Newsletter from Supreme House

When it was time for Dr. Bentley and Sean Devitt to leave, Alec assigned a group of royal guards to escort the two and guard them while they worked at the council laboratory.

Alec suggested that they should work in the royal laboratory and stay in the castle while working on the antidote to ensure their safety, but Dr. Bentley insisted that it wouldn't be convenient for him.

Dr. Bentley had so many things in his laboratory that it would be inconvenient to bring them all over. He also pointed out that he wouldn't be comfortable working in a different laboratory because he organized his things in such a way that they couldn't be disarrayed, otherwise, it would take him time to arrange them.

Pulling out her gloves, Lauren picked up the teacup with both hands. Her pale hands held the hot teacup. The warmth relieved her hands from the cold as she stood by the window of Alec's office.