Chapter 55

Before jumping to their chosen world, the girls decided to check the current events going on within that world, they were very happy with what they saw, for they witnessed a horrible crime being done to an alien species, a species known as Cybertronians, thus the girl chose the right moment to appear in that world.

All for the purpose of not only helping the people and Cybertronians in trouble, but because, they thought that this was the best moment to join in the adventure and to also test out the shift weapon for Morgan's father, Tony Stark.


Cade Yeager, a struggling inventor from Texas, has had a very rough time lately, it all started when he bought a heavily damaged and rusted freight truck from an owner of an abandoned and old movie theater, the reason for buying such a thing? He was hoping to make a few bucks selling parts from the freight truck from said movie theater.

In hindsight, the fact that the freight truck was found inside the old abandoned movie theater and seemed to be riddled with bullet holes and tank shell damage for some reason should have warned Cade, that something really odd was going on with the truck, but hoping to make some good money from selling the trucks parts, Cade went ahead and bought it with the help of his friend and only employee, Lucas.

When Cade got home, his daughter Tessa, wasn't happy that he had bought and brought the truck back home with him, and she made her opinion known, but Cade didn't listen to his daughter's complaints.

He really should have though, as it turns out, that the truck is a Cybertronians named Optimus Prime, a race of living, thinking, transforming alien robots, from the planet Cybertron, Optimus Prime also happens to be the leader of the Autobots, the good faction of this alien race.

However, Optimus Prime had been severely injured and according to him, humans had been the ones that had left him in that state, they even chased him around for a long while, before finally breaking down in the abandoned movie theater.

This made sense to Cade, since the destruction of Chicago by a battle between the Autobots and Decepticons, the government had been looking for any Cybertronians for capture, thinking them, far too dangerous to be left on earth any longer, especially the Decepticons, who are an evil faction of Cybertronians.

What did surprise Cade though, is the fact that they had attacked Optimus Prime since he's supposed to be a good guy the leader of the good guys actually, however, there was no time to ask more questions or for explanations, as Lucas, in a feat of fear and greed called the government and told them about Optimus Prime, hoping to get the cash reward offered by the government for any information regarding the Cybertronians.

So, agents didn't take too long to arrive at Cade's farm home in Texas to find Optimus Prime and capture him, however, Cade wanted to help the leader of the Autobots, and so tried to hide him away, however, the agents were relentless in their search for the Cybertronian, and even ended up threatening Cade's daughter, Tessa with a gun to her head, to force Cade to reveal where Optimus was hidden.

But, Optimus Prime saw that Cade was really trying to help him and so, the leader of the Autobots, came out of his hiding spot and attacked the government agents to help Cade and his daughter getaway, while Optimus did this, Cade managed to grab and take a drone that was flying nearby, thinking it might come in handy later.

Now free but on the run from the government, Cade, Tessa, and Lucas were aided in their escape by Tessa's boyfriend, Shane, a surprise Cade wasn't expecting nor wanted since he didn't even know, that Tessa had a boyfriend.

Nevertheless, after a chase down, and a battle, where Lucas died turned into metal, Cade, Tessa, Shane, and Optimus Prime escaped and made it to the other Autobot survivors Crosshairs, Hound, Drift, and Bumblebee, however, the humans could clearly see that there was tension among the Autobots.

A fact proven right when they argued and fought each other at times, however, the humans ignored that and tried to rest, except for Cade, he was curious about the drone he had gotten a hold of and hacked into it, revealing footage of the captured and demise of two Autobots, Leadfoot and Rachet.

This, of course, upset Optimus Prime and the Autobots, even Optimus Prime vowed to kill whoever was responsible for the death of his comrades and friends, wanting to help, Cade inspected the drone with far more detail and found out that it was built by the KSI Company, which is located in New Chicago.

So Cade informed Optimus Prime of this, who wanting to investigate all of this, decided that everyone was going to New Chicago and breaking into KSI, that's how Cade found himself in the situation he is now.

Sure, it was kinda easy to get into the company, it just took some fake IDs, and boom, they were inside, however, things went sideways, when his fake ID was found by the system while, Cade and Shane were investigating the company.


~Moments before Cade's fake ID was found out~

Cade had found his way to the Lab of KSI, where he found out that the company had been using the remains of the fallen Cybertronians from the battle of Chicago and even the hunted Autobots to experiment and created new technology.

