Chapter 32

Morgan then smiled "Hope, my cousin 'more like a sister really' killed Umbridge, again, because she got in the way of our preparations and we couldn't waste any time on her nonsense.

Oh! and Hope killed her with a shot of cosmic fire! Left nothing but a pile of ashes of the ugly woman! I'm glad because her voice was like someone scratching a chalkboard to my ears~".

Madam Bones stared at Morgan, in utter shock and disbelief, the girl was being completely honest with her, a fact proven true, because she couldn't see any lies in the way the girl had said all of that.

She doubted a young girl like her could lie that well, but what she had just told her made no sense, suddenly Fudge huffed and walked forward "Enough of this nonsense! Get out of the way little girl! We don't have time to play!".

Madam Bones' eyes widen when she saw the feral smile on the little girl's face, she inwardly let out a string of curses, while turning her head towards the Minister of Magic "Cornelius no! Step back!".

But it was too late, Minister Fudge had frozen mid-step upon hearing the urgency in Madam Bones' voice, but by the time he did, Morgan had disappeared in a blur and appeared in front of him, unable to even react a bit, Cornelius Fudge was then hit by a full powered thrust kick from Morgan.

The end result, Cornelius Fudge's body was turned into red mist from the force Morgan had kicked him with, all that bloody mist flew and splattered all over the Aurors behind Fudge.

They were so caught off guard that, they failed to notice what had happened until they saw the blood drip to the floor from their clothes and even their hair.

Madam Bones clicked her tongue in annoyance {For fuck sake Cornelius! Shit...}.

Morgan then stood up straight while glaring at the Aurors, with her glowing red eyes, she even bared her fangs at them making her look quite feral and dangerous "Anyone else wants to fight?!".

The Aurors took a step back and stared in fear at Morgan, though some of them snapped out of it and glared at her for her challenge, Madam Bones quickly stood up "Nobody move! Anybody draws a wand and I'll end you myself! So stand down!".

The Aurors walked back and stepped even further away from Morgan, some even raised their hands in surrounder, they weren't sure why, but they got this odd feeling of unspeakable danger whenever they looked at Morgan.

Even the ones who were mad at her for challenging them, knew better than to draw their wands at her, which resulted in all the Aurors listening to Madam Bones' warning.

Lily giggled "Well, what do you know? Adults with common sense, I had given up on meeting some in this place, I'm surprised~".

Morgan grinned and then turned around when she heard Madan Bones walk up to her, Madam Bones sighed and then stared at Morgan "Did you really have to kill the Minister?".

Morgan shrugged, she really didn't care about the man she just killed, and besides, she had heard how this man treated Harry all year and that added him to her shit list "I told you, we don't have time for anyone's nonsense.

Were at war, one we intend to end today, and no one will be allowed to get in our way, regardless of who and what they are, plus that guy was a bully! I know what he's been doing to Harry!".

Madam Bones stared at Morgan for a while, again she just didn't know how to react to this very dangerous little girl, but she also couldn't really speak in defense of Minister Fudge.

So in the end she nodded "Alright... now tell me all this, about plans, war, and Voldermort, perhaps I can help".

Morgan crossed her arms and hummed as she thought about what Madam Bones just asked for, Madam Bones however, had to resist the urge to pinch Morgan's cheek, since she looked adorable to her right now.


~Meanwhile, at Gaunt's shack~

Voldemort was inside the decrepit shack that used to belong to him, however, he was seething as he looked down at the empty hole on the floor where his Horcrux used to be.

He had already gotten a bad feeling when he arrived and couldn't feel any of his wards and magical traps active, so he rushed over to the shack hoping to find the ring.

Only to find nothing but an empty hole on the floor, he was utterly livid right now, the locket, the diary, Nagini, and now the ring had been confirmed to be gone.

Four of his Horcruxes were gone and he was not only enraged but scared as well, first the Malfoy patriarch lost his diary in a foolish attempt at revenge upon a weak and poor family.

He had punished Lucius the day he had told him what had happened to his diary, he was only left alive because of his riches and house that day, but he had been utterly punished for his grievous blunder.

That was a heavy blow to Voldemort, but at the time he didn't think much about it, after all, he had five other Horcruxes, but all of that had changed today.

