Orun Against A Fused Ignatius/Caius iX

Orun had prepared himself on how to repel Efreet falling down above him, and at the same time, he would deal with the meteor fireball accompanying it.

He had thought it all through, laid out a plan for everything, but his plan was disrupted by Caius who is already three feet away from him, and his sword taking the lead, ready to slash Orun down.


Orun's inner voice calling to Oracle, sounded urgent, yet calm at the same time.

[yes master].

'will it work'.

As he asked, Orun was already deep in his imagination, with Oracle also permitted to walk down his imagination along with him.

Oracle searched for what Orun requested from it, and when it saw the prototype of what Orun had shaped out in his imagination, Oracle started all procedures meant to confirm if it could make his imagination a reality.

While Oracle continued its analysis on what Orun had requested, he was responding to Caius and Efreet attack.