Waiting For The Guest

Her feet hurried itself on the ground, wasting no time hopping on it as she hoped to breach the distance between her and the majestic figure whose back was turned toward her.

The multitude that stood in her path made way for her so she could go through and arrive at her destination in time.

Leena successfully crossed through the door and arrived at her location, moving sneakily to stand beside a presence whose appearance proved very difficult to not mistake her as Leena's twin sister.

For those who do not know them and are just seeing them for the first time, they would go to lengths to argue about her and Leena been of the same age and given birth to at the same time.

"you are late".

The distinguishable factor between her and Leena is that, unlike Leena who is capable of making different expressions with her facial features, she only had on her a cold stern expression even when speaking to the one considered as her daughter.

"i apologize mother, I was held up".