Chapter 8

Morgan looked up and deadpanned at the giant red gate in front of her she then looked to the side and saw a lever that would lower the bridge that lead to the actual castle "Hmm".

Morgan summoned the Boosted Gear and then fired a string of web that hit the lever, the little Stark then pulled the web which then pulled the lever down as well.

The drawbridge immediately began to lower which made Morgan smile, Mario who watched all of this happen sweatdropped "... I wished you were around all those times I had to rescue the princess, Morgan... things would have gone way faster".

Morgan grinned at Mario who smiled and then nodded, Hope, Princess Peach, and Luigi watched them both run forward ready to fight and save the baby yoshi, the rest of the group then ran after them.


Inside the castle, both Bowser and Kamek were waiting for their foes to appear when a Goomba came into the throne room running "King Bowser! the Mario Brothers are here and they came with Princess Peach and those little girls!".

Bowser gulped feeling a bit nervous about the fact that the little girls who beat him were inside the castle but nodded to the Goomba "Perfect! Let's see if they can get passed by the Koopa Troops!".

Kamek nodded "Then let's prepare King Bowser! We'll show the Mario Brothers and those little girls who beat you a lesson!".

The baby yoshi who were all inside a cage deadpanned at Bowser and Kamek, even though they were bad guys, it was really hard to take them seriously when King Bowser is visibly shaking at the mention of their friend Morgan.


Morgan punched a boo in the face which was then sent flying back and crashed against a bunch of koopa sending them flying all over the place, the poor boo stayed on the floor unconscious and with an imprint of Morgan's fist on its face.

Asia exorcized a bunch of dry bones that instantly turned into dust after she finished chanting while Hope was busy reading the monster book and finding out all the information on all the monsters they fought.

Since these weren't feral monsters but actual sentient members of this world, the girls decided to just knock them out which was nice of them sure but with how strong they are the monsters were actually praying for the sweet release of death, too bad the girls were kind and caring people and they will get to live because of that.

Mario and Luigi were easily beating down enemies with their usual Jump, Hammer, Fire, and Lightning attacks while Princess Peach beat anyone silly who got to close to her with her trusty frying pan.

Luigi looked around and stared at all the unconscious baddies who were all laying all over the floor, some were even embedded in the ceiling or walls courtesy of Morgan "This is going faster and easier than usual Mario and that makes me kinda nervous".

Morgan then breathed a giant fireball at a group of shy guys who panicked and began to run around but the fireball collided against them and exploded loudly, the explosion soon subsided and the shy guys were left standing and extra crispy.

They twirled once and then dropped to the ground unconscious where they twitched a bit, Morgan giggled "I like how they spin on their toes before falling unconscious, it's kinda cute".

Hope stopped reading and looked up "Hmm it kinda sucks that I can't really help... my cosmic fire it's too powerful to be used so casually and I don't want to kill these guys, they might be bad guys but they don't feel evil, I really have to learn some magic or how to use a weapon for times like these where I can't use my fire".

Asia nodded "Your right, they don't feel evil at all, it's more like they're just having fun or playing around a bit".

Morgan then kicked a koopa shell and sent it rushing forward where it hit a couple of Hammer Bros who flipped in the air and then landed head first onto the ground completely out for the count "Yeah your right... even Bowser didn't feel evil, I mean sure he's mean but not really evil, I still want to punch him in the face though".

Princess Peach giggled finding it amusing how Morgan wants to punch Bowser in the face so badly "Yeah Bowser is a troublemaker but not evil, he even helped us a couple of times".

Mario nodded and scratch his mustache " He's an okay guy, if only he stopped kidnapping Princess Peach twice a month...".

Everyone shook their head in amusement as they continued to walk through the castle while leaving a massive amount of unconscious bad guys everywhere they went, Asia then flew up and kicked a few lakitu out of their clouds.

She then landed on one of the clouds and sat on it "Oh! These are comfy! Can I keep this?".

Luigi looked up and smiled "Not really, they vanish after a while and no one knows how the lakitu keep them from disappearing".

Asia slumped and sadly sighed but still rode it across a big lava pool, Hope looked down towards the lava and raised an eyebrow "Why did he have lava pools in his castle? This makes even going to the bathroom at night a life and death situation".

Princess Peach nodded "I asked Bowser once and he told me that because koopa are cold-blooded they need a very warm environment to live comfortably hence the lava pools but he did tell me that he has fallen inside by accident once or twice".

