Chapter 41

Hope, Morgan, and Peach stayed and spoke with both Himiko and Ereshkigal for a while, they hung out and had fun until the girls decided it was time to take Peach to meet a few of Potter household family members, well those present in the house to begin with.

This is how Peach met with Morgan's parents, her father Tony Stark, and mother Pepper Stark, both were unique and pleasant people to speak with, Tony Stark is a very friendly and aloof person, he seems to like making jokes and might give off an air of arrogance.

But Peach knew better, she could feel the heroic heart within Tony Stark, a spark to protect those who can't protect themselves, she could see where Morgan got that fun outlook on life and the inspiration to be smart and clever in everything she does.

Then there was Pepper, a kind and sweet woman, it was obvious that Morgan got her sweet and kind heart from her mother and Peach got along great with her.

Both Starks are good people and Peach was very happy to finally meet them and speak with them, Tony and Pepper knew about her already, Morgan had spoken about Peach a lot and had told her parents about the adventure she had with Asia and Hope in the Mushroom Kingdom.

It was a fun and great time, but the Starks were busy people, Tony works with the Research and Development Guild and does projects from home as well, apparently Harry had been sending all kinds of data and new technologies that Tony was scanning and trying to replicate with materials available in this world.

It seems like Harry had a lot of plans and was counting on Tony to help him, Peach saw in Tony's eyes both excitement and willingness to help Harry with anything he has planned, a loyalty that Peach could see, was as deep as the one she had with Mario and Luigi.

Pepper seems to be working for what the girls called the none supernatural side of the world, the sweet and kind woman had connections with the government in Hope and Morgan's world.

As the Princess of Mushroom Kingdom, she quite liked seeing a good woman in a position of power and was very glad to see it.


So leaving the Starks to go back to work with a smile and a wave of their hands, Hope and Morgan then took Peach to tour around Kuoh for a bit.

Peach's first walk around in Hope and Morgan's world was very interesting, Kuoh wasn't anything like the Mushroom Kindom, it was a modern and small town that had its own little charm.

She quite liked the shops and even bought a few things for herself, Mario and Luigi, well, after Morgan and Hope exchanged her gold coins into Japanese currency of course.

The arcade was fun as well, the games there reminded Peach of whenever she and everyone else would get together to play a match of Mario Party, of course without anyone getting blasted, drenched, or sent flying... yeah the arcade was safer for sure.

After that Hope and Morgan took her to some sort of temple of worship, or at least that's what she felt it was when she first saw it, to her surprise though, she had found Asia happily sweeping the road leading to the entrance of the temple.

Though she quickly noticed Hope, Morgan, and herself walking towards her, Asia immediately dropped her broom and ran towards Peach, the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom received her friend with a hug "Asia! It's great to see you!".

Asia nodded and pulled away from Peach with a big smile on her face "It's good to see you too Peach! But what are you doing here?".

Morgan immediately cut in "We kidnapped Peach and brought her to our world to hang out a bit Asia!".

Asia sweatdropped and nervously laughed "Ah, you really did kidnap her... I feel bad for Mr. Toadsworth now".

Peach giggled, while Morgan just proudly grinned, Asia just shook her head in amusement at the troublemaking Red Dragon Empress "You're starting to act just like Harry, Morgan, I don't know if that's a good thing or not though".

Morgan just continued grinning letting everyone know her thoughts about whether it was a good thing or not to be like Harry, which made everyone else burst out laughing.

However, the ground suddenly shook making Peach squeak in surprise "W-what was that?". Asia rubbed the back of her head and nervously smiled "That's Lady Tsunade, she's sparring with Xenovia and Irina and she tends to get rather violent when fighting...".

Suddenly, Xenovia fell from the sky and landed right beside the girls, head first causing the ground to crack, this startled Peach, but then she watched as Xenovia got up, healed herself, and ran back to the backyard of the Temple while letting out a loud battle cry.

Hope shook her head and sighed "Why do they keep trying to fight her, Granny Tsunade is a very powerful shinobi, she used to be a Hokage after all, every time they try to fight her they always end up severely hurt".

Asia shrugged and shook her head "Who knows? I think they feel they have to somehow catch up to everyone at the house, but it would be difficult for them".

Peach tilted her head and then asked "Shinobi? You mean ninja?".

