Chapter 35

Deep inside the Natural Dungeon of Neo Kyoto, Hope, Morgan, and a few of their family members were having a bit of fun with the many monsters found this deep in the dungeon, fighting and adventuring are, after all, the number one favorite thing to do of the Potter Household.

Morgan suddenly jumped back from a massive explosion, she covered her body with her arms as she flew back, but still had a fun-filled grin on her face.

The monster that just tried to end her with a massive explosion, is no other than the Dungeon Frieza, a floor boss, found deep within the Natural Dungeon.

This version of Frieza isn't just a perfect copy of the original, but the copy has also been enhanced by the Natural Dungeon, the group, had already pushed him up to his perfect form and were still fighting him with everything they have.

The purple and white form of Frieza suddenly flew after Morgan, who landed on the ground and then jump off it towards Frieza, she roared as her sacred gear suddenly yelled 'Boost! Boost! Boost!'.

Frieza was blindsided by the sudden increase in power and speed from Morgan that ended up getting punched in the face, causing his head to whip to the side, Morgan then spun around and kicked him in the chest sending the dungeon-created Frieza flying back "Eri, now!".

Eri, who was flying above the two fighters, pointed her staff towards Frieza as he crashed against a cliff, her mana burst out of her body and she called out the name of her spell "'Ultima!'"

Three massive orbs of mana coalesced around her body, each one of a different color, red, blue, and green, the Orbs began to spin and then shot forward and down toward where Frieza had landed.

The dungeon-created copy looked up and widen his eyes in shock as he saw the spell heading his way, the orbs crashed against his body and violently exploded creating a massive dome of mana that spread outwards from Frieza.

The whole dungeon floor shook from the force behind Eri's spell, but the little witch narrowed her eyes "It's still alive!".

Frieza suddenly flew out of the explosion and headed straight toward Eri, but she just smiled not even worrying about the dungeon-created copy.

Frieza appeared right in front of Eri and reared his arm back to punch her, but before he could even touch her, a massive bolt of blue lighting struck Frieza and sent him down towards the floor.

The blue lightning bolt crashed against the ground with Frieza in front of it and exploded, Thalia suddenly dropped down and aimed to stab Frieza while he was down, but the dungeon-created copy avoided the stab and whip his tail toward Thalia.

Thalia clicked her tongue in annoyance and brace herself for the hit, but then a blast of high-pressurized water suddenly hit Frieza in the side of his body and sent him flying away from Thalia.

Thalia grinned and pulled her spear out of the ground, meanwhile Percy ran past her in pursuit of Frieza, but before he got far he yelled at Thalia "I'll hold him down! Prepare a big attack!".

Thalia nodded and then began to gather her divine energy into her spear, Frieza quickly recovered in mid-air and landed on his feet, he moved to fly towards Percy who was running towards him, but tendrils made out of pure shadows shot out of his shadow and wrapped around him tightly.

Nico's upper body suddenly came out of Frieza's shadow and grinned "Got you now!".

Frieza began to try to pull away, making Nico grunt and grit his teeth, suddenly even more tendrils of shadows shot out of Frieza's shadow and wrapped around him even more.

Nico smiled and looked to his side, not too far from him stood Bianca pointing two hands towards Frieza and also grunting in exertion as the dungeon-created copy began to fight back even harder.

Bianca growled, "You're not getting away! Our shadows drain energy! So no more of those annoying ki blasts from you!".

Frieza scowled, but Percy appeared in front of him in a blur and slashed at him with his sword engulfed in water, he suddenly slashed down hard and made a big cut on the dungeon-created copy's chest, and blood splattered everywhere but Percy jumped back, and then raised his hand towards Frieza.

Percy then grinned "I got the idea for this one technique from a ninja of Konoha! 'Massive Water Prison!'".

Percy pulled water from the very air and engulfed Frieza in a massive orb of water, Percy then closed his hand and tighten his fist, this caused the water orb to compress upon itself with Frieza trapped inside the water.

Both Nico and Bianca tighten their fist as well causing the tendrils around Frieza's body to tighten as well.

Meanwhile, Thalia had gathered a massive amount of divine blue lighting on her spear, it was so intense that bolts of electricity were violently lashing out at everything around Thalia.

She then reared her spear back, took a step forward, and loudly roared as she threw her spear as hard as she could toward Frieza, while he was still trapped.