Cade had found all sorts of Cybertronian remains being researched or being looked into, remains from well-known Decepticons like Megatron and even Sentinel Prime, along with countless other Decepticons.

The main goal of KSI? To create their own Cybertronians by learning and using their technology, to create a new organic metal that was named, transformium, which can be programmed to transform into anything, Joshua, the President of KSI has one major goal at the moment, and that's too create a man-made Cybertronian of the name of Galvatron.

The only bad thing, to Cade, was that the thing looks like Megatron, which was a major no-no for sales, after all, humanity still remembers the cruel and heartless leader of the Decepticons and no one is going to want to get one of these if it looks like the guy.

Honestly, Cade was utterly disgusted and disappointed at what these people were doing to the Cybertronians, even going as far as hunting down Autobots, just to get more material, he might be an inventor himself, but, he would never do something, so inhumane and cruel.

Eventually, he arrived to see the scientist of KSI melting the head of an Autobot, Rachet, Cade, despite feeling bad about the fate of one of the Autobots, one he clearly didn't deserve, quickly brought out his hacked drone and began to record so the rest of the Autobots -who were waiting outside on a far off location- could see what was happening, "I'm in... you see my camera? They're melting Rachet...".

This, of course, enraged the Autobots, especially Optimus Prime, who punched and kicked a wall nearby in anger and loudly yelled, "They slaughtered Rachet! I'm going to tear them apart!".

While, Optimus Prime raged over the fate of Rachet, Bumblebee and the rest of the Autobots moved out to attack the company and to go get Cade, Optimus soon calmed down a bit and then transform to join the others to head to KSI as well.


Meanwhile, back in the KSI lab, Cade was sadly watching as the scientists continued to melt Rachet's head when a blonde woman suddenly walked up to his side and spoke to him, "Metal, just metal, that's what I always thought of them".

But Cade didn't much like the off comment the woman just said, "Well they're not, they're living beings, they have a soul like you and I".

The woman seemed surprised by Cade's comment, she didn't expect someone who was working for KSI to say something like that, after all, they were experimenting on dead Cybertronians after all, Cade noticed the woman's surprise and immediately tried to explain himself to not make the woman suspicious of him, "I spoke to one, once...".

The woman looked incredulous at Cade and then said, "And your working with transformium?".

Cade grew a bit nervous but tried to explain himself as best as he could without revealing that he isn't working for KSI, "Uh well, yes, that's what I do, I am-".

But the woman shook her head and just cut off Cade by saying, "I'm out there digging for it, there's just not much of it left to find, so that's how badly you boys need more, huh? Reduced to melting evil and old Decepticons down".

The woman sighed and then stared at the scientist melting Ratchet down, Cade frowned and shook his head, "No, that's an Autobot there, the ones that fought for us".


In one of the many security rooms of the KSI building, an agent, who happens to be the one in charge of the unit hunting Cybertronians, by the name of Harold Attinger, was talking with Joshua, these two have been working together to hunt down Cybertronians, Attinger, because of what happened to old Chicago and Joshua, because he needs more transformium.

However, these two individuals, are also working with another Cybertronian, one that is hunting down Optimus Prime, Attinger and Joshua are helping this Cybertronian because he promised them something called the seed, a very dangerous weapon that is capable of creating enormous amounts of transformium.

But, because Optimus escaped and Cade took one of the drones belonging to KSI and hacked it, Attinger had to warn Joshua that his involvement in the hunt for Cybertronians could come to light, something that Joshua wasn't happy to find out.

This is the conversation these to individuals were having a few seconds ago, while now, they were stepping into a different security room after security called them about one of the situations going on in the building right now, as Attinger walked behind he said to, "I've got this taken care of".

Joshua just huffed in annoyance and said, "Right".

But before the conversation could get further, a security guard walked up to Joshua and gave him a report of the recent situation they were called for, "Same badge code scanned at two separate gates, I'm having the classified area locked down now".

Both Attinger and Joshua frowned and nodded, the security guard nodded back and then immediately walked away to assist with the lockdown.


Back in the KSI lab, security was walking around and scanning all of the personnel's badges, trying to find out who had sneaked into the building, Attinger arrived at a one-way mirror room and began to keep an eye on the lockdown, when he saw Cade trying to find a way to get out of the lab, while everyone was busy with the inspection.

