Goblin / Goblin Hoard 2

The Goblin army proceeded to cut down the vine the minute it was about to get to him, using the blade he is equipped with.

He succeeded in cutting down the vines, but was attacked by even more vines that wrapped itself around his body and squeezed the life out of him, exploding his body apart with pieces of his body's meat fallen to the ground.

The Goblin armies resisted back hard, but were eventually overwhelmed by the vast numbers of the vines.

The Goblin who was running over to the Goblin hoard had already been overshadowed and over paced by the vines he had sprouted out.

Almost getting to the Goblin hoard, he took to the air and dived himself into the midst of the Goblin hoard. The force with which the Goblin used in landing, shattered the ground, causing visible cracks to it.

The Goblin hoard that were within the range of the Goblin were also not left unscathed as the force of the Goblin's landing blew them away, freeing up the space around the Goblin.