Everyone sweatdropped at the fact that Bowser had confirmed how dangerous it is to live with pools of lava in your house, Mario took his hat off and scratched his head "You know, I think Bowser is immune to lava now, I mean we have dropped him in lava pools all the time and he always comes back".

Luigi nodded "Now that you mention it, Bowser is pretty tough we have done pretty much everything to him and he's still coming back for more".

Princess Peach tilted her head "Though he did look pretty bad after Morgan was done with him, I wonder why?".

The Marion Brothers and Princess Peach turned towards Morgan who caught a Thwomp with her bare hands and then threw it to the side like it was nothing, Mario turned to look at the Thwomp and sweatdropped when he saw it cry waterfall tears.

Hope then decided to answer Peach's questions "Our attacks cause spiritual damage and Morgan being the Red Dragon Empress gives her a passive piercing attack that ignores all defenses, whatever Bowser has that allows him to survive or endure almost anything is easily bypassed by us and more especially Morgan".

Mario and Luigi nodded and wished they had an ability like that since it sounds very useful while Princess Peach excitedly nodded "That sounds amazing!".

Hope smiled and nodded while Morgan continued to catch and throw Thwomps with ease, she already had a pile of crying thwomps to her side, Asia who was still on the other side of the lava pool looked around and then noticed a pair of red gates "Hey guys! There's a gate here!".

Everyone turned towards where Asia is pointing and stared at the red gate, Morgan then narrowed her eyes "That's a trap...".

Hope nodded "Definitely a trap".

Princess Peach crossed her arms "Yes that looks like a very obvious trap but where else can we go?".

Mario looked around and tried to see if there was any other way to go forward but he couldn't see anything "I don't think there's any other way to go forward".

Luigi groaned "Are we really going to willingly walk through those gates and let ourselves get hit with whatever trap is on the other side!?".

Everyone nodded and Hope then floated everyone across the lava pool where Asia was waiting for them, as soon as they landed on the other side they carefully approached the red gates, Morgan suddenly spoke up "... Those gates do look mighty suspicious what kind of trap do you think is waiting for us on the other side?".

Asia then hummed "Well there's been a lot of platforms, spikes, and those floating fireballs all over the place so perhaps something like that?".

Morgan giggled "Those kinds of obstacles are to generic plus we can fly so it was easy to get over them~ we really didn't have too much trouble".

Mario sighed "I don't think we'll find Bowser in there but your right those obstacles are pretty old school though the first time I had to deal with that it was very hard".

Princess Peach nodded "I remember that you had to go through a lot of 1Up Mushrooms back then but we might as well go inside and see what we're dealing with".

Everyone responded to Princess Peach with a loud "Right!" the group then all headed towards the red gate and once Morgan opened it they all cautiously walked in.


The first thing the group saw when they walked in was a big hall leading to more lava pools but this time the whole area was filled with dangerous-looking obstacles and traps, Hope looked around and watched as a cannon shot a bullet bill toward them which she just slapped away "Wow... that's a lot of sharp and point things, is that a buzz saw?".

Morgan nodded "Yeah it is and it keeps going around in the same direction and at the same speed, honestly it would be very difficult to get over all of this if we couldn't fly".

Asia frowned and turned her head toward the Mario Brothers "Is that what you have to go through every time you have to deal with Bowser?".

Both Luigi and Mario nodded, Mario then looked around and watched the obstacles more closely "That's the usual setup in Bowser's castle, lots of enemies and traps to deal with".

Hope pointed an open palm and fired a Cosmic Fireball at the cannon turning it into molten metal, she then raised her other hand while her eyes began to glow, and all the dangerous traps and obstacles began to shake until they were pulled apart and then dropped into the lava pool leaving the entire area clean of anything that could hurt them, except the lava pools "There, now we can get to the other side".

Everyone nodded and began to fly or jump around to get across, Mario suddenly chuckle "I sort of feel like we're cheating".

Princess Peach giggled and then smiled at Mario "It does feel like that but I think we deserve to cheat at least once against Bowser, a bit of karma for what he puts us through all the time".

Luigi grinned "I don't mind cheating like this!".

Mario rolled his eyes at his brother in amusement but he had a brotherly smile on his face, it didn't take long to reach the next gate and everyone walked through it right away.

