Connecting Two Volcanic Mountains

He takes a deep breathe and focuses more on his thorn erection skill activation.

The thorn erection skill can only be activated on an inanimate object.

It will not just appear from thin air, it has to have something to act as its third person communicating network.

That is why, what he plans on doing is use the detection skill to connect himself to the nearby volcanic mountains that are sideways and sprout out the thorns from each mountain, he will then trace the thorns down to where he is thereby connecting them.

Although his thorns has shown to be weak to fire, but that isn't completely the case.

His palm and feet are made of Thorn, yet they did not burn away when he was riding on the bird's back.

He contemplated on what the reasons could be, and came to a conclusion that it is the difference in mana.

When he produces out a Thorn from his body, he uses mana and once the Thorn comes out, it is no longer exposed to mana.