The spear flew through the air with a boom and crackle, it flew so fast that it looked like a streak of blue light, the spear soon hit its mark and caused a massive explosion of water, shadows, and blue lighting.

Luckily, Percy, Bianca, and Nico jumped back to avoid the massive explosion, all three landed safely away from the explosion, but suddenly, Frieza yelled from within it as his body burst out in a pink aura of ki, Frieza's yell became a roar as he powered up to his utmost limit.

The four demigods frowned and covered their eyes as the massive power of Frieza began to cause destruction everywhere around him, however, he suddenly shot upwards at a high speed and stopped a fair distance away from the ground.

He suddenly raised his finger up, and a massive orb of pink ki coalesced in seconds above his finger as he look down towards the four demigods on the ground, he got ready to let go of his Death Ball attack.

Percy groaned "That doesn't look good...".

Bianca sighed and shook her head "You think? If that thing hits us we're going to end up at the Healing Temple!".

Percy winced from Bianca's yell, while Nico nervously laughed "Should we try run?".

Bianca shook her head "No, I don't think we can outrun the blast radius, we're not as fast as Morgan you know? Well not yet that is".

Hope suddenly teleported beside everyone "Don't worry, I can handle that".

Percy, Bianca, and Nico smiled at their little sister, while Hope raised her gauss pistol towards Frieza and took aim, she then began to gather a massive amount of mana into her magic gun.

She then slowly pulled the trigger as she called out the name of her next technique "'Sol Impact!'".

As soon as she finished pulling the trigger, a massive orb of yellow mana shot out from Hope's gauss pistol and headed straight towards Frieza.

The dungeon-created copy glared and then whipped his arm forward and shot his Death Ball toward Hope's Sol Impact, both massive attacks crashed against each other and began to fight for dominance.

The force of both attacks caused the whole floor to shake and tremble, the demigods fought to keep their balance but were having a hard time doing so, Thalia grunted but then turned her head toward Hope and saw her standing there like nothing was happening.

She couldn't help but grinned "My little sister is so badass...".

Suddenly the two orbs violently exploded, the demigods screamed and covered themselves with their arms to protect their bodies and faces from the massive blast of the explosion, but even then they were being pushed back.

Suddenly someone flew towards Frieza and hit his back with a palm strike, a wave of chakra exploded from the person's hand and sent Frieza down, as the explosion subsided.

Hope looked up and smiled as she saw Himawari with her palm outstretched and with her Byakugan activated, Himawari then quickly began to draw with her finger in the air.

A rune suddenly glowed in front of her and then, a massive Bijuudama shot out of the rune, the massive chakra orb flew down and headed straight toward Frieza.

Hope then teleported herself and her demigod sibling beside Himawari, as Frieza crashed on the ground and was then hit by the Bijuudama as it hit him from above, the dungeon-created copy was then once again engulfed in a massive explosion.

Hope smiled "Hm, a pocket dimension link to a sealing rune trigger huh? What sort of things did you seal in that pocket dimension Hima?".

Himawari blushed but smiled and began to explain "Just big explosive attacks, like Kurama's Bijuudama or Daddy's Massive Planetary Rasengan I even have a couple of Kirins from Mr. Sasuke!".

Hope giggled at Himawari's enthusiasm "Quick trigger massive attacks, that sound like a fun way to surprise enemies".

Hima grinned and nodded "I got the idea from your gauss pistol Hope!".

Hope nodded and gave Himawari another smile "I see, very creative, Eri is good with magic but not with runes and sealing, it all looks like gibberish to her".

Percy sweatdropped "Man, the girls in our family are super scary...".

Nico nodded while Bianca and Thalia grinned in amusement at Percy's words, and well, he isn't wrong, the women in the Potter Household were terrifyingly powerful.

Eri intently watched as the explosion subsided and stared at Frieza, he suddenly shined and then exploded into many little wisps of energy, leaving behind a massive amount of money and a few skill scrolls.

Everyone smiled and then flew down to check their loot, Eri too flew down, and soon enough everyone landed around their loot, Eri nodded and brightly smiled "Wow! This is a good haul!".

Hope nodded "Well, Frieza is a floor boss, after all, he's bound to drop a good amount of loot".

Percy bent down to take a better look and whistled "He wasn't easy, that's for sure, I don't think Thalia, Bianca, Nico, and I could defeat him on our own...".