Not only was the knowledge of his secret to immortality known now, but they have been destroyed with him not even being made aware of this fact, and that both enraged and terrified him.

He could now, only hope that Bellatrix had good news for him and brings him his cup, otherwise, he will have no choice but to get the diadem no matter the cost.

Even if it meant burning Hogwarts to the ground to do so, he just has to prepare for Harry Potter and those five meddlesome little girls first.

With that last thought, Voldemort apparated away from Gaunt's shack, back to what remained of Malfoy Manor, where he will wait for good news from Bellatrix.


Hope, Sherry, Harry, and his friends all looked around the Room of Requirement, or rather the room where lost things can be found, though a few were distracted by the many things found around, like Hermione who was browsing the many books around the room.

Though some were, old and forgotten books required by the school, there were a few that weren't even in the library, some were about dangerous and deadly spells.

Hermione would have avoided books with this kind of knowledge, or feel iffy about reading them before, but after Eri got on them about the nature of magic and the fact that there was a big battle coming.

It pushed her to shove those sentiments to the side and try to read and learn as much as possible, Ron was busy looking at the brooms along with Ginny, while Neville found some seeds and even some plants that for some reason were still alive.

However, Hope, Sherry, Harry, and Luna were the ones busy looking for the diadem, though it was proving a bit difficult, with how big the room is and the number of things in it.

Eventually, a good fifteen minutes passed by and Luna was the one who found the diadem, she immediately pointed at it and Hope looked up to see it "Yep, that's definitely it, it seems there's too much magic here, that made it hard for me to sense it".

Sherry nodded "Yeah, I didn't sense it until Luna pointed it out, and here I thought we were good at sensing energy...".

Hope smiled at Sherry and then grabbed her hand "Daddy did say that energy sensing is a skill that will never be perfect, that we have to learn to hone it as we go along and find things that prevent us from using energy sensing.

Now that we know that places saturated with mana make it hard for us to sense specific energy signatures, we can train it to be able to do so".

Sherry nodded and then smiled, Luna walked up to the girls and looked up at the Diadem "So that's Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem... is there a way to keep the diadem safe and just destroy the soul shard?".

Hope nodded "Yeah, but why?".

Luna smiled "There is a ghost in our dorms, she is always sad and quiet, but she talks to me whenever I speak to her, she's been looking for the diadem for a long time.

I just know she will be very happy that we found it and I want to give it to her, maybe she'll finally find some peace and she can smile again~".

Hope smiled at Luna, like her mommy Luna, this one was also very sweet and kind, so she nodded to her "Alright".

Hope then turned her head towards Sherry "We'll do it like the ring, I'll bring it close and you purge the soul shard with your white holy light".

Sherry nodded and immediately summoned her Spear of Destiny, Hope then raised her hand and used telekinesis to grab hold of the diadem and bring it over to them.

Both Luna and Harry stepped away from the diadem and the girls, their instincts instantly flared and told them that the diadem was bad news.

As soon as the diadem got close to the girls, Sherry jabbed her spear towards it, and poked it with the tip of her Spear, she immediately began to flood the diadem with white holy light.

The effect was immediate, and Voldemort's soul shard was pushed out of the diadem and let out a horrendous wail of horror.

Everyone -except Sherry and Hope- covered their ears from the glass-shattering wail, Hope summoned her gauss pistol and aimed at the soul shard.

She glared at it, and then pulled the trigger, a fireball of cosmic fire shot forward and crashed against Voldemort's soul shard and destroyed it instantly.

Harry and Luna uncovered their ears, while the rest of their friends ran towards the group, meanwhile, Sherry and Hope put away their weapons, Hope then grabbed the diadem and smiled "All Horcruxes destroyed! Voldermort is no longer immortal!".

Everyone cheered, while Harry smiled and said "It's almost time".

Hope then handed the diadem to Luna, who brightly smiled at her "Thank you, Hope, you're a very good girl".

Luna then rubbed Hope's head, just the way her mommy Luna would do it, this caused Hope to close her eye and begin to hum a song.

Hope's humming made everyone in the room feel energized and full of life, they all smiled at Hope and inwardly thanked her for the beautiful gift of a phoenix song, one from the Phoenix Force herself.


