Past Fear

For days on end, the four Goblin generals had stayed on the upper floors and refused to leave without having the Goblin with them.

The first and fourth general stuck themselves to the door, waiting for a movement to be in sight, while the second and third general went around scavenging the tunnels in search of the Goblin's whereabouts.

Two Goblins, one with a bow and the other holding a shield and a long sword, walked towards the direction where another two Goblins, one empty handed and the other holding a two edged axe.

"so, did you find him" (first general).

when the two Goblin had gotten to where the other two were sitting at, the empty handed Goblin popped up the question to which the two Goblins had no reply to.

"i still think it's a waste of effort for us staying here and monitoring a gate we can't even open" (Second general).