The lakitu who was keeping an eye on them sweatdropped "Errr... is that even allowed? Because I think it shouldn't be! Only the bad guys cheat!".


The girls, the Mario Brothers, and Princess Peach continued onwards through Bowser's castle and brought destruction and chaos as they continue to beat down anyone who got in their way.

The many minions of Bowser could not even slow them down no matter how hard they tried, I mean they usually have a hard time dealing with just Mario and Luigi but against a Dragon, Phoenix, and a Seraph? Well~ they just didn't stand a chance.

The koopa were stripped and their shells were stolen, the goomba were kicked and left unconscious, the hammer brothers were beaten with their own hammers, and the boos were punched in their faces while they were distracted by hiding their faces away.

Even the magikoopa were no match against the girls, Morgan would just walk forward towards the magic-wielding koopa, who were shooting spell after spell at Morgan, and watched in disbelief as their powerful spells just bounce off her skin, once Morgan got close to them she would then wallop them on the back of the head and knock them out.

Asia would nonchalantly flip the spinies on their backs and leave them like that, she would also knock out any shy guys that were brave enough to fight them and for good measure, she would take their masks away forcing them to flee.

Hope had a buzzy beetle shell as a hat, no one knows where she got it from but since she couldn't use her Cosmic fire to fight since she didn't want to kill the obviously sentient monsters she would instead knock them out with a headbutt.

Which made Luigi wince, Mario chuckle, and Princess Peach to take notes for the next time she gets kidnapped.

The Mario Brothers panicked when they were confronted by a pack of chain chomps knowing how dangerous and hard to defeat these monsters were, however, they were forced to gape in disbelief when Morgan and Hope stopped them and began to scratch their chins.

Princess Peach couldn't help but laugh a little as she watched both girls tame and domesticate a pack of some of the most dangerous monsters known in the Mushroom Kingdom.

They left them eating some meat Morgan had brought with her in her Boosted Gear Inventory just in case they needed to camp or just to have something to eat in case of emergencies.

As they got deeper into Bowser's castle they found themselves fighting a new type of enemy, a heavily armored koopa known as a koopatrol, the Mario Brothers were a bit hesitant to fight these enemies since they're very strong and hard to defeat but Morgan and Asia used lightning magic to defeat them with ease.

The heavy armor these koopa wore worked against them and they were shocked to unconsciousness though Luigi did wonder why his own lightning attack didn't work the same against them.

Hope then explain that their magic worked on a conceptual level thanks to many skills and the blessings from her father Harry, Luigi then kinda wished Harry would adopt him too which made Hope giggle.

Mario then hummed as they continued to walk "I wonder if Bowser Jr is going to appear? He's usually helping Bowser some way or the other".

Princess Peach shook her head "I don't think so, I remember Bowser telling me that he sent him and the Koopalings to magic camp last time he kidnapped me".

Luigi rose an eyebrow "Magic camp?".

Princess Peach nodded "Yup apparently Kamek wants them to be able to use magic like him though as you and Mario have seen they're only capable of using magic with a wand".

Mario and Luigi nodded remembering how they had to dodge their magic blast however Mario got curious about something "Wait... I've never seen Jr use a wand, can he even use magic".

Princess Peach nodded "He uses that brush of his as a focus for his magic, those Ink monsters are actually him using magic".

Mario raised an eyebrow "Oh! So that was magic from him, I always thought that it was the power of that brush".

Hope smiled "Any magic item needs the user's magic to work or to use their effects and enchantments, of course, there are exceptions but those tend to be really rare and power magical artifacts".

Luigi scratched his chin "Huh? You learn something new every day".

Everyone then shared a laugh until they reached a very big red gate surrounded by Bowser statues, Morgan tilted her head as she stared at the gate "Okay... that gate is giving me some very strong boss battle vibes".

Everyone nodded and Hope looked at the gate intently "Hmmm it's been heavily warded by some strong magic, it's meant to close and disappear as soon as we go in".

Asia then tilted her head "So you think Bowser is waiting on the other side of that gate?".

Mario nodded "He's definitely in there and more than likely so is Kamek, we have to be careful of the old magikoopa he's very powerful and dangerous so watch out okay?".

Everyone nodded and then Princess Peach began to hop from one foot to the other causing everyone to turn their head towards her "Sorry! I'm just so excited~ it's been a long time since I had to deal with this sort of situation with Mario and Luigi!".