~In Death's domain~

Death had been watching her nieces and daughters as they prepare their plans for war with a smile on her face, that smile widen and became feral when she saw Hope and Sherry destroy the last of that world's Voldemort's Horcruxes.

She suddenly raised her hand and showed the soul of Albus Dumbledore the sight of the last of Voldemort's Horcruxes being destroyed "What do you think old fool? Some very adorable and cute little girls did, what you could not in years, in only two days.

So much for the wise and powerful Albus Dumbledore huh? Soon that Voldemort will also join you in an eternity of torture!".

Death squeezed Dumbledore's soul which let out an agonizing wail of pain, despite being dead and a soul, Dumbledore was feeling nothing but pain, he couldn't understand how it was possible to even feel pain when he didn't even have a body.

Death suddenly began to laugh "Hahaha! I wasn't able to vent my anger at the Dumbledore of my Harry's world, he destroyed his body and soul after all.

But with you here!? I'll enjoy spending time making you suffer~ no next big adventure for you old fool! Only pain and suffering await you~".

Death began to laugh and squeeze Dumbledore's soul to make him wail even more, meanwhile Lily and Marvin were watching this go on.

Marvin gulped a bit and then said "Err... is it me or is Death a bit...".

Lily cut him off "A sadistic bloodthirsty maniac?".

Marvin sweatdropped but nodded, Lily nervously laughed and shook her head "She gets like that whenever Harry is involved, this, however, is a little different.

She never got to take her pound of flesh from the Dumbledore of our world, so she had quite a lot of anger, spite, and disgust to vent, now that she got a hold of Prime Dumbledore's soul, well... the poor bastard is going to regret all of his life's choices".

Lily shrugged while Marvin nervously sweated, he was certainly glad that the girls had asked Death, to treat him nicely, he certainly didn't want the sadistic Death to be coming after him, ever.


Eri was done with the warding of the student's hiding spot and Hogwarts itself, she knew that the chances of anyone making it into the school were practically zero.

But her daddy had taught all of his children, that it was best to be safe rather than sorry, now she was heading back to the Great Hall, while Professor McGonagall went to gather the students who wanted to fight in the upcoming battle.

She had told her to meet her at the Great Hall, and so Eri went there immediately, as soon as she arrived, she saw Morgan talking to an elderly witch wearing a pretty cool monocle.

But she ignore that for now and approached Lily who was having fun making some adult wizards and witches flinch by swinging her sword at them, Eri giggled seeing the little princess smiling as she made adults flinch for no reason.

The giggle however alerted Lily of her presence, she immediately stopped bullying the Aurors and ran to her friend with a wide smile on her face "Eri! Are you done with the warding?".

Eri nodded and smiled "Yup! The younger students and those who don't want to fight are safe, though we had to knock out some Slytherins and seal them away.

Apparently, they were Death Eaters too, they have the mark, but Professor McGonagall asked me not to kill them because they were still, just kids... didn't make any sense to me, since I've seen kids being very evil before.

And I quite don't like letting them run around free but she asked very nicely and I couldn't say no, but now I'm worried that the law won't do anything to them, I rather not want to worry about them doing something evil later".

Lily nodded "Should we kill them later then?".

Eri hummed and thought about her options, she didn't want to make Professor McGonagall sad, she was very nice to her after all, but it was a risk to let bad people live.

Suddenly a voice spoke out from behind "You don't have to worry about that, I'll make sure the law makes them pay for their crimes".

Eri and Lily turned around and saw Madam Bones walking towards them with Morgan beside her, Eri tilted her head since the woman walking towards her looked very familiar "... Aunty Amelia?".

Madam Bones raised an eyebrow at being called Aunty by the very adorable little girl with a witch's hat in front of her, Morgan giggled "Well, the one of this world Eri".

Eri nodded and then smiled, Madam Bones seemed very confused right now, but decided to ignore it for now and speak about what Eri just spoke of "I can understand that you don't trust the Ministry... we did let many Death Eaters go once before, but that won't happen again".

Morgan nodded "Yeah the Prime Minister is dead now, so Madam Bones will be able to make sure any marked Death Eaters get their punishment! and with the fact that many pureblood nobles are dead.

She will be able to run for Minister unopposed, we don't have to worry about any Death Eater getting off scot-free".

