Two Blob

He took a hold of his head and bashed it on the floor.

He did not stop once as he continued banging the head on the floor with frustration.

When he finally stopped, the face had already been disfigured, and the two fangs all broken.

"you think you are hot shit acting all tough don't you?".

"I, the first general will make proper corrections to that arrogant attitude of yours".

"like my king wanted, I will break you into tiny pieces and rebuild you in my kings desired image".

While the first general was talking to the tied up Goblin, two other goblins with no facial difference or body shape walked in.

Getting into the cell, the two Goblin spoke in unison with a voice straight out of an horror movie.

"we were told our presence was need here first general".

The first general deviated his attention away from his toy and at the voices that had just spoken.

"yes, I indeed called for you".

"you see, my toy here was being cocky, so I need your help to get him on the right path".

"what would you have us do first general"

"your usual gross stuff that you do to all other prisoners you have attended to".

"I should warn you though, the king does not want him dead, just enough to reshape him".

"we understand".

"what underhanded trick are you going to use on me now"

"eheh, where is the fun in telling when you will soon experience it with your body".

After his words, he made a creepy grin with his face.

"what are yo!!".

The chained Goblin could not complete his words, not after he noticed the strange phenomenon that was unfolding before him.

The two Goblin that had been summoned by the first general, started to undergo a body modification.

their body dissolved, and the armor they were putting on fell to the ground.

Yes, dissolved.

They dissolved into a blob like green monster.

"what the hell are those!?.....".

The chained Goblin was alerted by the blobs, and the air around him changed.

"say hello, to the blob Brothers".

"Goblin species designed to deal mainly with types like you"

"types like me..."

He was starting to lose his composure at this point.

"you will see what I mean soon enough"

"blob brothers, carry on".

The blob goblins with their slippery body, crawled their way over to the chained Goblin who is desperately trying to break free from the chain to get away from the blob.

With frustration and desperation, the chained Goblin ran back to the wall and placed his feet against the wall,

He held on to the chain that has one of his hand tied down, and tries to break the chain while balancing himself with his foot on the wall.

He struggled to uproot the chain from the wall and set himself free but the chain did not budge.

He even activated his strength based skill and tried again, but the chain did not budge.

He did everything in his power to get the chains off of him but it was all futile.

At this point, the blob were starting to get closer to him, and this made him shriek out loud, as loud as his voice could take him".

The first general could no longer hold himself as he bursts out laughter directed at the chained Goblin.


"this reaction of yours is more than I expected".

"what happened to your arrogant self uh?, why so scared".

If one were to truly observe the chained Goblin's reaction upon seeing the Goblins turn into a blob,

It would be an understatement to say he is scared.

What he felt when he laid eyes on the blob goblins was something akin to a trauma awakening.

Fear gribbed him, his feet got cold, followed by an instinct of running away.

He was beyond terrified of the blob goblins.

His face no more smiling or being carefree, nor is there an expression that hints to him caring about who was beside him,

Neither did the mockery made by the first General faze him.

His whole focus and thoughts was getting as far away from the blob goblins as possible.

He wanted a way out, and he was ready to do anything to get it.

The first general, was bewildered by the chained goblins reaction.

He had expected some sort of opposition towards the blob goblins,

but this, it is beyond what he accounted for.

The chained Goblins body was shivering, and his eyes filled with madness.

It is like he has had his sanity filtered, and only an instinctive urge remains.

This is not even the urge of a brave or of pride that was to be expected of someone with a personality like his,

He was being filled the the instinctive urge of a coward.

His every actions and expression was something only a coward could pull off.

What had happened, for him to have such a rapid change in personality?.

How can someone who has fought and seen blood and the body of the dead become so scared at the sight of a blob?.

While the first general was having this thoughts, the breathing of the chained Goblin became even more unstable, his eyes bloodshot, and his body oozing out sweat.

Now, the first general was even more bewildered and riddled with even more questions as to why he his like this.

He knows that the blob Goblins were part of the reason for this change, because it was when they changed into blob that his personality also took a turn.

What he does not understand is the how and why.

There is an understandable reason for this one-eighty change in the chained Goblin's reaction towards the blob goblins that even the first general could never have thought of.

It happened back in the chained Goblin's past life, a life when he was still a human child.


Playing with his tiny friends in a sandy area, with them pouring the sand all over each other, while some were trying to build something with the sand.

The chained Goblin was also a part of the tiny humans in the sandy playing ground.

He dug a small sized hole on the ground and placed his feet inside said hole,

he was pouring sand on his feet and trying to build a house made of sand with his feet as the structural reference.

It happened when he had almost finished building the leg house, he felt a tickle in his feet.

He thought it was just the sand brushing over his feet, until he felt another tickle.

He could no longer endure it as the tickling gets merrier.

In a hurry, he withdrew his feet from the sand covering it down.

What he saw, shocked not only him but everyone around him.

As they saw his feet bloated from having too much earthworms making a hole in it, they all screamed and ran away from him.

As he saw the earthworms covered his feet and squirming to penetrate into the inner layer of his feet legs, he went into shock and eventually collapsed.

He was rushed to the hospital where he was taken care of, but had to stay bedridden for a whole month, while having a bloated leg and getting injected with needles.

And that, was what happened.


Although this was an incident that occurred in his past life when he was still a child, this was an event he would never come to forget.

An event that marked the beginning of his phobia for anything that crawls, squirms, and without any legs.

Being in a new body, that was stronger and faster, was not enough to get him to let go of his phobia.

The chained Goblin raged even more as he continued his pointless effort to break the chain and get away from the blob monster coming at him.

He lost it even more as he notices that there was nothing he could do to stop the blob from approaching him.

"there is no need to show so much fear, what the blobs will do is, stick on your skin, before dissolving into your innards, then comes the disruption of your innards by the blobs"

"it will be a really fun ride".

The first general's statement over what the blobs will do to him, heightened his fear over them.

He screamed at the top of his lungs and drags the chain even harder.

"ahhhhhhhhhhh..... Ah.. Ah... Ahhhhhhhhhhh".

Demanding to be set free, and eventually pleading to the first general.

All this while, the first general stood there watching with a satisfied grin on his face as he turned a deaf hear to his plea.