Chapter 1

Today was like any other day in the Potter house, everyone was busy with either projects, training, or work, and being summer vacation meant that both Hope and Morgan had a lot of free time now.

It's been a few days since Harry left with Luna, Susan, and Hermione to another world and that meant that these little girls were bored, Harry being their favorite person in the world and not being here left them feeling a bit lonely as well.

They had already finished all of their homework too, it was too easy for beings like them to spend too much time on it, especially since they could Manipulate Time thanks to Harry.

So now they had nothing else to do while everyone else in the house was too busy, Hope and Morgan were sitting outside in the backyard under a tree while watching the clouds pass by.

Hope Potter, daughter of Harry Potter and both the X-men Jean Grey and Ereshkigal Goddess of Death, boredly sighed and then turned towards her best friend Morgan Stark daughter of the famous Tony Stark aka Ironman and Pepper Stark, and spoke "Morgan I miss daddy...".

Morgan turned her head towards Hope and nodded "I miss Uncle Harry too, it's so boring without him here... you know? I think this is the first time I've been so far from him".

Hope hummed and nodded "You're right, you and I have been with daddy from the moment we were born, especially you, I was there when you came to this world to Morgan".

Hope smiled as she remembered the day Harry came to her with Morgan in his arms and told her that she was a big sister now and that she had to protect her little sister, this is the reason Hope stopped herself from aging so she could be at Morgan's side and grow together.

Morgan turned towards Hope and smiled while blushing a little bit "... you're the best big sister ever Hope...".

Hope turned her gaze towards Morgan and then patted her head "It has been so much fun growing up with you Morgan, we've seen a lot huh?".

Morgan giggled and then stood up and twirled around around "We really have! Aliens, Superheroes, Gods, Monsters, Dragons!, Devils, Angels, Yokai, Digimon, and so much more! but it still doesn't come close to what uncle Harry has seen, sometimes I wonder what else has he seen and all the adventures he has had!".

Hope giggled at her best friend/little sister sharing her excitement "Yeah me too! Just listening to his stories seems so amazing".

Both girls then smiled at each other but then they heard the back door open, both turned towards it and brightly smiled as they saw Himawari look around for a second until she saw them.

Himawari then gave them a bright and wide smile and suddenly took off running towards them, both Morgan and Hope waved at her friend happy to see her, Himawari then stopped right beside them "Hey guys! What are you doing?".

Morgan grinned at Himawari, a grin very similar to her father "We were talking about what sort of things uncle Harry must have seen in all his life and the adventures he must have had!".

Himawari nodded "Oh~ I love it when uncle Harry tells me stories about his adventures! I wish I could go have adventures too!".

Morgan excitedly nodded in agreement but Hope suddenly stood up and pointed at Himawari causing the young Uzumaki to jump in surprise "That's it Hima! we should go on our own adventures! You're a genius!".

Himawari tilted her head and closed her eyes making her look like a fox "I am?".

Morgan giggled at the face Himawari was making, she looked just like father Naruto like that, which made Morgan grab hold of Himawari's cheeks and rubbed them causing the young Uzumaki to begin to laugh "Hehehe Morgan! That tickles!".

Hope laughed at her friends and shook her head "Guys listen! I have a great idea thanks to Hima!".

Morgan stopped rubbing Himawari's cheeks and both turned to look toward Hope, Morgan was the one who decided to ask what Hope meant "An idea? About what?".

Hope nodded and then fist pumped "Let's go have our own adventures! Daddy did it and he was younger and way weaker than us when he began his adventures".

Morgan and Himawari gasped liking Hope's idea very much, Morgan then said "You're right! but... how can we World Jump? Uncle Harry has his System helping him do that".

Hope and Himawari then crossed their arms and began to think of some way to accomplish what Harry can easily do with the System.


Meanwhile, Death was smiling as she watched Hope, Morgan, and Himawari speak about going adventuring through the multiverse "Fufufu that does sound interesting... they're so adorable, they remind me of Harry when he was a kid".

Suddenly a giggle caught Death's attention causing her to turn around to see who it was, only to smile when she caught sight of none other than Lily Potter, Death then said "Lily! It's been a while, did you have fun speaking with the Merlin of your world?".