Eri nodded "Alright, we won't do anything to those kids, but I hope they do get severally punishment, we know what one must do to get marked by Voldemort... I won't forgive you or anyone if they don't get punished".

Eri narrowed her eyes at Madam Bones, which made her instincts go crazy, she gasped and took a step back from Eri, whoever the little girl was, she was extremely powerful and dangerous.

Eri relaxed when Morgan then spoke up "Eri, we have to do something about the village not too far from the school".

Eri turned her head towards Morgan and looked surprised "There's a town nearby? How come no one told us?".

Morgan shrugged "Must have skipped their mind, everyone is rather nervous and tense about the upcoming battle after all".

Eri nodded, she could understand if someone forgot to mention the town, unlike them Harry and his friends weren't used to high-tension situations.

So Eri nodded "Okay, where's the town?".

Morgan smiled "Just follow the path out of the school, right into the front gates, it's a little far since they need carriages to get there, but you should be able to get there quickly".

Eri nodded, Lily suddenly piped in "I'll go with her she might need some help with the people in town or something".

Morgan nodded while Eri smiled at Lily, soon after they both left the Great Hall and the school to head to the nearby town, meanwhile Madam Bones let out a breath she was holding and shook her head "That little girl is scary... it was like she was filled with this extremely dangerous darkness".

Morgan nodded "... Eri, had a horrible childhood, she suffered a lot and had a firsthand experience with the evil people are capable of... it left a mark on her, one that will never disappear.

Thankfully, her heart is also full of light and that keeps the darkness in her balanced, out of everyone in our home, she is the one closest to twilight... an element that's very powerful, one only my uncle could wield.

Whether she can ever awaken such a thing is yet to be seen, but if anyone could it would be her, but you're right, Eri is very dangerous, best you do what you promise.

No one will stop her if she decides to come back here and clean the place herself, and you don't want that, now come on, let's get your Aurors ready for the battle".

Morgan walked away while Madam Bones stood there and watched her go, in her mind, she couldn't understand just how these small and young children could be so terrifying and powerful.

She soon snapped out of it and followed Morgan, this wasn't the time to ponder things, right now they needed to get ready for the arrival of Voldemort.


~Sometime later~

Bellatrix returned to what was left of Malfoy Manor from her trip to Gringotts looking utterly terrified, she had left Narcissa with everyone they had gathered in one of the safe houses they had nearby Hogwarts and left to the bank.

Only to be denied entrance to her vault and told that she had lost everything, the goblins were apparently pissed at her, because she placed a very dangerous dark forbidden object in her vault.

This was very bad news for her and now she had to inform her lord of what has happen, she immediately went to the room her lord likes to relax in and found him sitting on an obviously conjured throne and looking very upset.

She gulped since it seems like her lord was in a bad mood and that meant very bad things for her, but she knew there was no escape, she had to inform her lord of what happened.

So she approached Voldemort looking very afraid, it was something Voldemort immediately noticed and made him very upset, he could already tell that she had bad news for him.

As soon as Bellatrix reached where Voldemort was sitting, she drop to her knees and then kissed the hem of his robes, Voldemort watched her do so but then asked "Where's my cup, Bella?".

Bellatrix looked up and gulped "My Lord... the goblins destroyed it and sealed my vault, according to them, I broke their rules by placing something vile, dark, and dangerous in it.

I'm afraid, there was nothing I could do and the goblins refused to tell me anything more than what they already did".

Voldemort frowned, he was seething on the inside but he couldn't punish Bellatrix, he was going to need her soon, and she was the only one left of his inner circle.

He couldn't afford to lose her or injure her right now, so he got up "Let's go Bellatrix, take me to where you gathered my allies, it's time to strike down at our enemies.

It's time to make them pay for what they have done, soon they'll regret opposing me, the most powerful dark lord".

Bellatrix stood up and vigorously nodded, inwardly she was glad that she wasn't punished, but she also knew that she had to do her best in the upcoming battle, or her lord might just dispose of her.

Soon after both, Bellatrix and Voldemort apparated away and left a destroyed and completely silent Malfoy Manor behind.


Some more time passed by and everyone in Hogwarts was almost ready now, the girls, Harry, his friends, teachers, and the Aurors gathered on the front lawn of Hogwarts and took positions around it.