Morgan nodded "Yeah, though the shinobi we know of are a bit different from traditional ninja, didn't we fight koopa ninja before?".

Asia nodded "Yeah, what were their names? I forgot... oh well! But then if there are koopa ninja you must know what they are, no Peach?".

Peach shook her head "Oh, we know about them, but the koopa ninja are just fans, I doubt they're really ninja or that they received any real ninja training".

Asia, Hope, and Morgan nodded understanding what Peach was getting at, the koopa ninja they fought were very weak after all and didn't use any ninja techniques either, now that they thought about it, they might have not been ninja, to begin with.

After that little conversation, Asia took everyone into what Peach now knew, was a healing temple, a place dedicated to healing and the research of that particular branch of supernatural power.

It fit Asia to a T and made sense that she worked here, or at least it made sense to Peach, after getting inside the healing temple, Asia served them tea and cookies, and the girls then spent some time exchanging stories about what they have been up to until now.

At some point, the aforementioned Tsunade made an appearance, though she did so by dragging Xenovia and Irina by the nape of their clothes through the ground and bleeding all over the place.

This of course startled Peach a lot, but when she asked if Xenovia and Irina were okay, Tsunade just laughed and told her that this was nothing and that she usually had to bring them back to life, so apparently, they got it easy today.

After Tsunade, threw Xenovia and Irina into their rooms and told them to heal themselves, she then went to get to know Peach, well she, of course, knew about the Princess of the Mushroom Kindom through Asia.

So Peach got to know, Tsunade, one of the most powerful healers in the Potter household, she's a tough and rough kind of girl, but she also had this mother-like air about her as well, one that shined through whenever she would smile at Hope, Morgan, and Asia.

To the girls and a lot of the people living in the Potter household, Tsunade was Granny Tsunade and was treated with love and care, though her attitude reminded Peach a lot of her friend and fellow Princess Daisy.

So she was able to get along quite well with Tsunade, though if there was one difference between Tsunade and Daisy, it was that Tsunade was a doctor and healer first, and foremost.

A fact that was proven by all the questions Peach got about her healing magic, the super mushrooms, and the 1up mushrooms, that her world has, she, of course, answered all of Tsunade's questions and even promise to send her a book with information about the mushrooms power-ups of her world.

That's how Peach spent a few hours with two of the most talented and powerful healers of the Potter household and she had a lot of fun.


After saying their goodbyes to Asia and Tsunade. the girls then teleported Peach to Neo Kyoto, it was here that Peach finally gaped in shock, she had heard about the city the Yokai Faction lived and operated from Morgan and Hope, but to actually see it, was an entirely different thing altogether.

Neo Kyoto was very different from Kuoh, it was futuristic and modern and seemed to have this sense of tradition and culture to it, Morgan had called it 'Japanese aesthetic' and for some reason, Peach agreed to it.

Neo Kyoto is a very busy city, Peach, Morgan, and Hope sat on a bench for a bit and just watched the people of the Yokai Faction go about their day smiling and laughing.

It reminded Peach of Toad Town but was far bigger and more modern, it brought a smile to Peach, the girls then took Peach around, she saw the guild buildings, and even went inside to get the tour and presentation of what they did.

She was quite impressed with the battle-oriented guilds, the mercenary, tamer, adventure, and gunner guilds had all sorts of tough and serious-looking men and women, who looked to have been in battle a lot.

Though that didn't stop any of them from smiling and waving at Morgan and Hope, apparently both girls are members of these guilds and are well known, but what really caught Peach's attention were the crafter guilds, alchemy, blacksmithing, enchanting, research and development, runecraft, spell creation, and jewel crafting was something Peach had never seen before.

Sure, there are mages in the Mushroom Kingdom that could make potions, and Professor made wonderful machines and new technologies, but nothing of this caliber and number.

It was all fascinating and amazing to Peach and made her wonder aloud if Harry would be willing to allow the Mushroom Kingdom and Neo Kyoto, to have a trading alliance.

When she voice that idea, Morgan and Hope grabbed her hand and then, took off running while pulling her who knows where.


Sometime later, the girls took Peach to a big palace in the middle of Neo Kyoto, both Hope and Morgan pulled her through the main gate and she was surprised that none of the palace guards tried to stop them, in fact, they all smiled and waved at the girls.