Lily smiled and nodded "He's so knowledgeable! I learned a lot just from talking with him, is that my grandchild and Morgan your watching? Who's the cutie pie with whiskers?".

Death smiled and nodded "Yes that's Hope and Morgan, the one with whiskers is Naruto's daughter".

Lily brightly smiled remembering the poor boy who her son befriended so long ago and treated like a brother, in her mind Naruto is a son to her as well "My! Naruto has a daughter now? she's adorable, who's the mom?".

Death grinned "It's Hinata".

Lily fist pumped "Yes! Take that James! I won that bet".

Death laughed and shook her head "Who did that oaf bet for".

Lily grinned "Shion".

Death laughed "That girl was to bold for Naruto fufufu the poor boy dodged a bullet there".

Lily nodded and laughed along with her friend, who would have thought that Lily Potter would become great friends with Death and all of it was possible because her son is the Master of Death.

Because of this Death, herself took care of everyone important to Harry when they died and when she and James decided to move on and let Harry live his life and move on as well, Death welcomed them into her realm and practically gave them VIP access.

Of course, she is fully aware of the adorable crush Death has on her son and has been watching her have fun watching Harry's adventures for a long time, she has often wondered how her son would react to the fact that Death is a fan of his and loves him very much.

Lily shook her head to clear it from the entertaining thought of a rom-com between Death and her son and decided to ask Death what the girls were doing "And what are my grandchild and her friends up to?".

Death then smiled and turned back towards the girls "They're bored so they want to go on adventures like Harry did back when he just started his journey".

Lily nodded and hummed "That's not a bad idea, it would be a great way for them to learn some very valuable life lessons plus they're strong enough to face anything out there, Harry made sure to make them stronger than anything they could ever face".

Death nodded in agreement, Harry loves these girls quite a lot and he would burn entire universes for them, so he made sure they were always protected and powerful enough to face anything "Yes, I think it's a great idea plus like you said it would be a great learning experience for them".

Lily softly smiled and stared at both Hope and Morgan "So then what's the problem?".

Death turned her gaze towards Lily and began to explain "Well for starters, they don't have a safe way to World Jump like Harry does, perhaps Hope could do so since she's the Phoenix Force but she wouldn't be able to take Morgan, or anyone else for that matter with her".

Lily nodded understanding her grandchild and Morgan's dilemma "Hmm is there anything we could do to help them?".

Death leaned back on her throne and hummed "... Perhaps I can grant them the ability if I connect them to the Infinity Stone's energy within Harry using the blessings he granted them as a bridge?".

Lily just silently watched Death, as the conceptual being began to calculate everything she would need to do in order to grant these two children the ability to safely world jump while also being able to bring others with them.

Death then stood up and raised a hand, a black orb then materialized on top of her open palm, suddenly blue, red, yellow, green, purple, and orange lights gathered and merged with the black orb causing it to begin to glow in the color of the Rainbow.

Both Lily and Death smiled as they watched the orb lazily glow, Death then turned her head towards Lily and smiled "Well then, shall we see the sort of adventures these girls could have".

Lily giggle and then grinned "The Multiverse isn't ready for what's about to hit them hahaha".


Meanwhile back with the three bored girls who were still trying to figure out how to world jump suddenly were snapped out of their thoughts as a shining Rainbow colored orb appeared before them.

All three girls jumped and began to look around to see where it had come from, suddenly Himawari grabbed a stick and began to poke it "Hey Hope... did you just lay an egg or something?".

Hope gaped at Himawari while Morgan began to laugh and gasped for air finding what the young Uzumaki had said to be very funny.


In Death's domain, both Lily and Death sweatdropped upon hearing what Himawari just asked, Lily awkwardly laughed "Hahaha she does seem to be like her father in more ways than one...".

Death sighed but nodded knowing full well how silly Naruto could be at times.


In Konoha Naruto was hard at work still organizing the upcoming Chunin exams, thankfully the upgrades Harry made to the Hokage tower and the AI Tony had installed to help him had made things way easier for him.

