Push And Pull

"this is your final warning, leave now or stay to regret your actions".

Said the Goblin with a soulless and lifeless expression.

The four Goblin generals, had no plan of leaving the Goblin alone, they couldn't.

Thier king gave them an order, and they are to carry it out regardless of what may come.

It is a fact that they did feel threatened by the presence of this new Goblin,

The threat however wasn't to an extent where they have to take to their heels, it was within the realm of combatable.

They had no reason to fear as long as they kept their guard up and are observant to any movements from the Goblin.

The Second Goblin general made the first move by fixing his bow and releasing the arrow.

The speed at which he sets the arrow with the bow and letting go of It, was astounding as it was impressive.

The Goblin was also not dull as he was quick to move out of the way.