
Orun threw away the detached arms and focused on dealing more damage to the body that was still on its two knees.

After he had ripped off the two arms from the rest of its body, Orun proceeded to attack what was left of the body, but was unable to.

Before he could do any more damage, the body of Mammon that was on its knee turned back into its hazy smoke form, and dispersed itself away from where Orun was.

"You are a bit abrasive for a spirit elemental king, don't you think".

It's mouth was the first organ to form before the rest of its body followed after its escape from Orun.

All the damage it had taken from Orun, even the two hands that were detached. Everything had been reinstalled the moment it turned back to its physical form.

It was as if Orun had never even attacked it to begin with.

Orun ignored the fact that there was no damage done to Mammon, and instead proceeded to make his attack on it again.