Now he had more free time to train and spend with his family which had made his family very happy but suddenly he sneezed "What the? Maybe someone is speaking about me... more than likely it's Harry... bastard must have insulted me! Go to hell Harry!".


Harry who was busy in U.A suddenly sneezed scaring Class 1A, Harry narrowed his eyes "Who the hell just insulted me for no reason!?".

Class 1A sweatdropped at their sensei wondering if perhaps he was crazy though no one was stupid enough to say so to his face.


Back with Hope, Morgan, and Himawari, the Phoenix force incarnate suddenly spoke "What?! No that's not my egg, why would I even lay eggs Hima?".

Himawari stopped poking the orb and turned her head towards Hope and gave her a genuine look of confusion which made Hope sweatdropped "But you're are a Phoenix right? Those are birds, Uncle Harry said so and birds lay eggs, are you going to sit on it?".

Hope gaped again and raised a finger to object but then she stopped "... Do I lay eggs?... I'm part dragon after all and even though I'm not a Phoenix like the ones your thinking about Hima maybe I do? or I will?".

Morgan was already on the floor groaning from laughing so hard, Hope huffed and then pointed at Morgan "You shouldn't laugh Morgan, you're more Dragon now than human, if any of us may lay eggs it will be you".

But Morgan just continued laughing, suddenly a flash of red light came out of her chest and Ddraig appeared in his chibi form and sighed "It doesn't work like that girls... you might be dragons but your humanoid so don't worry about stuff like that".

Hope and Himawari could only respond with a simple "Oh~!".

Ddraig shook his head and huffed "That's quite the imagination you girls have, I blame Harry".

All three girls giggled but didn't deny anything, Ddraig suddenly walked up to the mysterious orb and stare at it "Hmm how peculiar... I'm feeling all kinds of things on this thing, it sort of feels like Harry...".

Hope raised an eyebrow and then walked up to the orb and poked it with a finger "Hmm it feels like death and the Infinity Stone so yeah, it feels like dad but what is it?".

Morgan grew curious and walked up to Hope's side and poke the orb with a finger as well "I want to feel too!".

But as soon as Morgan poked it, it suddenly burst and engulfed both Morgan and Hope in rainbow-colored lights "Kyahhhh" the girls screamed in surprise while Himawari and Ddraig covered their eyes to protect them from the bright light.

This soon calmed down and the rainbow-colored light dissipated leaving the three girls confused as to what happened, Morgan scratch her head in confusion "What was that? I feel all tingly like when I first tried my Thor's hammer technique".

Hope nodded and she herself felt tingly which caused her to pout in confusion until a screen suddenly appeared in front of both Morgan and Hope causing the to jump in fright a bit.

Ddraig and Himawari noticed that something surprised their friends, Himawari was the one who decided to ask what was going on with them "Guys? What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost".

But both Morgan and Hope were too distracted reading what was written in the windows that had just appeared in front of them.

[Hello and welcome to the World Jump system! This system is connected to the multiverse and will allow both of you Hope and Morgan to view different worlds and visit them! These worlds are not necessarily connected to the timelines lived by Harry so you girls can visit worlds he's been to that had not been visited personally by him, enjoy your adventures!

Sincerely D.]

Morgan and Hope turned to look at each other, it was Hope who decided to speak first "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?".

Morgan grinned and nodded "Let's go on an adventure! but who do you suppose is D?".

Himawari and Ddraig titled their head in confusion not understanding what the girls were talking about but Hope hummed while she thought for a bit "Death? She is very connected to dad and she's one of the few beings who could do something like this".

Morgan awed and then looked up, brightly smiled, and waved "Thanks miss Death! You're the best!".


Back in Death's domain, Death was looking down and blushing crimson red, no one other than Harry had ever complimented her or thanked her for anything so she was feeling a little embarrassed right now.

Lily giggled at her friend's predicament "How adorable you look Death, Harry is right, Morgan's cuteness is deadly if she can make Death herself blush this much".

Death coughed and tried to regain her composure but she was failing causing Lily to giggle, even more, Death sighed "Shut up...".


