Chapter 60

Joshua sat down on a couch inside his office in the KSI Building located in China and stared at the Seed, meanwhile, a very happy Attinger suddenly spoke up, "So, how soon, until we can start continuous production?".

Joshua turned his gaze towards Attinger and stared at him for a few seconds, but quickly turned away after that and stared out of his window, Cade's warning about Galvatron still echoed in his mind, and that caused doubt to begin to fill his mind.

So, he thought about his issues with Galvatron and deciding not to risk him getting hold of the Seed, he decided to speak up to Attinger, "You know what? Why don't we take a beat on this for a minute?".

Attinger turned his head towards Joshua and stared at him in confusion, Joshua sighed and then began to explain the reason as to why he wanted to slow down their plans, "I have some new data, that I discovered and...".

Attinger frowned not liking the way Joshua was speaking and acting, so he cut off Joshua mid sentence, "You're not backing out on me, are you?".

Joshua immediately shook his head, "No I'm not backing out, I just... I want the Seed, I'm not saying I don't want the Seed, I'm just saying, I don't know if I... if I want the Seed right now".

Attinger narrowed his eyes at Joshua and seemed rather upset with him now, "Good men have died trying to get that thing for us, for you!".

Joshua frowned not liking the tone in Attinger's voice, nor the accusation, "I know what you did to get that thing, a lot of illegal, icky shit, I can take you down too, Mr. black ops guy, I can take you down too, so don't you dare threaten me!".

I started this company, when I was a boy, with the dream of making the world a better place!".

Attinger turned to look at Savoy, who just rolled his eyes and shook his head, Attinger then frowned and turned his gaze back to Joshua and said, "Funny, I had the same dream, somewhere along the way, you made billions of dollars, so why don't you tell me what's missing from my dream?

Why don't you tell me what's missing from my boyhood dream!?"

Attinger walked towards Joshua, very angry at him and when he stood in front of him, he suddenly grabbed him by the throat and pushed him back against the wall behind him, "I served my country for decades of unparalleled prosperity! and you are my golden parachute, so you are well damn jumping out of the plane with me!".

~KSI labs~

Galvatron was lying down and deactivated in the labs, when he suddenly activated and began to cough, the awakened man-made Transformer got up from the truck the people of the lab had him strapped to and began to trash around, sending some of the lab scientists flying and running away from him in fear.

Galvatron then stood up tall, looked down and then roared at the humans, "I am Galvatron!".

Everyone in the lab panicked and began to run away from Galvatron screaming in both shock and fear, soon enough, one of the lab scientists began to make a call to warn everyone in the building of what was going on, Joshua was called down to Su's office because of this call, which allowed him to get away from Attinger.

Meanwhile, Su was watching what was going on in the labs through the security cameras and she was not happy, Joshua soon arrived and he immediately asked questions, "What's going on!?".

Su immediately pointed her finger at Joshua, showing how mad she was at him, and told him what was going on, "Your Galvatron has gone active!".

Joshua frowned and then sighed, this proved that Cade was right along and that Galvatron is really is controlling things, Su noticed Joshua's expression and she immediately realized that something else what's happening here, "What haven't been telling me?".

But Joshua didn't want to waste any time explaining things right now, not with Galvatron active and probably looking for the Seed, "Find Darcy, bring a car around downstairs, quietly".

Su frowned but immediately snapped her fingers, which made her assistants begin to quickly do what Joshua ordered, meanwhile, Joshua walked back into his office and then spoke to Attinger, "We got a factory emergency, I have to get you out of here".

Attinger wasted no time asking about the situation, not liking that Joshua was now trying to get them to get out of his office, "What the hell is going on here?".

But Joshua, instead of answering the question, turned his head to his personnel and issued orders, "Take them outside".

This made Attinger upset, "We had a deal, you got what you wanted!".

But Joshua just walked them into an elevator and then pushed the button to make it go down with Attinger and Savoy inside, but before the doors closed, Joshua shook his head and then said, "I got what 'it' wanted".

~Meanwhile, back in the labs~

Galvatron ignored the panicking and running humans and placed his hands on the computer cables nearby, he then began to send energy through them, he grinned and then loudly began to speak, "My brothers! Today I grant you, freedom! and from now on, you are commanded by me! Rise up!".

Suddenly, multiple vehicles around the labs began to come apart and then take on their Transformers mode, Galvatron wasted no time in screaming orders to his new minions, "Go! Find me my seed!".

At the same time, Joshua was running through the KSI Building while dragging the Seed behind me, he's heading towards where he told Su to park the car, hoping to get out of the building before Galvatron could find him and the Seed.