It was a bit surprising, but as the girls pulled Peach into a room and then put her in front of a very confused but beautiful woman with fox features, the Princess of the Mushroom Kindom couldn't help but feel a bit confused herself.

Nevertheless, the woman with fox-like features suddenly smiled and rested the side of her cheek on one of her hands, as she glance at Morgan and Hope with clear amusement on her face "Girls? Mind telling me, why you're dragging this poor woman all over my palace and sat her in front of my desk? She and I are very confused".

Peach couldn't agree more with the beautiful woman with fox features, Hope smiled at the woman and then said, "Sorry Mama Yasaka, but Peach here was talking about a trading alliance with Neo Kyoto and we wanted to help".

Morgan nodded and then widely smiled "Yeah Aunty Yasaka! Peach is our friend and the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, so we were hoping you can help her".

The now-revealed Yasaka, softly smiled at Hope and Morgan "Ah I see, I don't see why not, the stuff you girls brought to the house was very interesting and amusing to use".

Peach sweatdropped and became a bit nervous "Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sure you must be busy, I didn't mean to intrude or anything, I hope we didn't interrupt anything Lady Yasaka".

Yasaka just smiled at Peach and shook her head "Not at all, Hope and Morgan brought you to me because they trust and want to help you, besides, you're a family friend now, so you can call me Yasaka".

Peach nodded and then sighed, after that, she pouted at Morgan and Hope "Sheesh, you girls, you shouldn't have done that, what if Yasaka was in an important meeting or doing something delicate".

Morgan just nervously laughed, while Hope actually blushed, Yasaka just lightly laughed at the girls getting scolded by their friend "It's alright, everyone in the Potter household, always encourages the children to come to us if they need anything.

We're always happy to make time for them and help in any way we can, besides, Hope, Morgan, and Asia spoke highly of you and the Mushroom Kingdom, Harry did plan to offer you an alliance with Neo Kyoto, but he then went on an adventure and it seems like he's very busy there at the moment.

So, in his place I was already prepared to approach you, I just haven't had the chance to visit you in your world, but Neo Kyoto would be very happy to make an alliance with you and the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach".

Peach smiled and nodded "I see, so mister Harry was already planning to approach me with an alliance, that's wonderful, oh! and please call Peach, all my friends do so".

Yasaka smiled and then together with Peach, the alliance was written and signed, it was full-on trading of goods and protection alliance, and whenever the Mushroom Kingdom needed help, Neo Kyoto would run to their aid.

It was the same the other way around as well, the Mushroom Kindom would always come to Neo Kyoto's aid, not that they needed it, but it was the thought that counted.

Once the alliance was signed and filed, Yasaka, Peach, Hope, and Morgan spent some time together talking and drinking some tea, to Peach, Yasaka, the kyubi as she had called herself.

Was not only a very beautiful, intelligent woman, but she was also very powerful, Peach had been even able to sense the magic within Yasaka and it had left her in awe, but there was also this feeling of nature and fire within her as well.

Getting to know someone with so much political experience and know-how, was amazing to Peach as well, as the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, she felt she was nowhere close to what Yasaka is capable of, and it made her wonder if someday she could be as political smart as Yasaka is.

She was also very impressed with the technology that helped Yasaka with her paperwork and her duties as the leader of the Yokai Faction, when she asked about it, Yasaka and Morgan explained to her about computers and the artificial intelligence that was created to help Yasaka in her job as leader of a faction.

It impressed and interested Peach a lot, she was still using scroll and ink feathers to do her paperwork, so she could see and understand how amazing having such tools to help with work would be.

Yasaka smiled at Peach and then told her that she would ask Tony to set her up, that way she can have help with her duties as princess and have more free time, Morgan even volunteered to teach her how to use everything once all of it was set up.

Peach was very thankful for the help and aid, she really wasn't good with tech and was already having a hard time using the smartphone Harry had given her, but she was more than willing to learn, knowing that all of those tools would help her a lot.

After a while, Hope, Morgan, and Peach left Yasaka to get back to work, so after saying their goodbyes for now to the kyubi, the girls then took Peach to the next area they wanted to show her.


When they reached their next destination, Peach couldn't help but awe at the beautiful and sparkling clean temple, Hope and Morgan had brought her to, Peach could clearly see that the temple is well taken care of and she could even feel the love and care for whatever was being worshiped here.