Ddraig raised an eyebrow towards his partner as she loudly yelled her thanks towards Death for some reason, he then turned towards Hope who was smiling at Morgan "Mind explaining what's going on and why Morgan is thanking Death while waving at the sky?".

Hope turned towards the chibified Ddraig and began to explain "Well if I have to guess Death was listening to our conversation about going on adventures to other worlds and decided to help us".

Ddraig sweatdropped at the casual way in which Hope just said that Death was watching them right now "... The fact that Death is listening to you is disturbing enough but then the way you just casually accepted it as if was a simple matter scares me the most Hope...".

Hope tilted her head "Well all conceptual beings do that so it's not surprising that Death is watching over daddy and his loved ones all the time, I don't know what the problem is, I myself have done it before".

Ddraig sweatdropped even more "Hope that doesn't make me feel any better... and I keep forgetting that you yourself are a conceptual being".

Hope grinned at Ddraig while Himawari spoke up to Morgan "So miss Death is going to help us go on adventures? how?".

Morgan stopped waving toward the sky and turned towards Himawari "You know how Uncle Harry has a system and can go to other worlds?".

Himawari nodded, she didn't understand all the details but she did know that her uncle Harry was practically a video game character and that allows him to do all kinds of crazy things.

Morgan seeing that Himawari nodded continued on explaining "Well Death gave us something similar, we don't have all the cool stats and stuff but we can now view other worlds and visit them".

Himawari awed "Really! Then why don't we give it a try now?".

Hope then suddenly yells "Wait!".

Ddraig, Morgan, and Himawari turned toward Hope and gave her their full attention "First we need to prepare! Daddy always says that an adventurer must always be ready for anything, were strong and we can use all kinds of skills and abilities so all we need is to get healing items. and supplies".

Morgan, Himawari, and Ddraig nodded agreeing with what Hope just said, Himawari then spoke up "Oh! Then let's go visit Granny Tsunade at the healing temple, I'm sure if we asked her she'll give us plenty of Healing Gels and Magical Medicine!".

Both Hope and Morgan smiled and nodded to Himawari while Ddraig flew towards Morgan and sat on her shoulder, he then too nodded at Himawari, Morgan then said "Well what are we waiting for? let's go and see Granny Tsunade!."

The trio of very powerful children and a Heavenly Dragon then took off running to go visit Tsunade, all of them are very excited at the idea of going on a big adventure today.


Tsunade Senju was currently watching a bunch of Gels being in the process of Synthesizing, she had been studying and experimenting with all kinds of ingredients in order to see what sort of effects they had on the Magical Gels.

Most of the time it would end up in failure or in a decrease in performance but there were times when she would end up with additional effects on the gels or even enhanced healing effects.

Some of the batches she had made would not only heal but also cure poison, or diseases, she even had a new type of white Gel that could be taken to regrow lost limbs.

This one had come about when she was messing around potion making which resulted in the White Gels which were now being sold in Kyoto and distributed to the Sitri General Hospital so she had been making a lot of money for her findings.

Not that she cared about money anymore, no this time around she was more invested in her new big family and her work.

Tsunade really loved everyone in the Potter household and the fact that she's accepted and treated as a family member makes her very happy.

Now with a family supporting her and giving her a lot of love, she can now focus on her passion for medicine and she can honestly say that working in Kuoh's healing temple has been a real treat.

In this place she can work in peace and help others, she had even taken students again in Asia, Xenovia, and Irina.

She had created the first-ever Medical Battle Corp of Kyoto known now as the Battle Angels, she was very proud of the girls too, all of them were doing their best even though all three had difficult lives and had their hearts broken with everything the church did to them.

They still have the will to learn and help others after the betrayal they went through but today the girls were busy with other things and Gabriel is meeting with Ophanimon about finding more people to join the Battle Angels.

So Tsunade was keeping herself busy with these new Gels she was making when suddenly her door was opened and in came three of the most beloved girls in the Potter household.

Tsunade couldn't help but fondly smile when Hope, Morgan, and Himawari cheerfully smiled and called out to her at the same time "Granny!".

