Guild Mates

Dexter holding unto Dana's hand, stood in front of the building with a signboard that says, Khamor Adventurers Guild, written boldly on it.

The size of the building is twice that of the guild's building located in Edevin, with a well refurbished plank used in the construction. A glance is all it takes for one to tell how much money was used to maintain the guild's building.

Surrounding the guild's building from all sides, are other commercial buildings, and private buildings, with people coming in and out of it.

Dexter steeled his heart for any surprise he might come across when he walks through the guild's door before going in.

He opened the door, and with Dana by his side, he walked past the entrance of the guild confidently.

"i am home ya fucking bastards".

Going in, those were the words that came out of Dexter's mouth, directed at the adventurers inside.