Hope smiled and grabbed Peach's hand, she then took her inside the wood, silver, and gold Japanese temple, and right in front of a statue of a sleeping dragon, in front of the statue was a series of small shrines with offerings and a few people praying.

It made Peach feel small, so she couldn't help but gape and she looked up at the sleeping dragon statue "What is this? This place feels... like something is looking out for me and protecting me".

Hope smiled and the answered Peach's question "This is Daddy's temple, here the people of Kyoto pray and offer their offerings to Daddy, the small shrines in front of Daddy's statues, are actually of gods Daddy thinks deserved to be respected and prayed to, gods that Daddy thinks are worthy".

Hope then walked up towards the big sleeping dragon statue and to the main shrine in front of it, she then took out a small chocolate bar from her stash and put it on the shrine "For you Daddy, I hope you're having fun...".

The chocolate bar suddenly vanished into motes of light and drifted up, Peach watched the small motes of light disappear in mid-air, out of nowhere there was a small, warm, and soft breeze in the temple and it seemed to caress Hope's hair and face.

Hope just closed her eyes and smiled, Morgan hopped to Hope's side and took out a whole slice of cake, and put it on top of the shrine, she then widely smiled "Come home soon Uncle Harry! and bring me lots of gifts! Love you!".

The slice of cake dissipated into motes of light and like the chocolate bar, they soon disappear, another small, warm and soft breeze blew through the temple, this time however, Peach could sense a hint of amusement in the breeze.

As it caress Morgan's head and face, Peach couldn't help but stare at all of this in amazement, sure, she knew that Harry is a deity, but hearing about it and seeing it, are two completely different things.

Hope and Morgan then walked back towards Peach and gave her a big old smile, Peach couldn't help but smile herself and look around, it was obvious that everyone here cared and made sure to maintain the temple.

It showed in how everything was clean and well taken care of, and this showed Peach, the kind of deity Harry is, it certainly was an eye-opener and something that the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom won't ever forget.

Sometime after, Peach also offered some cookies she had made and brought with her, as an offering, and prayed for Harry to have a fun but safe adventure, her cookies vanished in motes of light soon after and a soft and warm air brushed Peach's hair, it had a feeling of happiness, letting her know that Harry had received the offerings and prayer.

It made Peach feel happy, after that, Hope and Morgan then introduced her to the dragon priestesses, the ones who care for and maintain the temple and shrines.

They were all kind and beautiful women, but Peach couldn't help but notice some pain in their eyes, it showed that these girls must have had a hard life before finding a home here.

It made her wonder what had happened, but she knew better than to ask, she instead was happy to see them all smile and laugh as they talked to her, Morgan, and Hope, whatever had happened, it was obviously in the past and the girls were now happy.

Still, Peach was very happy to have met so many kind and strong women, but soon enough, it was time for them to leave, so Hope, Morgan, and Peach said their goodbyes to the dragon priestesses and went to the next destination, the girls wanted to take Peach to.


Next, Hope and Morgan took Peach to an orphanage, one Harry had created for some orphans he saved, the kids were all in awe at finding out that she was a princess, and the girls asked her a lot of questions.

While the boys asked her if she needed some knights in the future, it all made Peach smile at how playful and sweet these kids are, according to Hope, Harry built this orphanage and is taking care of the needs the kids have.

Apparently, the children had died at the hands of horrible people and when Harry found out he went on a rampage, something Peach did not hold against Harry, she herself was feeling rather angry when she heard about what was done to the children.

So she was thankful that Harry had punished the people behind, what had happened to the kids, and that he was also taking care of the children and making sure, that they have a great future.

After playing and spending some time with the kids, Hope, Morgan, and Peach then said their goodbyes, but she did promise to take them to see her castle someday, something that had the children very excited.


Hope and Morgan took Peach to see a few more sights of Kyoto, she even watched as the palace guards trained with someone named Erik, someone who came from Morgan's original world.

Apparently, he came to this world seeking a second chance and a better life, now he teaches the palace guards of Neo Kyoto all about modern weaponry and war tactics, he's also a founding member of the Gunner Guild and is pretty popular among the battle oriented guilds.

Despite looking like an aggressive and downright mean person, Peach could also see that he had a hard life and that it was living his life like that, that made him who he is.

It didn't mean he was evil or cruel, just that he's seem to have been through a bad life and grown strong to survive it, it made Peach really happy to see him smile as he instructed the palace guards on how to use modern weaponry.