Tsunade giggled and didn't even mind these three girls calling her granny, they were too cute to get mad at "Girls! What are you mischievous gremlins up to now?".

The three girls giggled but it was Hope who answered her question "We're going on an adventure so we need supplies, Granny!".

Tsunade raised an eyebrow and if it was anyone else asking for Magical Medicine she would have outright said no but Hope, Morgan, and Himawari were family plus she's very well aware of how powerful they are so the Fifth Hokage just smiled "Oh? On an adventure? What kind?".

Morgan excitedly began to explain "We're going to world jump like Uncle Harry and have adventures in other worlds but Hope said that we need to be prepared so we came for magical medicine".

Tsunade giggle and nodded "And Hope is right, it's best to be prepared before going anywhere, now let's see... I think we have quite a bit of overstock on Apple Gels and Orange Gels and I can part ways with some Melange Gels, would that be enough?".

Hope hummed "Could we get some Life Bottles as well? Just in case we might need them".

Himawari then excitedly raised her hand "Oh! and some Elixirs as well! Papa showed me one and told me it can cure anything! I think they will be useful!".

Tsunade grinned at them and nodded "Oh! So Konoha is already getting Elixirs as well, that's great, now give me a minute to gather everything for you guys".

The girls nodded and then patiently waited for Tsunade to get everything, Himawari then turned towards her friends and asked "Guys, how are going to carry everything?".

Both Hope and Morgan turned to look at each other not knowing what to say since they haven't thought about that but Ddraig spoke up "Morgan you can use the Boosted Gear to hold and carry everything Harry actually expanded its inner dimension so it could be used as a sort of inventory".

Morgan turned her head towards Ddraig who was still riding her shoulders "Uncle Harry did that? how come I didn't know about it?, I've been messing around with the Boosted Gear for a while".

Ddraig nodded and then explained, "Some functions are locked until they're needed, it seems Harry was expecting you to someday go on an adventure of your own it and he was right to expect that".

Morgan softly smiled at the fact that her uncle Harry was always thinking of her and helping her, even when he was not around he always finds a way to be there for her.

Hope smiled knowing her daddy was always doing something to both support and help his family accomplish anything they set out to do, Himawari cheerfully grinned as well thinking how cool her new uncle is.

Soon enough Tsunade came back with all the supplies the girl's asked for, Morgan took them and immediately the Boosted Gear unlocked the Inventory function allowing her to put the Magical Medicine away.

Tsunade then grinned at the girls "Alright, since I'm the adult here I feel like I have to say something so! First, take care of each other. Second, be careful you never know what kind of world you'll be visiting; and Third, have fun!".

The girls nodded and then gave Tsunade a tight group hug which the Fifth Hokage happily returned then the girls ran out of the healing temple to go back home and get ready to go.

Tsunade just watch them go with a smile on her face, she then returned to her work while happily humming a tune.


It didn't take long for the girls to return home and they immediately headed to Morgan's room but her mother's voice suddenly made them stop "Morgan?".

Morgan turned around and saw her mom coming out of the kitchen, Morgan immediately ran towards her mother and hugged her.

Pepper laughed and hugged her daughter "Hehehe you seem to be in a good mood Morgan, did something good happen?".

Morgan nodded while both Hope and Himawari walked up to them, Pepper smiled and waved at the girls which they cheerfully returned, Morgan then spoke up "Mom! Hope, Hima and I are going on an adventure!".

Pepper raised an eyebrow and then turned towards Hope who was the oldest of all three, Hope nodded and then explained "We're going to world jump like daddy and have some adventures, we're bored with daddy not being here".

Morgan and Himawari nodded, and Pepper sighed, it was true that the girls were probably missing Harry very much right now, everyone misses him actually but the younger ones like these three girls really miss him a lot.

Hope and Morgan especially since this is the first time they have been so far away from Harry, Hope is Harry's daughter so it's natural for her to miss him, Morgan on the other hand considers and loves Harry like a second father.

So both of them might be feeling a little lonely right now, perhaps letting them go on an adventure would help them cope with that.

Pepper then stared at her daughter for a few long seconds, Morgan looked up at her mother and gave her a big and bright smile.