Thalia sighed and nodded "He was annoying to fight too... he kept transforming every time he took too much damage, those last two transformations were very powerful too".

Bianca looked around "And he kept summoning mobs too, those guys weren't powerful but they were annoying to have around too, what were they anyways?".

Morgan landed close by "I think Uncle Harry called them Frieza's henchmen, generic soldiers from his massive army".

Nico nodded "Yeah, I think I heard him talk about them before, it's a good thing Lily and Sherry took on the job to keep them off of us, I don't think we could have fought Frieza well enough with those guys attacking from everywhere".

As if summoned by calling their names, both Lily and Sherry arrived, Lily cheerfully began to skip from foot to foot with a wide smile on her face "That was a lot of fun! I fought none stop!".

Sherry nervously laughed "I kinda felt bad for Frieza's henchmen, Lily kept slicing them into tiny pieces".

Morgan laughed "Well they aren't that tough so of course they would be easy to cut".

Bianca shook her head "I don't think that's what she meant Morgan...".

Morgan just laughed while Bianca deadpan at her, everyone was laughing in good fun at the two of them, Hope then softly smiled as she stared at all her siblings playing around and having fun.

Thalia noticed Hope's smile, she herself couldn't help but smile as well and gave Hope a head pat, it still surprises her how powerful Hope is, even when she was still way smaller than her "What's up Firebird?".

Hope looked up at Thalia and smiled "I was thinking that it's nice for all of us to get together and have adventures in the dungeon like this".

Thalia nodded and agreement "It sure is, though next time let's not go that deep yet... this last battle was tough, I don't know how pops fought this Frieza guy ".

Hope giggled, she knew from her father, that when he fought against Frieza, it was quite the challenge for him and his friend Goku, at least until Goku transformed into a super saiyan, then things got easier for them.

Nico grabbed a skill scroll and opened it, to read its content "Death Beam? Wasn't that, the finger beam thing he tried to kill Percy with?".

Percy nodded "Yeah, that thing destroyed my shield, I'm going to have to buy a new one now".

Bianca grabbed another one "This one says telekinesis, did he even use that?".

Everyone shook their heads, throughout their fight they didn't see Frieza use telekinesis on anyone, Thalia hummed "Maybe he's not as good with telekinesis as he is with his other skills?".

Eri shooked her head "I don't think that is why he didn't use it on us, maybe he knew he couldn't hold us with it?".

Hope crossed her arm and thought about it "That or he would have to stay standing still to use telekinesis, Mom once told me that, that's one of the drawbacks with that ability, it's not something you should do when fighting multiple opponents".

Eri nodded "Ah that makes sense".

Himawari grabbed a weirder object and stared at it, it looked like an earmuff, with a green screen "What's this?".

Everyone turned their heads towards Himawari, and as they saw the object she was holding, Morgan recognized it "Oh! A scouter! Lucky~".

Himawari tilted her head in confusion "A scouter? What does it do?".

Morgan smiled and immediately began to explain "They can scan a person and give a numerical number to someone's power level and works for communication as well".

Himawari looked down at the object in her hand, but Hope smiled "They're a rare drop from Frieza and his henchmen, we can't use it though, they tend to explode right away, especially in Neo Kyoto, they can't handle all of those high power levels".

Himawari nodded "That's a shame, but then what do we do with it?".

Morgan was the one who answered Himawari's question "We sell it, the R and R Guild buys them for a good amount of money".

Himawari nodded, Thalia then spoke up "Well, let's split up the loot and then go back to Neo Kyoto, we have been down here and fighting none stop for at least a whole day".

Everyone nodded and quickly began to split the loot and whatnot, after that, they quickly left the area and headed to the next floor which Frieza, the Floor Boss was protecting the door to.

Right behind the door, they found a teleporter along with the stairs leading down, the group then got in the teleporter to go back to Neo Kyoto, once outside the Natural Dungeon, everyone stretched and sighed in relief, now that they were out, they could relax.

Hope suddenly smiled and looked up towards the sky "It's a nice day!".

Everyone looked up and nodded, Thalia then grinned and decided to ask everyone what their plans were for the rest of the day "What are you guys doing now, that we are out of the dungeon?".

Percy hummed and then smiled "Father is taking me and mom fishing today, he's been busy with his new duties in the Japanese Patheon, but now that he's pretty much settled, he's taking a long break to spend time with us".