According to Hope, Harry has been sending all sorts of weapons back and Erik is the one in charge of learning all about them and how best to use them, all so he can teach it to the rest of the people in Neo Kyoto that seems interested in modern weaponry.

After that the girls took her to a special building, this building is known as the home of the Valkyrie of Neo Kyoto, and it was here that Peach met Brunnhilde, a cool and very tough woman, leader of the Valkyries of Neo Kyoto, and Rosswiess, a young and very responsible woman who is the representative of the Norse Faction of this world.

They were a bit busy, so they only had time to introduce themselves to Peach and talk a bit, apparently, they're training a few new girls who want to become valkyries and that's taking a lot of their time at the moment.

But even though it was a short time, Peach was glad to have met them, both promised to visit her and hang out, which made Peach really happy, she really needs more female friends after all.

After that, Hope and Morgan took her to a big building, and outside this big building was a massive backyard, with a thick forest surrounding it, this is the Big House, home to the many adopted demigods of Harry.

Peach was awestruck by the sheer number of kids walking, running, and training around, even more so when Hope told her that Harry had adopted them and that they were all his children now, that made Hope their sister as well.

Something, Peach noticed that brought a sense of pride in Hope, but it did make Peach wonder why Harry would adopt so many children, Morgan and Hope then explained the harsh life the demigods lived for so many years.

It's not easy to make someone like Princess Peach angry, but Zeus' actions clearly made her so, something that was evident to Hope and Morgan, especially with the way she narrowed her eyes and the frown that took over Peach's face.

To Peach, Zeus sounded like a very evil man, someone worse than anyone she knew, so when she heard about what Harry had done to him and how he punished the parents of all the demigods, it made Peach smile in satisfaction.

Morgan just grinned and was very happy to see this side of her friend, she wondered how many had seen this side of Peach or if she even knows about it too, but then again, Zeus is the kind of person who just brings the worst out of everyone.

Hope then grabbed Peach's hand and took her inside the big house, all the demigods greeted Hope as a big sister, which made Peach giggle, even the older teens were calling Hope big sister.

Which if you go in order of who was the first to be adopted by Harry, then Hope is the oldest of all the sons and daughters of Harry, it was just funny to Peach for some reason.

After going inside, and then being taken to the kitchen, Peach was greeted by the sweet smell of recently baked cookies and the sight of a very tall and beautiful woman, who was smiling as she placed the cookies she just baked on a plate to cool down.

The tall olive skinned and black-haired woman turned to look at who had just stepped into the kitchen and smiled when she saw Hope, Morgan, and Peach walking over to them.

The woman smiled at them "Hope, Morgan! How are you girls doing today?".

Morgan grinned and waved at the woman in glee "Aunty Rhea! We're doing good so far! and it looks like we got here in time for your awesome cookies!".

The now-revealed Rhea softly smiled and watched as Morgan walked over to the table and grabbed a cookie, she then threw it into her mouth with no hesitation, she didn't even wait for it to cool down, Rhea just smiled and shook her head "Child, at least wait until they cool down first".

Morgan just grinned at Rhea "But they taste better right out of the oven~".

Hope just sighed at Morgan's actions, while Rhea just lightly laughed and let Morgan dig in, she then turned towards Princess Peach and tilted her head at her "Oh! You brought a friend, but it's not someone I've met before right?".

Hope nodded "We told you about her Aunty Rhea! This is Princess Peach~ she's here to visit us!".

Rhea hummed for a bit, but after a few seconds she smiled and nodded "Oh that's right, from the Mushroom Kingdom I believe".

Peach nodded and then gave Rhea a small smile "That's right, it's nice to meet you".

Rhea looked happy to meet someone new, especially someone from another world, she decided to introduce herself properly "It's nice to meet you dear, I'm Rhea, Titaness of Fertility, Motherhood, and Generation".

Peach looked confused and tilted her head "Titan?".

Hope was the one to explain things to Peach "A titan is a primordial being, a step up from a god, in other words, they're what some consider elder gods".

Peach's eyes widen in surprise as she stared at Rhea, she had a hard time imagining someone like her as a goddess "A Goddess? But... how?".

Rhea giggled at Peach's expression "We gods of this world can take on human form, we do so in order to mingle among mortals, but don't mind too much what I am dear, I'm just an old titaness now, nowhere close to what I used to be".

