The Odds

"My Lord. We came here as fast as we could when we had the feeling that you might be in danger".

Theron said, rushing himself over to Orun, to check his condition and display his excessive loyalty.

Orun wanted to ask what they felt, but then he remembered that when the gate was open, the ominous energy wave that rushed out of it must have been what alerted their attention.

"Queen Dilya!".

The Alluin elder (Fire elder) moved closer to Dilya, calling out to her as a way to ask for her health.

"I failed. I let down my ancestors, Alluin".

Orun could have sworn about him mistaking Dilya as the crybaby kind of woman from the way she just spoke.

He found his thoughts to be very absurd and untrue. She is a woman who has so far shown only her strong side, coming out as the kind of queen who does not remorse, nor lament.

Why would such a strong feminist subdue herself to a level where tears will flow down her cheeks?

"It is not your fault my queen".