A Question For All

There was a part of them that was playing things steady like a rhythm trying to play along to Orun's tune.

Is he to believe that all the fire elder had as a means of attack is using his element against him?

Or should he believe that the Elven nation, a nation consisting of one race namely the elves, and the four elders standing at the pinnacle of that race as the strongest after the queen that is?

Is he also to believe that them being regarded to as the strongest, that capacity of power is all that they amounted to, that it was the highest sense of power they could draw out from nature?

"Spirit King, we really took it seriously and came at you with the intention of winning".

The wind elder was the one to answer Orun, trying to make it known to him what their intentions were.

"I know you did, but I could still feel how you all were holding back against me, even though you did plan on winning".