An Oddity

"No. The world will not be destroyed".

Elmon replied to Dilya's worry, assuring her that there will be no destruction involved when the gate is opened.

"Whatever is in there just wants to get free, that is all".

He wasn't told the full story of what layed dormant beyond the gate.

Elmon's thought process was far too shallow, comparing what is beyond the gate as a being similar other beings with emotions.

To be locked up for a long time is bound to make one feel very lonely, and in their loneliness they start to realize their right and wrong.

That is how Elmon understood the situation to the best of his knowledge, but he was wrong.

"That is not true kid. What is beyond that door has only one purpose in mind, and that is to lay waste to everything in its path".

Dilya told Elmon otherwise. The being does not feel regret, remorse or even have a notion of redemption.

It's purpose when it was locked up has not changed and it never will, not in a million years to come.