Peach looked unsure but nodded, Morgan smiled and then said "We have a lot of deities hanging around Neo Kyoto, Peach! So don't be too surprised, plus Hope and I are dragon gods ourselves remember?".

Peach nervously laughed "Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that, it's hard to really consider you girls deities sometimes, especially with how nice and kind you both are".

Rhea smiled, while both Hope and Morgan suddenly hugged Peach, causing her to squeak in surprise, but she quickly recovered and hugged the girls back, it was at times like these, that made Rhea glad that things had changed so much, from what they used to be.

After that, the quartet enjoyed some cookies and gossiped a bit, this is how Peach came to know a bit about the other Greek Gods that live in Neo Kyoto.

Gods like Hestia and Hades, who are not only worshipped in Harry's temple but were well known in Neo Kyoto and respected as well, she also learned about Rhea's other daughters and sons.

To say that Rhea had suffered quite a lot in her life by having to watch most of her children cause horrible things to the mortals in ancient days, was an understatement.

That's why Peach was very glad Rhea seems to be very happy and content with her life now, she didn't want to imagine the sweet and caring woman ever suffering like she did, ever again.

Peach was also a bit mad at Rhea's sons and daughters 'well except Hestia of course' for causing her so much grief and not even visiting her, she can only imagine how lonely Rhea must have felt.

Which is why she invited Rhea to visit her in her castle anytime she wanted, something that made Rhea smile brightly, in honestly, Peach would be honored to have Rhea visit her to hang out anytime she wanted.

She didn't get to meet Hestia today, because she was out teaching classes to the younger demigods, but Rhea promised to bring Hestia with her when she visits Peach in her world soon.

Something that made Peach very happy, just seeing how proud and happy Rhea was to speak about Hestia, let her know that the Goddess of the Hearth is a good person and someone she can get along with.

After spending quite a bit of time just hanging out with Rhea, the girls decided it was time to move on, so after saying their goodbyes, they left Rhea to go back to her baking, something she really loves and enjoys doing.


After that, Hope and Morgan took Peach to the tallest building in Neo Kyoto and all three sat at the edge of the tall building to enjoy the view of the entire city of Neo Kyoto.

It was a very beautiful view, one that Peach quite liked, she met a lot of people today and did a lot of things, but most of all, she had a lot of fun walking around the world Hope and Morgan come from.

Neo Kyoto is a peaceful and happy city, filled with loyal, kind, and strong people, it is a place worthy of praise, it left Peach with a sense of humility, the good kind of course.

It made her very happy, and because of that she couldn't help but say "I'm very happy to have met you both".

Hope and Morgan turned to look at Peach and gave her big, bright, and happy smiles, Hope then nodded "I'm glad I met you too Peach!".

Morgan nodded "Yeah! I love that we're friends!".

Peach brightly smiled, ever since she met the girls, her life had gotten more fun and exciting, don't get her wrong, her life in the Mushroom Kingdom can get hectic, especially with Bowser always kidnapping her and whatnot.

But with Hope and Morgan, her life was just exciting and fun, with them she doesn't have to be Princess Peach all the time, she can just be Peach, something she could only do with Mario, Luigi, and Daisy.

But with Morgan and Hope, it was a little different. With them, her adventurous heart just beats harder and faster, every time she hangs out with Hope and Morgan, something crazy, fun, or exciting always happens and she loves every second of it.

So, as she sat there, on top of the biggest building she had ever seen in her life, she decided to say "Next time I come over, we should bring Mario, Luigi, and my friend Daisy, we could have an adventure in this world or just hang out like we did today".

Morgan smiled "Oh! I bet Mario and Luigi would like to meet the boys!".

Peach raised an eyebrow "The boys?".

Morgan giggled and then explained, "That's what we called the men in the Potter Household, whenever they get together or they're doing something, they always end up doing something wild so we called them the boys".

Peach smiled, already imagining Mario and Luigi getting into trouble with the boys as Morgan called them, Hope then tilted her head "But who's Daisy?".

Peach smiled and then said, "Ah Daisy is the Princess of Sarasaland and my best friend, she's a bit of a tomboy, but that just makes her fun! She's very nice too and...".

And thus Peach's visit to Hope and Morgan's homeworld ended with them speaking and hanging out on top of the tallest building of Neo Kyoto as the sun began to set.