Thalia smiled, she was really happy for Percy and the rest of her siblings, things have changed a lot, in what used to be the Greek Fation and everyone was really enjoying the new freedom they had.

Even Artemis and her hunters work for Neo Kyoto now and have been working hard in the Natural Dungeon, especially since new floors and new spawns have begun to appear in the dungeon.

Her pops had called everyone a few days ago and let them know of the possibility of new foes appearing in the dungeon and about a monster called a thresher maw, apparently the new world he was visiting, had quite the crazy variety in it.

Bianca then spoke up "Well, there are a few books I want to get, both Papa Harry and Hades want me and Nico, to catch up in our education and with the time as well.

Thalia nodded "Yeah, you guys spent a long while in the Lotus Casino, I bet it was a shock finding out just how much everything had changed, especially since you were brought directly to Neo Kyoto".

Bianca nodded "It's not too bad, sure I was really mad at Papa Hades but Papa Harry, made sure we understood the situation, I'm not happy about it, but at least I know Papa Hades was trying to keep us safe in some way".

Thalia nodded, but looked down, thinking about all of this craziness, that happened because her dad, refused to compromise, she used to think it was cool to be the daughter of Zeus, but now? She was ashamed to be related to the man.

But thankfully, pops was a great dad and always spent time with her and all her siblings, even now, when he was away, he would often send texts and pictures of all the places and people he's seen and met.

It's very comforting, that even so far away, he's still thinking about them, it always brings a smile to her face, Nico suddenly spoke "I have to dogsit Cerberus, Dad has a meeting with the other Death Gods and someone has to make sure Cerberus doesn't cause any trouble".

Though Nico called it dogsitting, he still had a smile on his face, that let Thalia know that he was looking forward to playing with the giant fluff ball, Cerberus might be an enormous black three-headed dog of hell, but he was a good dogo.

Himawari crossed her arms and closed her eyes. she then tilted her head to the side, which made her look like a fox, it made Thalia want to rub her whisker, and by the way, Bianca twitched told her so she did.

Himawari began to hum "Well, I want to go to the Grand Library, there's a couple of books I want to borrow about runes".

Eri then fist pumped "Oh! Can I come? I want to learn a few new spells! I heard from Mama Luna that there's a spell that lets you rain down meteors on your targets! Isn't that cool!".

Himawari opened her eyes and everyone could see how they sparkle in excitement "Ah! That sounds cool! I want to learn that spell too~".

Thalia sweatdropped, she didn't know what it was with these two little girls, but they always get excited about big destructive spells and techniques, well Eri is the Witch of Destruction, and Mom Luna told her that Himawari is an Uzumaki and that they're wild by nature.

So maybe they got that from her ancestry? Who really knows? But she did feel bad for whoever they choose to practice that spell on.

Sherry smiled and then began to tell everyone, her plans for the day "Mama Gabriel and Big Sis Asia want to teach me a few angel spells and skills, so I'll be spending time with them".

Thalia nodded "Well you seem to have a knack for this whole, heavenly magic and light business, Mom Gabi and big sis are really the best to teach you since Pops and Mom Kunou aren't here right now".

Sherry nodded and smiled at Thalia, Lily then sighed "I'm going back home, Mom wants me to be present for a party in the castle, not really my kind of thing but as Princess of Trodain I have to be present".

Thalia felt sympathy for Lily "Being a princess sounds tough Lils, but it's just for a day right? At least there's that".

Lily sighed and slumped but nodded nonetheless, she really didn't like this sort of thing, but her mom had asked her to come and she was not one to deny her anything.

Thalia then turned her head towards Hope and Morgan "That just leaves the three of us, I don't really have any plans today though, I was just planning on heading to the big house and watching TV or something".

Hope shrugged "I don't have anything planned, I was just going take a nap, or maybe be lazy in my room".

Morgan nodded "I was just going to do some programming in my room, there are a couple I things I want to add to my Boosted Gear".

Thalia nodded, it seems that pretty much everyone has something to keep them occupied and whatnot, though she wouldn't mind having a bit more excitement right now.

She felt that going home and just watching TV was a waste of time, but she couldn't think of anything to do, it was in times like these, that she missed her pops.


Everyone walked back to Neo Kyoto and once they reached the middle of the city, they all started to go off on their own, however, Morgan noticed that Thalia seemed a bit lonely for some reason.

