Five Times The Trouble

Mammon turned its head over to where Elmon was standing. His expression looked totally blanked out as a result of bearing witness to the duel between Orun and Mammon.

It wasn't a fight that could be thought of as a respectable matchup. For the entire time of the battle, Orun had heavily dominated the flow of it, and also steering the outcome to be in his favor.

All Mammon was doing is take continuous hit from all sides and resort to make empty threats at Orun.

He did not understand how Mammon who is in a difficult spot could still have the time to make threats on someone who is undaunted by its presence.

Elmon did not think that it was possible to see Mammon be rendered so helpless at the hands of another.

He also was not expecting Orun to be powerful enough to have the advantage over Mammon.

Elmon was in the resting area when Orun was fighting against the four Elven elders.