However, Galvatron had already actived and taken control of all the man made Transformers inside the labs and began to once again barked orders at them, "Detonate the Seed in the largest city when you find it, get going!".

His awakened minions immediately took off to find the Seed, meanwhile, Joshua finally made it outside of the building and was rushing down the stairs, as soon as he made it down the stairs, he found Darcy waiting for him along with the car he requested.

Darcy immediately turned her head towards him when she heard him walking towards her, but Joshua cut her off before she could say anything, "Listen, princess, I don't want to hear 'I told you so' but this is much more dangerous than I think".

Darcy sighed and shook her head, Su who was waiting in the car did the same, but then decided, that getting out of here was a priority, so she yelled at both Joshua and Darcy, "Get in!".

Joshua quickly put the Seed inside the car and then got in, Darcy did the same thing as well, good thing too because the building began to have explosions happening all over the place, from Galvatron's minions searching for the Seed and destroying everything in sight.

Joshua jumped as the explosions began to go off, Su, turned her head towards Joshua, who was sitting in the back of the car, "Galvatron has hacked into the others".

Joshua widen his eyes in shock not expecting such news, "What?".

Suddenly, Attinger appeared behind the car and began to beat on the windows behind Joshua, startling him, Attinger glared at him and then yelled out his name, "Joshua! You have to contain this!".

Joshua turned his head around towards Su and Darcy and then yelled, "Drive, drive!".

Su nodded and then turned on the car, the car immediately drove off soon after, leaving a pissed of Attinger behind, "Son of...".

Attinger glared at the leaving car but soon turned around towards Savoy and then said, "Come on! Let's move, let's move, let's move!".

Savoy immediately got into a car, with Attinger jumping into the passenger seat after him, the car soon took off to follow the car with Joshua, Su, and Darcy inside.

Behind the cars, the explosion began to go off more often and then, Galvatron's minions burst through walls and began to shot at everyone and everything around them, the lab personnel ran for the lives screaming in panic.

Meanwhile, in Joshua's getaway car, Su noticed that they were being followed by Attinger and Savoy, she frowned and then spoke up to Joshua and Darcy, "I know how to lose them in Hong Kong, I know a military garrison there that will help us".

Joshua shook his head and sighed, "Threatening a professional CIA killer, probably not my finest hour... I'd like to have that one back".

Darcy gasped in surprise and then began to yell at Joshua, "Killer!? I thought they were your friends!".

Joshua shook his head, "No, not friends, they were business partners, they're the ones who gave me this bomb".

Su widen her eyes and looked utterly shocked, "Bomb?!".

Darcy groaned in annoyance, while Su began to panic a bit, "There's a bomb in that bag?".

Darcy sighed and nodded, "Yes, there's a bomb in that bag!".

Su looked utterly done with everything, so the only thing she could say about this was, "Shit...".

Su was beginning to think, that this was going to be a long and dangerous night, if Attinger didn't get to them first, Galvatron and his minions would instead, so she was feeling rather stressed.

~Meanwhile, with the Autobots, the girls, and the humans~

The spaceship was now flying over the wall of China, while everyone rested and got ready for what they believed, was a battle waiting for them, Cade suddenly decided to ask a question to Optimus, "You said you were done fighting for humans, you didn't mean that did you?".

Optimus, who was sitting beside Cade, with Hope sitting on his shoulder, moved his gaze toward Cade, and then responded with another question, "How many more of my kind must be sacrificed, to atone for your mistakes?".

Cade looked up at Optimus and said, "What do you think being human means? That's what we do, we make mistakes, and sometimes, out of those mistakes, come the most amazing things".

Optimus stood up and began to walk around, Hope who was listening to Cade shook her head, "That doesn't make what the human did to the Autobots right Cade, what if it had been Tessa who was captured, experimented on, and then cut apart to make something else?".

Cade flinched at the image Hope's words created in his mind, Hope then went on, "It's easy to say sweet and kind words and make excuses for humanity's cruelty against the Autobots and even the Decepticons, but you can't understand the pain Optimus must be feeling.

He lost friends to the greed of humanity, don't you think your asking for too much, for him to keep fighting for humanity, after what they did?... I might look like this now, but I'm a very old being before I was Hope Potter.

I was known as the Phoenix Force, a being of destruction and creation, I flew across the cosmos for millennia and watched many civilizations rise and become things of pure beauty, but I also bore witness to atrocities that would leave you disgusted.

I myself have done so many atrocities, killed billions, destroyed entire civilizations and even whole planets, just to restart the cycle of life again, ever since I was reborn as Hope Potter and gained my family.

