Colossal Battle

While Orun and Caius were immersing themselves in a speed and destruction type combat, the Vine golem and Efreet with Salamander, were also fighting it out, but theirs is on a natural disaster type level.

The vine golem took one step forward, running in the direction of Efreet who has also took to going after the Vine golem.

The both of them running toward each other, had the whole forest trembling in fear, shaking leaves off the tree branches, and creating tremors of echoes.

They got closer to each other, and thrusted their hands out in unison.

Their fists collided, creating an air pressure that instantly cleared all traces of any existencial life in their perimeter.

It's fist shattered inwardly after the clash with Efreet's fist, but it quickly healed itself back before it got too deep.

The vine golem headbutted Efreet, slightly pushing it back, then it hurriedly moved to its back before Efreet could regain its posture.