Attinger narrowed his eyes at Cade and turned to look at a nearby security guard, who immediately radioed to all of the security guys, "Check that guy!".

Cade soon realized that they were onto him, and when all the security guards turned to stare at him, Cade now knowing that he was found out, took off running to try and get away.

The security guards ran after him yelling at him to stop, but Cade wasn't stupid enough to listen to them and kept going, he even slid under a table and reached a door, which he immediately ran to and then opened in a hurry, he then quickly ran through the doorway.

Meanwhile, the Autobots were riding through the streets of New Chicago as fast as they can to reach KSI, while he continued to run as fast as he could through the halls of the company, but eventually, he was intercepted and stopped by a couple of security guards pointing their guns at him.

Cade sighed and raised his hands in surrender, while a security guard walked up to him and roughly grabbed him by the clothes, and pushed him against the wall, "Hands against the wall!".

Cade immediately did as he was told to avoid getting shot at, "Alright, alright...".

While this was happening, both Attinger and Joshua arrived on a gas cart and watched as Cade was being handcuffed, Cade frowned and then shook his head in annoyance at being caught.


A few moments later, Cade was taken to an elevator where both Joshua and Attinger rode as well, as they rode said elevator to an upper floor, Joshua sighed and couldn't help but comment on Cade's actions, "So, corporate espionage, that's a very serious crime mister Yeager".

But Cade just glared at Joshua in silence refusing to react to Joshua's comment, meanwhile, the Autobots kept getting closer and closer to the KSI company, the Autobots were listening to everything that was happening thanks to the drone Cade hacked, so they were trying to get to him as fast as possible.

Though along the way Bumblebee scanned a new more modern car and took its form, amazing and surprising Tessa and Shane who were riding in Bumblebee at the time, Bumblebee's actions certainly left them in awe.


~Back with Cade~

Cade was taken to a meeting room at one of the highest floors of the KSI building, and sat on a chair by Attinger, Cade frowned and immediately began to verbally defend himself and his actions, "Look, I want a lawyer, the justice department, somebody I can trust.

I'm just trying to protect my family, not from your company, from the government".

Joshua sat on top of a desk nearby and crossed his arms as he stared at Cade in silence, Attinger smiled at Cade and then spoke up, "Mister Yeager, who do you think I work for? You're trying to protect your family, that's admirable.

I'm trying to defend the nation from alien warfare, we've had a taste of what that looks like and we're not going to tolerate another, now... there's a version of this conversation where you get to go back to your barn.

Your daughter gets to graduate with honors, and life as you know it, will go on... you have no idea what you're involved with here".

Cade glared at Attinger and responded with, "Really?" Cade then took off the glasses he had been wearing as a disguise and then went on with a question, "What's the other version of this conversation?

The one where you sent the hired help to murder my little girl, or are you going to man up and do it yourself?".

Attinger raised his head and looked down at Cade with a small smirk, "What's your preference? I'm going to ask you this once, where is Optimus Prime?".

Suddenly, a voice sounded off from the ceiling, surprising everyone in the room, "Oooh sounds scary, if a bit cliché, what do you girls think?".

Cade, Attinger, and Joshua looked around for a while but didn't find anyone until they took a look upwards and gaped as they watched four females standing on the ceiling and grinning at them, the one who spoke was a tall dark-skinned, purple-haired woman and she was smirking at the shocked and surprised looks she was receiving from the men below.

A white-haired petite girl shrugged and then spoke in a monotone voice, "Meh... I heard better villains sound scarier with just a grunt, I give it a 5".

A black-haired little girl giggled and nodded in agreement, "Yeah! 'What's your preference?' hehe, that just sounds silly~ not scary, I give it a 4".

A red-headed little girl smiled and then continued on, "Well, he must be feeling pretty confident right now, he just threatened someone's family, pretty bold of him to assume he's safe and that he can do whatever he pleases, I'll also give him a 4".

Cade tilted his head in confusion, seeing a living breathing giant robot was one thing, but staring at a woman and three little girls standing on the ceiling and defying gravity was pretty much all that his brain can handle at the moment, so he opted to just silently gaped.