She turned her head towards Hope and saw her frown, letting her know that she noticed too, Morgan then walked up to Thalia and grabbed her hand, Thalia turned her head towards Morgan and stared at her in confusion "What's up Mog?".

Hope giggled at the nickname Thalia gave to Morgan, at first Morgan seemed confused and a bit reluctant to be called like that by Thalia, but she eventually got used to it.

Morgan rolled her eyes at Thalia but then, decided to ask her what was wrong "You seem a bit down Thalia, what's wrong?".

Thalia frowned and lightly tilted her head "I do?".

Both Morgan and Hope nodded, which surprised Thalia "Huh? I didn't even notice... I guess I feel lonely? I'm not even sure, but I kind of miss Pops".

Hope and Morgan stared at Thalia, it made sense for her to miss Harry, everyone else had something or someone to spend time with, more family to hang out with, Thalia, however, didn't, her father never came to Neo Kyoto after all.

The other demigods had their mortal parents and their god parents, as well as their many siblings, but Thalia was just by herself, the only demigod of Zeus, so with Harry out in another world, it was only natural that she missed him.

Especially since this was her first time with him being gone for a long while, Hope and Morgan shared a look and decided to do something special for Thalia.

So they both nodded to each other and then smiled at Thalia, Morgan then excitedly said "Then how about we go on an adventure Thalia? Just the three of us!".

Thalia raised an eyebrow "An adventure? Like a quest? Can we even do that? And who would give us a quest?".

Morgan smiled and then shook her head "No not like that? Remember how we told you how Hope and I go on adventures in other worlds".

Thalia nodded "Ah! Yeah, that's where you met Godzilla! You guys also brought Sherry with you from another world too! I think something about zombies and flesh-mutated monsters right?".

Hope nodded "That's right, so how about it? Want to have an adventure in another world with us?".

Thalia smiled and then nodded "You bet! That sounds like a lot of fun Sis!".

Hope nodded and brightly smiled at Thalia, Morgan then fist pumped "Then let's go to the house! and get ready!".

Thalia and Hope fist pumped with Morgan and then the three of them headed towards the Potter Household, there were a few things they had to get before they headed out on a new adventure.


The girls got back to the Potter Household and went to Morgan's room, where they usually keep everything they bring from other worlds and their trophies, Morgan went to her computer and began to work on something rather quickly.

Meanwhile, Hope walked over to Morgan's closet, opened it, and then pulled out a treasure chest, Thalia raised an eyebrow and walked over to Hope as she opened the chest and began to go through it.

Thalia took a look inside the chest and sweatdropped at the amount of stuff in it, though she was also staring at a big mushroom who seemed to be glaring at her for some reason "Wait... why does that mushroom have eyes?".

Hope turned her head towards Thalia and then turned her head towards the Mushroom "Oh! That's a super mushroom, it's a neat little power-up found in another world.

They can heal, make you grow bigger and invulnerable for one hit and you can even shove one inside a car engine and it will give you a boost of speed!".

Thalia sweatdropped at that last thing Hope mentioned, she wondered who would see a car engine and say 'You know what? I'm going to shove a giant mushroom in there and see what happens'.

Thalia picked up the mushroom and stared at it "Alright, but why is glaring at me?".

Hope actually looked confused "I don't know... that's actually the first time I've seen one glare at someone".

Thalia stared at the super mushroom who just glared at her, Thalia suddenly shrugged and took a bite out of its head.

The super mushroom's eyes just turned into little xs while she chewed what she bit off "Hm... not bad, it has a funny texture but it's fun to chew".

Hope laughed a bit and then began to take a few things out of the chest, after all of them had returned from Prime Harry's world, they put away everything they had brought with them away.

Since they didn't use too many things from what they had brought, they decided to put them in the chest for next time, though Morgan did stock up on some gels since they had used some of them.

Thalia just continued to chew on the super mushroom as she watched her little sister take out a few cool and interesting things from the big chest, there were very interesting things in there.

Some looked goofy, like a big yellow star, or a block with the word POW on it, some other things looked very dangerous, like grenades and all sorts of ammunition, there was even a rocket launcher in there.

She didn't know why the girls had that in the chest, but it was pretty badass, she also saw a few other interesting things as well, things that she bets they got in other worlds.

It made her even more excited about the upcoming adventure, as she finished eating the super mushroom, she wondered what sort of world were they going into.


A few moments later, Morgan stood up from her chair and turned off her computer, she then walked over towards where, Hope and Thalia were going through some things, though Hope soon closed their treasure chest and pushed back inside Morgan's closet.

