Home Of Thomas

"and? Who do you think you are to come into my fief, requesting to be handed over control of my military forces".

Thomas doning on his serious and intimidating face, which sadly enough, had no effect on Caius like he wanted it to.

"who am I? That's a very good question".

Caius replied back, finding the situation he is entangled in quite amusing for him.

"i am the guy who was tricked by his boss to go out into the world to help a bunch of humans out of the goodness of my heart. You know why that is? Because it's my job to do so".

He stood up from the sofa, and started pacing himself in the room, going back and forth slowly.

"tell me Lord.....?"

"Thomas, Lord Thomas".

"tell me Lord Thomas, what would you do if, in your quest to help someone, that person responds to you with a disgruntled attitude. Lord Thomas, if you were in that person's position, what would you do? Will you help them, or will you ignore them and watch as they perish before your very eyes".