Joshua was having a hard time believing what he was seeing, while Attinger immediately took out his gun and pointed it at the unknown females, but the four suddenly blurred out of sight shocking everyone.

Until someone suddenly grabbed Attinger's arm and harshly twisted, causing Attinger to scream in pain and drop his gun, Joshua and Cade jumped in surprise and watched with wide eyes as the dark-skinned, purple-haired woman flipped Attinger with one arm, right onto the top of the table in front of him and Cade.

Attinger gasped in pain as soon as his back slammed on top of the table, while the dark-skinned, purple-haired woman grinned at him, "Tsk tsk tsk, to think you would aim your weapon at us, how vicious".

The little girl with red hair suddenly spoke up, "Aunty Yoruichi, maybe you should slam him on the table a few more times just in case...".

Yoruichi smiled in amusement at the red-haired little girl and then said, "Wow, I don't think I have seen you hate someone this much before, Hope".

Hope shrugged and pointed at Attinger, "He's just a foolish delusional adult, that rationalizes the slaughter of a sentient alien lifeform, by calling it 'protecting the nation'... he's lucky I don't set him on fire".

The black-haired little girl leaned in towards the white-haired petite girl and then said "Look, Koneko, the bald guy looks so scared now".

Koneko turned her head towards Joshua and stared at him with her big yellow eyes, which made Joshua squeak in surprise and jump in fright, Koneko deadpanned at the man and said, "That's just a coward Morgan... ignore him for now".

Suddenly, there was a loud-sounding shattering glass and very heavy footsteps that made the building shake began to be heard by everyone in the room, Morgan grinned and then said out loud, "Oh! They're here, we better get ready to help them!".

The girls nodded and got ready to join up with the Autobots, Hope helped Cade off his seat and made him stand behind her, suddenly, Drift's helicopter form lifting Bumblebee into the air appeared on the glass in front of everyone, Bumblebee quickly kicked the glass and shattered it.

Attinger and Joshua jumped out of the way to avoid the glass and debris, while the girls just stood there unaffected by the destruction in front of them, Cade widen his eyes as Bumblebee waved at him, "Come on! We're getting out of here!".

Cade nodded but then pointed at the girls, "They helped me! They should come with us!".

Bumblebee looked at the girls and inspected them, he saw three young girls and an adult woman, so not wanting to leave them with the bad guys, he decided to bring them with them, "Alright! Jump on!".

Cade immediately jumped toward Bumblebee and he grabbed onto him, Morgan, Koneko, Hope, and Yoruichi smiled and then jumped toward Bumblebee and held on tight, which surprised Bumblebee a bit since the girls had a strong grip.

The Autobots, the girls, and Cade then left the room and headed down to meet with Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots, meanwhile, Joshua and Attinger stood up and immediately headed down to the basement, where the labs are located, knowing that they were heading there right now.


The Autobots were all heading down while shooting and crushing things around, both to destroy things in this company and to scare away the humans working here, soon they arrived at the lab and Crosshairs shot at the ceiling and loudly yelled, "Get out! All of you!".

The KSI employees were of course frightened and immediately ran away as fast as possible, Hound began to kick stuff out of the way as well, he then yelled at the human, "Science fair is over scumbags!"

Optimus stomped inside the lab and then issued orders, "Destroy the lab!" some humans got in his way while running away, but he waved them away, Joshua arrived at the lab and began to yell at the running employees "Move, move, move, move!".

Meanwhile, the Autobots began to destroy everything in the lab, Optimus glared at all the work these humans had done with the corpses of their allies and enemies, he frowned in both anger and distrust, he then yelled orders to the Autobots, "Destroy it all!".

A small Autobot, locked away in a reinforced glass container began to slam at the glass to grab everyone's attention, when he saw that Optimus and the Autobots had arrived, "Guys! It's me! Get me out of this crazy box!".

Joshua walked over to the angry Autobots and began to yell at them, "Hey! Hey! Stop! That's company property!".

Optimus turned around to face the human who just dared to say that to him and pointed at him with his finger, "They're not your property!".

Joshua frowned and began to sweat under the glare of an obviously angry Optimus Prime, Joshua looked around and saw Crosshairs and Hound glaring at him as well, Optimus huffed in anger and then said, "They were my friends!".