Everyone laughed while Luigi sighed "Well your usually the one we have to save so I'm not surprised you're excited but be careful, fighting Bowser is tough enough but with Kamek being there things might get too rough".

Princess Peach nodded and put on her serious face which made everyone smile at her, then everyone walked up to the gate which Morgan opened, and then they all walked through ready for anything.


Once they walked through, the gate then closed itself and disappeared but the group didn't pay it any mind, instead, they all looked ahead and stared at Bowser who was sitting on his throne.

The Koopa King seemed to have been waiting for them since he had a cocky grin on his face "Welcome Mario Brothers, Princess Peach, and pip-" Morgan glared at Bowser which caused him to flinch "Eep! I mean and girls!".

Morgan sweetly smiled at Bowser who sweatdropped {Dang she's super scary...} "I-in any case I should congratulate you for reaching me here but I bet you're feeling pretty tired by now! Especially since you had to go through my entire army! Muahahaha!."

Morgan tilted her head "I'm not tired..." she then turned her head towards the others "Are you guys tired?".

Hope shook her head "Not really, those guys weren't really tough" Asia also shook her head "I rather had a lot of fun fighting and learning new things plus there's something satisfying about jumping on top of a koopa!".

Bowser once again sweatdropped because of that last comment from Asia while Mario and Luigi shrugged, Mario then spoke up next "Honestly this has been the easiest time we've ever had coming into the castle".

Luigi nodded and hummed "It wasn't as scary because we were all working together" Princess Peach smiled and clapped "I actually had a lot of fun! I should do this more often!."

"..." Bowser did not know what to say to all of this, they were supposed to be tired and hurt from walking through his castle but no they actually looked as fresh as a daisy.

Bowser then noticed Morgan take a slice of cake out of nowhere and begin to eat it "... Are you eating cake? In my castle?".

Morgan nodded and then shrugged "I got hungry! and Princess Peach makes awesome cakes!".

Everyone smiled at Morgan while Bowser just sighed and then stood up from his throne "Right... I'm about done with this, Kamek! Let's defeat them! and teach them not to mess with Bowser the King of Koopas!".

Kamek came down flying on his broom and pointed his wand at everyone "This time those little girls won't get in the way of King Bowser, I'll deal with them!".

Morgan finished her slide of cake and raised an eyebrow "Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach can we leave Bowser to you? Me, Asia and Hope will take care of Kamek".

Mario and Luigi nodded while Princess Peach took out her frying pan "We can handle him! We always do so don't worry Morgan, we got this".

Morgan smiled and nodded, she then turned her head towards Hope and Asia "Let's deal with Kamek but let's be careful, who knows what kind of spells he can use".

Hope and Asia nodded and then jumped toward Kamek while Luigi, Mario, and Princess Peach jumped toward Bowser and the fight began.


Kamek immediately began to wave his wand while he took off flying on his broom, from his wand colorful balls of all kinds of shapes flew towards the girls but Morgan summon her Boosted Gear Gauntlets and slapped the spells away.

Hope began to use telekinesis to throw all kinds of things at Kamek but the old magikoopa showed his vast experience by easily maneuvering around everything Hope threw at him.

However, he was forced to create a magic shield to protect himself as Asia appeared in front of him and lashed out with a Light Spear, the magic shield instantly shattered but it protect him enough to avoid the blow.

He then waved his wand and fired a bunch of fireballs at Asia who cover herself with her wings, Kamek would have continued his barrage but he had to stop when a Dragon made out of water rushed towards him from his side.

The magikoopa dipped his broom down and both he and the broom dropped down at high-speed toward the ground but he then pulled up and rode just on top of the ground and began to wave his hand turning some of the blocks underneath everyone to turn into monsters.

The girls knowing that these ones weren't real minions quickly dispatched them but Kamek kept creating more and then he began to enlarge them to giant size however the girls then began to bust out the big attacks.

Morgan used one of the Jutsu her Uncle Naruto taught her, she placed her hand on the ground and then roared "'Doton! Yomi Numa!' (Earth style: Swamp of the Underworld!)".

The blocks underneath the giant monsters turned into a dark swamp causing the monster to sink, Hope flew up and began to blast them with Cosmic Fire, inwardly glad that they weren't real as they popped into coins.

Meanwhile, Asia flew up and then flapped her pink ethereal wings towards Kamek "'Holy wings, I beg of thee to reveal thy glory, Angel Feathers!'".