I learned how horrible my actions were, sure, I'm a conceptual being and what I've done was just follow the natural way of the Universe, but that doesn't change the fact that what I've done was horrible, so I know for a fact, that what the humans did to the Autobots and Decepticons, can never be taken back".

Cade stared at Hope in both shock and concern, the way she told him all of this, with such sadness and a bit of anger, told him, that expecting Optimus Prime to keep helping humans despite what they had done to his kind, was kinda cruel and unethical.

Optimus Prime frowned, but instead of getting angry or disgusted at Hope, he suddenly poked her on the belly, causing her to giggle and then blink at him in surprise, Optimus smiled and then spoke up, "But you're not just the Phoenix Force anymore, right?".

Hope smiled at Optimus and nodded, "Yes, I'm Hope Potter now, and even though I can't atone for everything I've done, I can at least enjoy the life I was given and follow my father's example".

Optimus nodded and smiled at Hope, "Then that is enough Hope, I believe, that as this Phoenix Force, you just didn't know better, you were just doing your role in the universe, but now you understand and that's enough".

Cade sighed and nodded, before speaking up again, "Yeah, I understand... when I fixed you Optimus, I did it for a reward, for money, that's it.

It turned out to be a mistake... I wouldn't be here without you, but all I'm asking for you to do, is to do what I do, see all the junk, and see the few treasures in it, you have to have a little faith, not in us, but what we could become".

Optimus looked at Cade in silence, while Hope hummed and then nodded, "You sound a bit like my dad Cade, he's a bit of an optimist, well, unless you make him angry, then, you're pretty much dead.

But, I like what you've just said, tell you what, if you want, you, Tessa, and Shane can come with us back to my world, Neo Kyoto could use more inventors, you can have a happy life there".

Cade stared at Hope, he then turned his head towards where Tessa and Shane were cuddling and staring outside the ship into the horizon, perhaps, leaving with Hope and Morgan is the best thing they can do.

Honestly, he doubted they could all just go back to their old life after this, he hadn't said anything at loud because of Tessa, but he was sure, that the government wouldn't leave them alone for helping the Autobots.

Besides, he was quite curious about Neo Kyoto, according to what the girls had said, it seemed like a very peaceful and advanced place, the kind of place where he could find a place to belong.

(A few hours later)

Savoy and Attinger have been following Joshua, Su, and Darcy in their car for hours now and had finally arrived in Hong Kong, Savoy frowned and then spoke up, "I'm seriously pissed we're not getting paid for this".

Attinger nodded in agreement and then said with a sardonic smile, "Well, at least we get to kill him and they're not getting away from us, I still have them on satellite, some genius, he thinks he can outrun the CIA".

While Su was driving through the streets of Hong Kong, Darcy decided to call out to Joshua and ask him a very important question, "Joshua?".

Joshua moved his gaze toward Darcy to give her his attention, "Yes?".

Darcy stared at the Seed in worry through the rearview window and then asked her question, "How lethal is that bomb?".

Joshua frowned having not considered how powerful the Seed is he was not sure what the blast radius would be, to begin with, "I don't know... but hold on, let me find out real quick".

Joshua took out his smartphone and texted one of his scientists in New Chicago to find out the estimated blast radius of the Seed, the answer was in simple words, fucking enormous and it was something Joshua, Darcy, and Su did not like finding out.

Morning, soon arrived and Su had gotten the trio deep within Hong Kong, the three of them immediately got out of the car by some kind of outside market, Darcy quickly said to Su and Joshua, "I'll do the diversion! you get that thing somewhere safe!".

Joshua nodded, he and Su immediately grabbed the bag with the Seed and moved away from the car, while Darcy sat in the driver's seat and drove the car in another direction, Su looked around for a second and then saw a young man on a motorcycle getting ready to leave.

She quickly walked up to him, and spoke to him in Chinese, both began to argue right in the middle of the street confusing everyone around them, while Joshua began to get nervous, "Come on! The killers are coming here soon!".

But Su and the young man ignored him and continued to argue about something, which made Joshua very upset, "Guys, guys, guys, stop and hurry!".

Su turned her head towards Joshua and yelled at him, "You shut up! Shut up! I'm busy right now!".

Joshua jumped a bit in fright and then raised his hands in surrender, "Alright! Sorry! Alright! Go ahead, go ahead!".

Su glared at Joshua and then went back to argue with the young man again, both yelled and screamed for a while, while Joshua looked on in both confusion and concern, Su even turned around and began to leave in a huff.