Hound noticed the small Autobot inside the crystal box and he immediately broke it, setting his little friend free, he then walked over to Optimus with the little Autobot on his shoulder.

The little Autobot then immediately began to speak to Joshua when he saw him, looking mighty afraid, now that he had three angry Autobots glaring at him right in front of him, "Oh, you aren't talking so much anymore now that you got Hound in front of you huh!".

Hound snarled at Joshua and cocked his shotgun, causing Joshua to flinch, but he soon recovered and calmly said, "Go ahead, show us your true colors, once and for all".

Those words just served to piss the Autobots off even more especially Hound, who stepped forward and said, "Just give me the word, I'll splatter him!".

Optimus narrowed his eyes at Joshua and shook his head at Hound, Joshua just shrugged and began to speak again, "Why don't you tell itchy fingers here, that all of these are spoils of war? Dead metal.

Innovation, what we do here is science, because if we don't do it, somebody else will! because you cannot stop technology!".

Optimus was both, angry and shocked at what Joshua just said, he kicked a computer away and then angrily yelled at Joshua, "We're not your technology!".

The objects that Optimus kicked, violently crashed against a glass wall beside Joshua, he immediately dropped to his knees and covered his face with his arm, to avoid getting cut by the flying glass, Hound scoffed at the human and said, "Let me vaporize his ass".

Joshua sighed and stood up, he then looked up to the Autobots and glared at them, "I broke the code, I own your whole genome".

Optimus huffed and then got on one knee to stare directly into Joshua's eyes, "The whole world will know what you're doing here".

But Joshua just shrugged, "The world? The world will approve, we can make you now, don't you get it? We don't need you anymore".

The Autobots stared in silence at Joshua, those cold and cruel words hit them all hard,

Hound sighed and lowly said, "That was cruel...".

Optimus stared at Joshua and blinked a bit of both sadness and disbelief, he soon looked down and then sighed before standing up and shaking his head, "Autobots... we're done here, let's go".

The Autobots, hearing the disappointment and sadness in Optimus' voice, immediately followed their leader's orders, the little Autobot however, was disappointed, "What? We're done? We're not going to kick a little bit of ass?".

Hound nodded in agreement with the little Autobot, "I've been itching to shoot something lately, but you heard the boss".

The Autobots soon left, while Joshua immediately ran back to his building, Attinger found him and immediately ran up to his side, "This is our chance! You can stop him, we must stop him!".

Joshua shook his head, he knew what Attinger wanted to do, but he didn't want to rely on it yet, "It hasn't been tested in the battlefield, labs, military bases sure, but not on civilian streets".

Attinger frowned and responded with an idea, "Down there, a defense department contract was attacked by a terrorist group, this is now a CIA Military Op, your indemnified, respond!".

Joshua stopped walking and turned his head towards Attinger to stare at him in silence for a few seconds, he then nodded to the scientist who was walking with him after catching up to him when they saw him walking down the company's hallway, the scientists understood the order and immediately walked away to go get things done, though Joshua looked worried and unsure about this decision.


~A few minutes later~

Joshua and Attinger moved to a control room, while Attinger began to debrief everyone, "KSI a New Chicago company has received an unprovoked Autobot attack".

Joshua sighed and sat down before issuing an order to one of the analysts in the control room, "Bring up Galvatron" the analysts immediately brought all the information of Galvatron, a KSI-made Cybertronian, onto the computer screens in front of everyone.

Everyone stared at the information on Galvatron and began to get him ready for the upcoming operation, one of the army personnel then said, "Activating Galvatron!".


Meanwhile, in another lab, some scientists were prepping Galvatron who was in his freight truck form, suddenly, a voice spoke up from the intercom in the lab, "Galvatron coming online".

The freight truck turned on and shimmered for a few seconds, while the scientist quickly began to walk away and leave the lab so Galvatron could finish activating in the room alone.


Back in the control room, Attinger nodded seeing that Galvatron was ready for the operation, and then issued another order, "Bring up Stinger".

Another analyst immediately brought up the information about another man-made Cybertronian, the computer then made an announcement, "Stinger coming online".


~Back in the lab~

Both Stinger, who was in a sports car form and Galvatron rolled out of the lab and began to ride on the road while following the orders being programmed into them in real-time by the KSI, the orders? Hunt down the Autobots.