Thalia smiled as she saw Morgan and then decided to ask her a question "Hey Mog, what were you doing?".

Morgan smiled at Thalia, and she then showed her some kind of transparent orange hologram that wrapped around her arm, Thalia raised an eyebrow at the objects.

Morgan then began to explain "Uncle Harry sent this to me, or rather he sent a few for us, but he told me to grab one and play around with it, apparently, it's called an omnitool and it's like having a supercomputer on your arm.

I just integrated it into my Boosted Gear and upgraded some of its functions, so it can be compatible with this world and any other we might visit, its not as good as my smartphone, but it is very interesting and with it being merged with my Boosted Gear I can do some very neat stuff now!".

Thalia nodded "Neat, but what can it do that our smartphones can't? Pops and your dad made them after all, they're way ahead of their time".

Morgan nodded and went on to explain "Well, for one it has a mini-map function, and scanning capabilities that target and lock on enemies and I can hack and interact with technology as well".

Thalia crossed her arm and hummed "That actually sounds very useful".

Hope walked over and piped in "Yup~ Daddy sent them so Uncle Tony and Mr. Urahara could reverse engineer them, Daddy wants to make them standard-issue equipment for the guilds".

Thalia nodded in understanding "Ah, I see, these would really come in handy with dungeon exploration and even on missions outside of Japan".

Morgan smiled happy that Thalia understood the plan everyone had for the omnitools "That's the idea! Since the Greek Faction is practically all gone now, we have to do our part and protect the United States from supernatural threats, Dad has been in contact with the government and some of the supernatural organizations there.

They have been organizing with us and the guilds have been hired to take care of anything supernatural, especially because some factions thought it would be a good idea to take the United States now that there was no faction in charge"

Hope then continued on "But Dad didn't want any other faction to get a foothold in a country with so much political power, especially not one of the the Judeo-Christian Factions.

He said, that they would only grow arrogant and too cocky, it would be only a matter of time before they would try anything".

Thalia sighed "Politics... I hate all of this, I don't even know how Pops can handle thinkin' about all of this".

Morgan and Hope giggled in amusement, they both knew Harry was never happy dealing with politics, Hope then decided to explain "Well, Daddy said, that he was doing this because by destroying the Greek Faction he practically left the United States defenseless.

So he didn't want to just ignore that fact and decided to do something about it, thankfully he received help from the Japanese Government, so everything went smoothly.

But this also means more work for the guilds and Neo Kyoto as a whole, so that's a big plus~".

Thalia scratched her head "Sometimes I feel bad for Pops, he's always busy helping or doing things for everyone, it's a good thing he also likes to be lazy once in a while or I would be worried for him".

Both Morgan and Hope smiled, Thalia really cares and worries about Harry, an affection born from the fact that Harry always treats Thalia with care and affection as well, something she's not used to but enjoys quite a bit.

Thalia then grinned "So are we ready?".

Hope nodded "Yeah, we should have everything we need just in case of an emergency".

Hope then turned her head towards Morgan "Do you still have food inside your Boosted Gear inventory?".

Morgan nodded "Yup! Food for a least two maybe three weeks, and some snacks too!".

Thalia grinned "Can't forget the snacks, every trip needs some".

Both Hope and Morgan nodded in agreement, any trip needs some snacks and they always make sure they bring some with them, Thalia then decided to ask a question "So where are we going?".

Morgan wasted no time in telling Thalia where they were planning on going "We found a world a few days ago, where something interesting seems to be happening.

We're curious about it, since the last thing we saw was, some people going to investigate Antarctica! We've never been there before so we want to check it out!".

Hope then said, "Plus were really curious as to what someone would be looking for in Antarctica, not many go there, much less to investigate something, so something very interesting should be going on".

Thalia was actually beginning to get curious as well, Antarctica isn't a place someone would go to on a whim, it was a very dangerous place for normal humans and one could easily freeze to death in seconds.

So Thalia stared at both Morgan and Hope, more precisely at their clothes, both were wearing sweaters sure, but Hope is wearing a soft yellow turtle neck with an orange dress.

Morgan was wearing a baggy red sweater that also has a hoodie, she was also wearing some red shorts, overall these two weren't wearing anything a sane person would wear when heading to a place like Antarctica and thus Thalia nervously laughed at the situation.