
"how could you have let this happen Dexter?, I thought you were watching the kids..."

"me?...., we were all assigned to watch them, so do not put the blame on just me".

"you were closer to them, while we were further away from them. You had a better grasp sight on them, you could have put it to good use".

"enough the both of you, arguing amongst ourselves won't solve anything now. What we need to focus on is finding those kids before anything bad happens to them".

"damn it, and I made sure to warn them enough to not venture out on their own, why won't they just listen".

Dexter said, disappointed that the children he thought he had lectured and gave a thorough bearing to, went behind his back and disobeyed his warning.

Even the date he had sealed with miss Aletta is now on the brink of collapsing thanks to their irresponsible actions.

After discovering that two kids were missing among the kids dealing with the rabbit, the Dire Hammer members quickly sprung into action.