Hope walked up to Morgan and looked around "Where's Eri and Lily?".

Morgan smiled at Hope "They went to ward the village nearby".

Hope raised an eyebrow as Harry and his friends walked up to them "There's a town nearby?".

Hermione suddenly slapped her forehead "I completely forgot about Hogsmead, why did I forget about the village, how stupid of me...".

Harry shook his head "It's alright Hermione, I think everyone forgot, we've just been very worried and tense about everything else going on".

Hermione nodded but still frowned, she was inwardly angry at herself for forgetting something so important, Sherry suddenly grabbed her hand and smiled at her "It's alright, Eri went to take care of it, she will be back soon".

Hermione smiled at Sherry and nodded, soon both Lily and Eri arrived back at Hogwarts while flying, the magicals gaped at both girls in surprise, but they ignored everyone and headed straight to their friends.

Eri smiled at everyone as she landed and then began to speak as soon as she got close to them "Okay the village nearby is warded and safe, though we did have to knock out a few villagers who didn't want to go back to their homes".

Lily nodded "We also found a few people who offered to help! They'll be coming here shortly".

Soon there were some cracks and pops and a few of the store owners of Hogsmead arrived led by, none other than Aberforth Dumbledore, the man immediately walked towards the group and stared at Harry "I heard you killed my brother Albus".

Harry narrowed his eyes and got ready for a fight, but Aberforth raised a hand a shook his head "Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to do anything to you boy, Albus has done a lot of good things.

But he also has done some very unforgivable things as well, he believed he knew better than everyone, that he knew best, what everyone should do... his power and positions went to his head and he stopped listening to others.

He began to want to control everything and everyone and honestly? I'm glad someone stopped him, I don't know what he did to you, but taking into account that a young boy like yourself offed him.

I can only imagine that he must have done some horrible things, it might not amount to anything, but I am sorry for what my foolish brother did to you".

Harry relaxed and sighed "You don't have to apologize but thank you for doing so anyways, Dumbledore paid for his crimes with his life and soon Voldemort will as well.

Let's just forget all of that and get ready, Voldemort is going to come with everything he has left, so we have to get ready".

Aberforth nodded and gave Harry a small smile, Hope then began to speak "Alright! Who do we have helping?".

Hermione spoke, "All the DA wants in on the action".

Harry then turned his head towards the teachers of Hogwarts and saw all of them nod at him "The teachers are all in as well".

Madam Bones then spoke, "The entire department of Aurors is here to help as well, I even called a few retired ones, as well as hit wizards and witches".

Arthur nodded and then spoke, "The Order of the Phoenix is all here and ready to fight and assist".

Tonks raised her hand and cheerfully spoke "Mom and Dad arrived not to long ago! Mom even brought a few doctors from St. Mungus too! They're all gathered with Madam Pomfrey and getting ready".

Aberforth then spoke, "All the store owners of Hogsmead are here to help, this school and the village are important to us, we'll fight for both with everything we have".

Hope smiled "Good, we have quite the army gathered here today ".

Morgan then raised a hand "That's cool and all! but what can we expect from Voldemort? We took care of a lot of his Death Eaters, when we attacked Malfoy Manor with Harry, I'm sure we got all his inner circle too".

Harry nodded "Yeah, though he still has Bellatrix, he saved her at the very last second".

Sirius frowned "Well, we can expect all sorts of dark creatures to help him, giants, dementors, and that sort of thing as well".

Remus then spoke up "Fenrir will be here as well, his pack is already very big, but I'm sure he'll be bringing even more packs now, luckily it's not the full moon or night time so I don't think we have to worry much".

Moody shook his head "They can still partially call upon their inner wolf, they'll be faster and harder to kill even like that".

Everyone frowned, Morgan hummed and then looked around "Leave the dark creatures to us".

Everyone turned their heads to look at Morgan and stared at her, though she ignored the looks and turned her head toward Sherry "Sherry".

Sherry smiled at Morgan "Yes?".

Morgan then grinned at her sister in all but blood "You take care of the dementors, I remember from my aunties that they're spirit-like dark beings, your sacred gear, and white holy light is perfect for creatures like those".

Hope then turned her head towards Morgan "I guess you'll take care of the giants, right Morgan?".