In the control room, Joshua stood up and walked up to the front so everyone could see him and then began to speak, "Let's show these alien terrorists, what an upgrade looks like".

Everyone nodded and the one controlling, driving Galvatron and Stinger began to pursue the Autobots, while announcements were being made about the man-made Cybertronians' conditions and location.

Soon enough, everyone in the control room saw as they began to get close to the Autobots and they appeared on the screen of their monitors, one of the analysts then announced, "Galvatron and Stinger moving to intercept targets!".


~On a highway leading away from New Chicago~

The Autobots were driving on the highway as fast as possible, both, waiting to get away before they were attacked and because none of them wanted to be anywhere close to KSI, ever again.

Cade, Tessa, and Shane, who were inside Bumblebee along with Yoruichi, Hope, Morgan, and Koneko riding on the back, noticed a drone plane flying above them and then heard the sound of two fast-approaching vehicles coming their way from behind, Shane who was in the passenger seat looked out the window and noticed Galvatron and Stinger coming up to them and fast from behind, "We have company!".


~In the control room~

The people in the control room immediately began to intercept and soon, orders to begin the attack were issued, Galvatron was made to transform, and to the shock of Shane who was staring at this happening, Galvatron's freight truck form came apart into little cubes and then was reassembled into his transformer form.

Unfortunately, it rolled out of his transformation and destroyed another car that was riding nearby, which surprised and shocked Joshua, who was watching all of this happening via live feed from one of the drones in the air, "Whoa!".

Galvatron suddenly began to destroy every car around him and then stood up, he then started walking towards the Autobots, Joshua shook his head in confusion seeing all of this happen, "We are programming this right?".

The Analysts nodded, "Yes... mostly".

Joshua turned to stare at the analyst in surprise, but before he could react or say anything, he was cut off when an announcement was made by the program, "Systems seem to have malfunctioned".

This made everyone a bit nervous, but the operation was still ongoing and they couldn't stop, a military personnel member then announced, "Five boogies on sight, engaging rockets, missiles away!".

Galvatron immediately pull up his arms and aimed at the Autobots, he then shot five missiles, forcing the Autobots to drive away to the side of the highway to avoid the missiles, Shane, Cade, and Tessa held on tight while screaming or grunting in fright from Bumblebee's sudden moments.

Meanwhile, Morgan and Yoruichi whooped and were having fun at the high-speed chase and action happening right now, Hope and Koneko sighed, feeling bad for their human companions, moving at high speed and then turning like Bumblebee is doing right now, must not be fun for them.

But luckily, the Autobots were able to avoid the missiles and get back on the road, Cade, Tessa, and Shane relaxed a bit, but Cade then saw that they weren't out of danger yet, so he called out to Bumblebee, "Come on Bee! You have to haul ass!".

Bumblebee immediately accelerated and tried to get away from Galvatron quickly, but Stinger saw him and immediately rode out to pursue him, the Autobots raced on the road as fast as they could, while Stinger chased after them.

Until Stinger's sides opened up and missiles launcher were pushed out, Stinger then shot missiles at the Autobots, Galvatron turned back into his freight truck form and also began to chase the Autobots, like Stinger, he also had missiles launchers in his sides and he immediately began to shoot the Autobots as well.

This shocked everyone in the control room since no one had ordered or programmed Galvatron to shoot his missiles at the Autobots yet, the military personnel controlling Galvatron immediately began to announce the ongoing events, "Misfire, misfire, misfire!".

Another military personnel member began to communicate via radio to let everyone know of what just happened, "System failure, Galvatron just fired four rockets!".

Shane screamed when he saw that Galvatron and Stinger shot rockets at them, "Whoa! They're shooting at us again!".

The Autobots dodged the rockets, but unfortunately, they hit the cars in front and caused a pile-up in front of the fleeing Autobots, which caused the humans to panic and scream in fright, Morgan and Yoruichi however, were just enjoying the ride and whooping like lunatics, Hope got ready to help just in case, while Koneko deadpanned at the situation they were in.

It's not every day, you find yourself riding on top of a giant transformation robot while being shot at, by other giant robots, but then again this was just another Tuesday, to anyone in the Potter Household, and really? Koneko was more concerned about the fact, that this was a normal day to her now, "... Maybe I've been hanging around the Potters too much...".