Pepper gasped when the silhouettes of Harry and Tony materialized behind her daughter {That's right... she's growing up so I can't hold her down.. not when she's Tony Stark and Harry Potter's daughter}.

Pepper laughed a little and nodded "Alright, just be careful okay? Harry has told us that there are a few dangerous universes out there".

Hope smiled and then nodded "Oh! That shouldn't be a problem! Death gave us the means to world jump and I'm sure she wouldn't allow us to go someplace very dangerous".


Death nodded because she would never risk these girls in any way, if she did, Harry might get angry with her and she doesn't want that.

Besides she cares about the girls too so she'll be controlling the World Jump system herself to ensure the girls won't get in any danger.

Not that she needed to worry too much about that, Harry had made sure these three little girls were powerful enough to face almost anything and that's not considering his blessing and all the skills he had given them.


Pepper nodded and then said, "Well okay then, have fun".

The girls nodded and then happily ran up the stairs to go to Morgan's room, meanwhile Pepper turned around and began to walk back to the Kitchen.

But then she stopped right in the doorway and frowned "Wait... did Hope say Death?".

Pepper looked up for a second but then remembered that Harry is the Master of Death so she decided that she could trust it to keep the girls safe.

Pepper then went inside the kitchen with a happy smile on her face, she was making lunch for the boys since they had been cooped up in the lab all morning messing around with that big robot of theirs.

She didn't know why they were so obsessed with it and when she asked they told her it was because it's cool so she just decided to consider it a boy thing.

She still has to make sure they eat, and someone has to babysit them and that was a job she has a lot of experience with.


Morgan, Hope, and Himawari jumped and sat on Morgan's bed the moment they arrived in her room and immediately began to try out the World Jump System.

The system itself was simple, first, it has a World Viewer which lets the girls see different kinds of worlds so they can decide which one to visit.

Then it has the Timeline Pick which lets them decide the time, place, or event they want to arrive in whichever world they want to go to.

And finally, it has the World Jump and Home Return function which does as its name suggests, one lets them jump into any world they choose and the other let them return home.

Excited and anxious they began to scroll down and choose what world to view first, eventually, Himawari stopped them when she saw something interesting to her "Oh! Guys look! That's a golden three-headed dragon!".

Hope and Morgan stopped scrolling down and watched what was going on, they saw the three-headed golden dragon being blasted off the ice it had been imprisoned in and emerged onto the surface of whatever icy place it was sealed in, Morgan then hummed "Uncle Harry's scales are prettier and he's bigger too!".

Both Hope and Morgan nodded and Ddraig who was still on Morgan's shoulder chuckled in amusement, still, something about that three-headed dragon just seemed wrong to him, it was like it was just too unnatural.

The girls and Ddraig continued watching and even saw humans trying to get away from the three head dragon, they were starting to get worried about them when out of nowhere the three-headed dragon was blasted to the side by a beam of blueish fire and it was here that the girls saw another giant creature.

The girl's eyes widen in excitement as they watch both giant creatures begin to battle it out, Himawari was practically vibrating where she was sitting "This looks like the Bijuu battles during the Fourth Shinobi War that Kurama told me about!".

The girls were awed at the battle between these giant dragon-like beings and even Ddraig was cheering eventually the battle was cut short and the three-headed dragon left the area while the other wingless dragon fell down a fissure with a roar of anger.

The girls decided to keep watching this world for now since it seemed very interesting plus they were very interested in these giant creatures.

However, they focused the World Viewer on the humans to know what they were doing there, to begin with since they were curious about them as well.

This is how they found out the name of the wingless dragon, Godzilla it's what the humans called him, a titan that had been alive for centuries and seemed to cause destruction wherever it went.

However one of the humans there seemed to continuously defend Godzilla something that made the girl like this human named Ishirō Serizawa.

They watched as the humans argued about how to deal with both creatures until they figured out where the three-headed dragon was heading and immediately set out to try and intercept it.

It was here that the girl saw another one of these titans, A fire engulfed flying dinosaur named Rodan, the girls actually became very nervous and afraid for the humans since in their attempt to stop the the three-headed dragon they ended up being attacked by Rodan.