Morgan nodded and smiled at Hope "That's right!, They're magic resistant, so physical attacks work best, though the wizards and witches are too weak to do anything to them, so I'll take them out!".

Every magical in the area flinched as they felt, Morgan's words pierce them like an arrow, most looked down and sadly gaped down, though the only one who wasn't effect by Morgan's words was Luna who giggled.

Morgan then turned her head towards Lily "Lily! You take care of the werewolves, you're fast and powerful enough to kill them quickly".

Lily grinned and excitedly skipped from foot to foot, she has never fought werewolves before but she was curious about them and wanted to see how tough they are.

Morgan then turned her head towards Eri "Eri, you're on support duty, help the wizards and witches out, make sure they stay alive, and keep an eye out for any surprises".

Eri nodded "You can leave them to me, I'll make sure nothing touches them".

Morgan then finally turned around and addressed the magicals "Well, I can't say I have the best opinion about wand magic users, especially when I've seen some really powerful ones do amazing stuff back home.

But this is it, everyone, if you're going to fight, if you want help, then do not hold back, some really evil people and creatures will attack this school soon, and they will try to kill anyone that gets in their way.

They won't care, they won't hesitate, and they definitely won't show any mercy to all of you, today you guys fight for survival, for a future free of fear and to end the threat that is Voldemort, once and for all.

Fight with everything you have! Do not show mercy to your enemies, dark and light have no place in war, do anything you can to see tomorrow!".

Every witch and wizard raised their wands and lit them up with magic, a small show of willingness and understanding of Morgan's words.

Morgan smiled and nodded "Cool~ now, I want you guys to take care of the Death Eaters, me and my friends will keep the dark creatures busy and we will take them out!".

Everyone nodded and took on a serious look, they definitely felt at ease that they won't have to worry about any dark creatures and that they were going to have good help.

The DA, the Aurors, and the teachers of Hogwarts were told about the five girls before them, sure some had some doubts and whatnot, but there was no mistake about the sense of power everyone felt from the little girls, plus they all have seen some very powerful people listen to them.

So they all decided to place their trust in them, today will be the end of Voldemort and his followers, and today was the day that they will finally free themselves of the terror that is, the most powerful dark lord in Britain.

Morgan then turned her head towards Harry and gave him a kind and soft smile, Harry couldn't help but feel pride that he had earned that kind of smile from one of the most powerful girls he has ever met.

Morgan then spoke to Harry "Harry, you will take care of Voldemort, it's time for you to set yourself free from his shadow, it's time for you to fight for your future".

Harry nodded and held up his wand to his chest, it finally hit him, but for the first time ever in his life, he wanted to see what the future held for him, he didn't want to die.

He wanted to have a life, and a big family but foremost, he wanted to be free, he already freed himself from Dumbledore, a manipulative old man who wanted to control every aspect of his life.

A man who stood in front of him and lied to him, wanted him to die for everyone else, a fake Leader of Light, who had a cold and uncaring heart full of darkness.

Suddenly, he felt someone hold his other hand, and Harry turned his head towards who had grabbed it, only to come face to face with Luna's silver-gray eyes.

Luna smiled at Harry and then turned her head to the side and looked at the people behind him, Harry turned his head too and gazed at what she was looking at, he saw his friends and family standing behind him.

Hermione, her smart and wise friend, Ron, his tactical first friend, Neville, the loyal friend, Ginny, the hot spitfire, Remus, his uncle in all but blood, Sirius, his godfather, and a man who loved him dearly.

These were the people he was fighting for, for whose future he was walking into war, these are the people he loves the most and like his dragon god counterpart, he would destroy anything that dared threaten them.

Harry smiled at his family and friends, he then looked around at the rest of the Order of the Phoenix, the Aurors, the teachers, and finally the DA.

He nodded at everyone and then began to speak "Today I will finish what my mother started that Halloween night, today I will fight Voldemort and kill him once and for all! Today we will win our futures back!".

Harry let go of Luna's hand and raised his free hand up, Gryffindor's sword appeared in it and Harry held it up, as Hogwarts' bell began to toll for the first time in many years.

Everyone watched in awe as Harry's green eyes began to glow as his mana burst out of his body in response to his will.