Rings of pink light shot out of Asia's wings and flew towards Kamek who cackled and began to bat them away with his wand causing everything around him to be destroyed by the explosions of the Angel spell.


Bowser gaped as he saw the three little girls fight against Kamek using some of the strongest magic he has seen, the fact that the girls could fly and actually fight Kamek off was just very shocking to the Koopa King.

He turned around towards the Mario Brothers and Princess Peach and pointed at the battle going on above them "Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing!?".

Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach nodded, they knew the girls are powerful since they watched them deal with a lot of Bowser's minions but this is the first time they'd seen just how powerful they really are.

Mario personally knew how powerful the old magikoopa is, he did get blasted into space by Kamek once after all plus Kamek's experience was vast since he's been alive since even before Bowser was born.

But watching him fight off with such furious magic really put things into perspective "I wonder why Kamek never went against us that seriously before?".

Bowser huffed "As if Kamek would bother being serious against a pair of plumbers plus I'm the one who's going to take you down someday and Kamek knows that, he wouldn't take away that satisfaction from me!".

Mario just shook his head while Luigi hummed and tilted his head "But then why is he going that hard against Morgan, Hope, and Asia?".

Bowser shrugged "You know? I'm not really sure... he was upset I was defeated so easily by that little girl and he wanted me to take them down but the moment he laid his eyes on those little girls he changed...".

Princess Peach raised an eyebrow "You were going to fight all six of us? Isn't that a little too much? Even you must have seen that wasn't a good idea, Morgan did beat you up quite easily".

Bowser growled and turned his head "Tch! We were going to do the usual you know? I attack and he helps me from a long distance away, turning me into a giant or changing the battlefield but he then just said he was going to deal with them and I can see why now".


They all turned towards the battle when they heard a big boom that actually shook the entire castle only to see Kamek cackle as he pointed his wand towards where Hope was trying to shoot him down but then he had to get out of the way when a green koopa shell came flying out of the cloud of smoke created by his big explosion spell.

After barely dodging the koopa shell he turned around to see who had shot it at him only to gape when Hope came out flying out of the cloud completely unharmed from his spell with a multitude of green koopa shells orbiting around her thanks to her telekinesis.


Bowser just sighed and then sat on the floor "Yeah screw this... I'm not going to fight those little girls".

Mario raised an eyebrow "Really? You're usually very stubborn about doing things like these? In fact we're all very ready to fight you".

Bowser shrugged "Yeah but if a beat you I'm pretty sure I would have to fight those girls and watching them fight Kamek like this makes me not like my chances very much".

Princess Peach giggled "Aww I wanted to hit you with my frying pan~".

Bowser chuckled and grinned at Princess Peach "It's that viciousness in you that I love about you Peach hahaha! You can try to hit me next time we go kart racing or something! It's what you usually do! Don't think I haven't noticed how your always aiming at me!".

Princess Peach smiled innocently and giggled "I don't know what you're talking about, it's not my fault your always in the way of my red koopa shells...".

Mario and Luigi sweatdropped knowing full well how vindictive the princess can be during their fun group activities, Bowser however just grinned and shrugged since he really didn't mind.

Luigi then decided to ask Bowser about the baby yoshi "And where are the baby yoshi? Morgan was pretty upset you kidnap them and attacked Yoshi Village".

Bowser sighed and pointed towards his Throne "Dang... they're in a cage behind the throne, I wasn't going to hurt them you know? That's not really my style plus my Koopa Troops just beat up the yoshi in the village a bit sheesh...".

Luigi sweatdropped while Mario went to check the baby yoshi, he was happy to see they were happily taking a nap despite the loud explosions coming from the battle between Kamek and the girls.

He knew that Bowser wasn't really a bad guy, he just acted like one because he thought it looked cool, though dealing with his shenanigans was very annoying but it did make for some very cool adventures something that he really loves about the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luigi might not be a fan of the excitement but he was and he loved all the fun he had, perhaps he could convince Morgan not to beat Bowser or at the very least to take it easy on him.


Kamek began to fly away as fast as his broom could take him to try and dodge the barrage of green Koopa Shells raining down on him.

Hope continued to use the koopa shells to try and shoot him out of the sky or at least destroy his broom which had become an annoyance, suddenly both Morgan and Asia shot forth from her sides and rushed towards the dodging magikoopa.