Both Joshua and the young man called her back, which she did, only to begin yelling at each other again, eventually, the young man sighed and accepted whatever Su wanted from him, Su then gave him a big fat wad of cash, while Joshua sighed in relief that everything was over.

The young man then walked away from his Motorcycle while putting away the wad of money into his pocket, both Su and Joshua then quickly got on, but not before Su pointed at Joshua and angrily told him, "I need a raise! No! I want a raise!".

Joshua immediately nodded agreeing with her, "Alright! Okay! Whatever you want!".

Su nodded and then once both she and Joshua were on the motorcycle, she immediately drove it away from the area with Joshua and the Seed on the back of the Motorcycle.

Both only made it to a big two-way street before they were found by Attinger and Savoy, Joshua heard a car approaching from behind and turned his head to the side to take a look, only to see Savoy behind them and driving towards them at high speed, "Oh no!".

Joshua quickly turned his head around and began to let Su, know who was behind them, "Death is on our tail! Death is on our tail!".

Su frowned and accelerated, she drove the motorcycle as fast as she could, while avoiding people, stands, and other cars, but Savoy and Attinger continued to chase after them.

Eventually, Su drove them into a building, which made it impossible for Savoy and Attinger to follow them, but they weren't alone anymore, they had called on for backup, and as soon as Su and Joshua disappeared into the building, Savoy immediately called his men and issued orders via radio, "Box them in!".

Savoy's men immediately surrounded the building and began to move inside to look for Su and Joshua, while they themselves, made it deep into the building, only for the front wheel of the motorcycle to hit something on the ground, causing Su to lose control.

The motorcycle crashed sending both Su and Joshua to the ground, both rolled on it for a few seconds before stopping and groaning in pain, but then they both quickly got up, Su sighed and shook her head, "Come on, let's go!".

Joshua grunted but nodded and quickly got up to follow Su, though Joshua was very impressed with her right now and he let her know, "Okay, yes, I'll follow you everywhere! You're amazing!".

Su sighed and shook her head, both she and Joshua then rushed through the building and eventually found an elevator, she quickly ran towards it and pressed the button, "We're going to get you to the roof!".

Joshua nodded liking the idea of getting away from the streets, where Attinger and Savoy could easily get to them, however, what he and Su didn't know, was that Savoy's men were already heading their way.

Luckily, the elevator arrived and Su wasted no time in pushing Joshua into the elevator, which had a young man already inside, "Go, go, go!".

Joshua rested the Seed against the elevator's back and huffed in both exhaustion and worry, the young man watched him do all of that in confusion, while Su guarded the elevator door until it closed.

Joshua began to panic though, everything that had been happening lately finally got to him and he began to rant while having a nervous breakdown, "I have CIA assassins after me, right in the middle of a robot uprising, while carrying what is essentially, a tactical nuke!".

The young man looked at him in confusion not understanding Joshua one bit, since he didn't speak English, while Su raised an eyebrow at him while he ranted, Joshua sighed and shook his head, "The only good thing that's been happening to me right now, is that I'm not feeling any jetlag!".

Su had enough and walked forward to Joshua, she grabbed him by the chest and pushed him back, "Enough! Get to the roof! I'll get you a helicopter extraction!".

Joshua quickly nodded, and Su got off the elevator to make a phone call, she needed to have the Helicopter prepped as soon as possible, meanwhile, Joshua watched her leave and nodded to himself, "I like her... I like her a lot".

A couple of minutes passed by and Joshua began to get more nervous so he quickly began to press the buttons on the elevator to make it leave faster, the problem was, that the elevator was very old and it was not working too well so it takes a while for it to actually move.

Which only served to add stress on Joshua, unfortunately, voices began to echo around, voices indicating that someone was looking for him and Su, so Joshua began to once again panic, especially because those voices sounded close.

Eventually, two men arrived at the front of the elevator and found Joshua, who jumped and raised his hands when he saw the men glare at him, one of them pointed at him and said, "Alright, let's go!".

Joshua shook his head and nervously began to speak, "Wait, wait guys! We can talk about this!".

But the men weren't in the mood to listen, they both glared at Joshua, making him even more nervous and afraid, luckily for him, Su had seen the men get close to Joshua, while she was on the phone trying to get him a helicopter extraction.

Not wanting those men to get their hands on the Seed, she immediately walked over and stood behind the men, while they were glaring at Joshua, she then grinned and said, "Hello ~".

Both men flinched a bit at being surprised and immediately turned around to see who had said hi to them, but Su suddenly grabbed a broom nearby, took a quick swing at the men in front of her, hitting one in the face, while quickly striking the other one with a small but quick swing of the broom to the side of the head.