Lucky Godzilla saved them in the nick of time and made Rodan flee causing the girls to relax and sighed in relief only to become sad at the fact that the government decided to attack the three-headed dragon with a bomb named the Oxygen Killer while it was distracted by Godzilla who had begun to attack it.

Morgan being Tony Stark's daughter understood the damage such weapon can cause to the environment and was actually quite upset that some humans thought it would be a good idea to use such a thing.

Hope, Morgan, and Himawari sadly frowned while watching the Oxygen Killer hit both Godzilla and the three-headed dragon and grew even sadder when Godzilla was declared dead.

They watched as the three-headed dragon survived the explosion and the effects of the Oxygen Killer and actually regenerated its wounds, Hope frowned "This creature makes no sense... that bomb actually created a vacuum like in space so that three-headed dragon must have the ability to breathe in the vacuum of space... I think that thing isn't from that world".

Morgan hummed "You think it came from space? Uncle Thor did mention that in space lurked some very weird and powerful creatures".

Hope nodded "Yes I've seen some of these creatures myself when I was just the Phoenix Force but if that three-headed dragon came from space then these humans won't be able to destroy it, they just don't have the technology to actually harm it".

Himawari looked down "I think Mr. Godzilla would have won, he had the gold dragon on the ropes under the water but then they dropped that bomb on them".

Morgan looked a little sad "That sort of weapon shouldn't exist...".

All of the girl's theories were confirmed when a woman named Ilene Chen found the name of the three-headed dragon and where it had come from with the help of some very old myths and scriptures.

That creature's name is Ghidorah and it had indeed come from space, its presence in that world was causing a major imbalance on the planet, with Godzilla gone it had even become the alpha of the rest of the titans which began to awaken all over the world.

The girls watched the humans struggle to come up with a solution to all of the chaos brought by Ghidorah, Morgan tilted her head and then said "Hey guys? Why don't we give them a hand?".

Both Hope and Himawari turned their head towards Morgan while Ddraig who had been watching everything happened with interest turn his head away from the screen to give Morgan his attention.

Hope closed her eyes, crossed her arm, and began to think for a second before opening her eyes again and nodding to Morgan "Sure! It sounds like fun! Plus I kinda want to punch Ghidorah on all three of its heads!".

Himawari nodded "Oh~ I'm in! I want to ride on one of the titans! and fight on top of one! It looks like fun!".

Ddraig chuckled and then nodded at his partner "I like your idea Morgan! we can spread the name of the Red Dragon Empress to this world!".

Morgan grinned at her friends and then began to use the World Jump System to go to this world to help these humans with their problems, Ddraig decided to go back into Morgan's soul to watch from there.

Once Morgan was done, the world around them begins to crack like glass until it shattered, the dimension immediately fixed itself leaving the place where the girls were just standing a few minutes ago empty and with no signs of them.


Everyone in Monarch was completely at a loss as to what to do against Ghidorah, Dr. Serizawa was unable to come up with an answer this time, and Dr. Chan was trying to keep herself busy by trying to find out more about Ghidorah and what it was doing to their planet

The changes it was making to the atmosphere were pretty big and if it continued doing those changes it would inevitably affect the ecosystem to a point where its current life forms won't be able to survive.

Mark for the first time was regretting wanting Godzilla to disappear, he was still mad that Godzilla was the reason for his son's death but in this situation, he can inwardly admit that they need Godzilla.

The rest of Monarch were trying to keep themselves busy in order to keep their minds off what might happen.

However what they didn't know was that they were going to receive a trio of visitors today, which were going to change their view of the universe.

Right in the middle of the Monarch command room, the air began to crack like glass catching the attention of everyone in the room.

Everyone watched in apprehension and anxiety as the air cracked and shattered, leaving a trio of young little girls.

One of them, a black-haired girl wearing a red dress and yellow blouse brightly smiled and waved at everyone with both hands "Hi everyone! We're here to help! So point us to Ghidorah's direction so we can take care of it!".

This is how Morgan Stark, Hope Potter, and Himawari Uzumaki made their debut in the world of giant monsters.