashamed to enter the room, so he remained outside and was in the town bar at that moment drinking his shame away, Haella held Krysha's face and stared into her eyes and insisted that it was her order to escape and to stay alive, Haella stroked Krysha's back and told her it was alright.

she saw tears in Haella's eyes when she recalled what happened to her other teammates at the hands of a Black Feral, which caused both of them to cry harder, Haella wipe the tears from her eyes and just told Krysha that they should accept this situation because the moment they register to be a hired hunter, their life was already forfeited by fate,

surviving this kind of profession was a risk that they all agreed upon,

Krysha told Haella that she has been asleep for 3 days and further explained that the two of them went back as some as they felt the guilt of leaving them, and what they saw made their heart drop because the Black Feral that instantly killed their fellow hunters was being barraged with a battle mace with tremendous power by a person with an aura and physical form of a teen boy.

while the other person who was also hiding their face just stood and watch him mutilate the black feral, and after the intense attack that killed the beast, she clearly heard the young man's voice, and the other was either his mentor or family member, the cloak that was covering each of their body was lacking in so many ways, Krysha 100 per cent sure that two was a woman and a teenage boy maybe around 15 years old, observing at the way he talks and move, and by seeing the black Feral was powerless to even scratch their clothing, their power level might be above the 2 digit number.

Haelle gave out a deep sigh, and ask Krysha about the remains of Spike, Andarr, and Armond, Krysha ensure that they were buried in the town cemetery and were given full honour as the residents gave their respect toward the fallen hunters, because just assumed that the ones who killed that monster was part of our group and sacrifice their life to save the town residence from the black feral onslaught.

"so why it is so noisy outside?"

"Oh, that! the town mayor receives news that The Empire Regent of Sheol finally answered this town's request for military assistance,"

"' letter from the Viscountess Hilas Ugrihron of Ivlares city, will send one of her loyal subjects with a platoon of warriors that will reside, and protect the town."

"This means we are no longer needed!"

"Sadly yes."

" We just need to start again from zero, build a new team and honour our fallen comrades by surviving, Isn't that so?; Right? Krysha?"

"true! it is really tragic to lose them in this manner, but this is what we hunters do."

A rough voice was heard saying, "I'm sorry," as the door creaked and slowly opened.

"Can I still be part of this team?"

a figure of a dwarf was standing at the open door looking ashamed and sad as he waits for his leader's reply,

"I don't think you did anything wrong, my axe-wielding brave dwarf comrade."

the muscular 4-foot bearded man that was carrying a huge battle axe as big as his own body was now crying, everything was settling and their feeling was now at peace and have accepted the pain and they are now learning to move on,

but what remained in Haella's mind was the two beings who help kill the Black Feral, even though, what if she asks the two unknown warriors to be part of their group?

at the same time

"Both of you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly out, core braced, and chest up, hips back, knees bent, hand and arms extended in front of your faces!"

"teacher is so mean!"

"sigh! really! as a queen and a mother seem different, but are not!"

Trazgallen punishes both Allatou and Ramiel for exposing their very presence in the public eye, the gossip that reached the ears of the Duke was already enough to put them at ease and unworried in life.

because Trazgallen was the one who spread that gossip by using small demon rat-like critters called blabbermouth, which loves to spread false information to create panic and fear, these emotions are these creatures' favourite pleasures in life, so in doing this they can enter any homes and steal whatever they want,

"All of my hard work will be ruined now because you two can't control your battle frenzy feelings."

"ah! wait! teacher what do you mean gossip, and what about the blabbermouth thing?"

"Ahem! I was also wondering about that! can my old mentor elaborate on the details further?"

"Ah! ok let me explain my queen, can master Ramiel graciously give us some privacy,"

"oh! of course teacher, kindly excuse me."

"as I was about to explain to her highness,"

"When master Ramiel gain a physical body, the energy that surged outward was the same frequency as the queen, so I planned to deceive the Duke in thinking that the queen took her own life after the death of her son because Duke will surely feel that particular energy surge that came from the forsaken land could only come from the queens,

"so to alleviate their situation and create a scenario where the Dukes clan and associates will no longer harbour any schemes to overthrow the current queen, that is now dead,"

"they will surely send royal inquisitors to confirm this, but it will take the same time to get here from the royal capital, as we all know the enchantment for a transfer gate and instant teleportation has been lost and forgotten."

"and because the 10-hectare open land that they currently staying was reformed and changes were made as the roots of the sacred tree adapt and covered the barrier and now became its dome, and a hidden gate that for unknown reasons can only be accessed by the three of us. confirming this will just fall on deaf ears ."

" ah! so that is why! you are upset!"

with all of these sudden changes, was a wonderful thing that landed on his lap and was the best cause of action with the best possible outcome

so within 34 days, stories about the queen's suicide spread everywhere, The Empire of Sheol even held a funeral to honour the late queen, and Trazgallen even saw that there were hundreds of thousands of her subjects were devastated to see her lifeless corpse, as nobles paraded the queen's dead body for everyone to see.

"what the hell! ME! DEAD!"

" wait! wait!"

"Surely this means we no longer have to stay here?"

"We can finally travel freely wherever we want now!"

"as his teacher, I knew this would eventually happen, but I was still hoping

to teach master Ramiel more about casting powerful spells."

" mother, we really don't need to move or leave this place, this is our home."

" knowing that we can travel farther now, doesn't mean we will leave everything behind."

"Travelling with family is always exciting and fun, but when the day ends, resting in the comfort of our home will always be more memorable and special."

" so after considering all these things."

" as your teacher, I would like to request three things before travelling outside the forsaken land."

"First, master Ramiel need to master the spells that I will teach him including the transfer gate spell."

"ah! so the teacher is saying, we can go back here anytime whenever we want!"

"teacher is so! cool!"

"Second! master Ramiel will train twice as much in the art of fighting and other lessons within seven days"

"and last! both of you can only leave this place if you both separately can land a physical hit on my body."

the mother and son both said "we both agree! we start tomorrow morning!"