Both men, not expecting such a sneak attack, reeled back in surprise, Su quickly jabbed her broom into one of the men's chest, sending him falling into the elevator and making Joshua scream in surprise.

Unluckily for Su, the other men recovered quicker than she expected, rushed to her, and then grabbed her by the neck, causing Su to let go of the broom and struggle in his grasp, the men then yelled as he lifted her off the ground and then slammed her against the wall to the side of the elevator.

She screamed in pain from her back impact the wall, which Joshua heard, he immediately tried to get off the elevator to help her, but the other men had recovered and grabbed hold of him before he could get out.

Joshua found himself getting pulled back into the elevator and slammed against the wall inside, meanwhile, Su quickly elbowed the man who was holding her, in the face, the man reeled back in pain and Su took advantage of the opening.

She quickly threw two jabs at the man's face, then grabbed the back of his neck, pulled him down, and kneed him on the nose, the men grunted in pain and let go of Su, who quickly pushed herself back and grabbed hold of a fire hose holder nearby, she then pulled open the hose holder and swung the thing towards the Men's face.

The hose holder crashed against the man's face causing a loud clang to go off and the man to fall back, Su huffed feeling a bit tired and stressed from the little scuffle she had, while inside the elevator, the other men ordered Joshua to pick up the Seed and went to see how his partner is doing.

But Su immediately grabbed the fire extinguisher from a nearby wall and then used it to shoot its contents into the elevator, catching, the remaining man, Joshua, and the other passenger off guard.

All three scrambled to try to get out of the elevator right away, while Su just kept releasing the fire extinguisher inside it, but the fire extinguisher ran out of its contents too fast, the man, now angry, suddenly rushed out of the elevator, grabbed Su by her clothes, spun around and slammed her against the wall nearby.

Su grunted in pain and then fell to the ground, while groaning, the other passenger saw this and was about to get out of the elevator to help her, but suddenly, a small red-headed little girl appeared in front of the elevator in a flash of fire.

Joshua gasped in surprise recognizing the little girl, as the one who helped Optimus Prime fight Galvatron, everyone else was instead shocked at the way said little girl appeared, the girl soon looked around and when she noticed Joshua in the elevator, she narrowed her eyes at him, causing Joshua to flinch.

She then turned around and saw Su on the ground and groaning in pain, she raised an eyebrow and then looked at the man, who was staring at her with a confused expression on his face, "Ah, so they're after the idiot... I suppose you work with him, right? Lady on the ground?"

Su looked up and also gasped recognizing the little girl, "You! You're that little girl who helped Optimus Prime! The one who fought Galvatron and actually kept up with him".

The little girl sighed and shook her head, "My name is Hope, now, where is the Seed? We need to get it out of here soon".

At the mention of the Seed, the man who had hurt Su immediately reacted and pointed a finger at Hope, "Hey! Go home little girl, this doesn't concern you, I won't tell you again!".

Hope looked up at the man, who was glaring at her and trying to scare her, but Hope deadpanned at the man and raised a hand, suddenly a fireball materialized on top of her hand and began to grow bigger and bigger until Hope had to raise her hand above her head.


Everyone was stunned silent at the sight of an enormous fireball above Hope, Joshua was gaping and staring at the fireball in shock, Su was also gaping from the floor, while the men began to sweat from the heat, Hope then glared at him and coldly said, "No, you leave, before I burn you away...".

The man gulped and doing the smart thing to do, he took off running to get away from Hope, seeing this, the little Potter sighed and let her fireball dissipate, she then turned her head towards Su and helped her up with a little bit of telekinesis.

Su squeaked in surprise at being lifted by an unknown force and then set down on her feet, Hope then asked again, "Where is the Seed?".

Joshua gulped and then spoke up, "It's in here, we were taking it to the rooftop, so we could get it away from the city and Galvatron, but we're being chased by two CIA Assassins and their cronies".

Hope nodded and then spoke up, "Alright, then we're going to the roof, Optimus and my friends are on the way, but when we detected Galvatron and more of your little toys arriving in Hong Kong, I decided to come here ahead of everyone".

Hope then walked into the elevator, and picked up the Seed above her head, which made Joshua sweatdropped, given how heavy the damn thing is, Hope however glared at Joshua and then said, "What are you waiting for? Get in here so we can leave".

Joshua jumped and immediately got into the elevator, Hope then used her telekinesis to make the elevator's door close and then immediately go up, Su sighed and then scratched her head, "I like that little girl, she has spunk... too bad she doesn't seem to like Joshua or me...".