Who, Is She?

Orun has a hard time believing what his eyes was seeing at the moment. He clearly saw it, and felt it, but at the same time, it all seems so unreal to him.

He reckoned that if it was anybody else, they will be just as shocked as he currently is.

After he had the talk with the Minotaur leader and the rest of his crew, Orun was successfully able to persuade them into joining him and abandoning their current habitat to come with him to his own habitat.

The Minotaur leader agreed, not because he trusted Orun or because he was in support of what Orun wanted to create.

He joined Orun out of fear. He feared that which had him helplessly on his knees and sent him unconscious.

The Minotaur leader, was under the impression that if he did not do as Orun asked, he would be killed by him, and he did not want that for himself nor for the rest of his kind.

Orun was aware of where the Minotaur leader's thoughts leaned on and he, decided to leave it that way.