Kamek caught a glimpse of them heading his way through the corner of his eyes and waved his wand towards Morgan and Asia and shot multiple magical bolts but both girls easily slapped them away.

The old magikoopa was then forced to twirl in mid-air to dodge Morgan who threw a punch at him to his head but Asia was able to blast him off his broom with a photon spell at close range.

Kamek squawked in shock and pain from being blasted by a holy spell, the magikoopa twirled in mid-air and fell towards the ground at high speed, and without his broom, he had no hope of stopping himself or even slowing his descent.

Bowser gaped and was caught off guard when Kamek actually crashes against him and sent him flying like a bowling pin through the air, Kamek bounce on the ground once and then slid through the floor until he finally stopped.

Bowser crashed against the ground soon after belly first and groaned in pain as Mario, Luigi, and Peach sweatdrop at how aggressively he was sent flying and crashing onto the ground.

Morgan suddenly landed on top of Kamek causing him to grunt in pain, the little Stark then hop off him and picked up Kamek's wand off the ground, and grinned in victory "Oh~ I'm keeping this as a trophy!".

Kamek just twitched and groaned while Asia and Hope landed beside the Mario Brothers, Hope just shook her head at Morgan's new habit of picking up stuff off her opponents as trophies, the green koopa shells were still orbiting around her.

Asia giggled and then turned towards Mario who was carrying the cage where the baby yoshi were peacefully sleeping and smiled seeing them be safe and unhurt.

Hope then walked over to Bowser and stared at him as he twitched in pain on the floor "Huh? Did you guys take him down? That was fast".

Peach giggled while Mario shook his head "That actually was all you, Bowser saw you fighting against Kamek and he bowed out of the fight not wanting to have to face off against you".

Morgan walked over and raised an eyebrow "I can still punch him in the face right? Cuz I still really want to!".

Luigi and Princess Peach smiled while Mario just shrugged "You don't need to Morgan he just got hit pretty hard plus the baby yoshi are fine, look".

Mario raised the cage and showed it to Morgan who saw the baby yoshi sleeping, Morgan smiled "They're okay!".

Peach giggled "Of course they are Bowser might think himself a bad guy but he's really bad at it plus as you can see he's not that hard to deal with so it's okay Morgan".

Morgan turned towards Bowser and stared at his unconscious body, she then began to hum "... I'm going to take his shell".

Everyone sweatdropped upon hearing that declaration from Morgan, Princess Peach then decided to ask what Morgan meant "Why? What could you possibly want with that thing?".

Morgan smiled and pointed at Bowser's Shell "It looks pretty gnarly plus I'm still pretty angry that he kidnapped the baby yoshi!".

Mario chuckled and then stared at Bowser "You know what? Might as well teach Bowser a lesson, that might make him behave for a while".

Luigi nodded "But how are we going to get him out of his shell? I don't think I've ever seen him out of it".

Morgan cracked her fingers "Leave that to me!".

She then walked towards Bowser, as soon as everyone saw what she was going to do to Bowser they all panicked, Peach actually spoke up in a hurry "Ah! Morgan, that's not supposed to bend like tha-".

She was cut off when Bowser began to scream in pain and began to beg for mercy but Morgan gave him none, the Mario Brothers actually flinched and looked away while Peach tilted her head "Huh? I guess it does... I didn't know Bowser was that flexible".

Hope laughed a little "I don't think he is but it's not like that would've stopped Morgan".

Suddenly there was a big pop sound and Morgan walked up to everyone while holding Bowser's Shell above her head "I got it!~".

Asia giggled and pointed at Bowser who was now on the ground unconscious without his shell but what caught everyone's attention was the fact that he was wearing a pair of boxers with Princess Peach's face printed on them.

Peach sweatdropped "Err.. that's not something I wanted to see".

Mario chuckled and shook his head "Hahaha I remember how those boxers were limited edition, Bowser must have spent quite a bit of money to get them".

Princess Peach shook her head and then sighed "Toadsworth is always doing silly things like these... anyways let's go back to Yoshi Village and take the baby yoshi back home, I don't want to keep seeing this".

Everyone nodded and together they all left Bowser's throne room, the King of Koopas groaned in pain "Kamek?...".

Kamek groaned as well "Yes?...".

Bowser twitched and he then spoke up "Let's never fight those little girls again... okay?.."

The old magikoopa groaned in pain once more "Agreed... those little girls are too strong...".