Plan Formulation

Cerberus's struggle to get its body out of the mud was made null. What it got itself trapped in, is a sticky wet mud that will just keep dragging its body down into the ground, the further it struggles to want to go up.

Monryck and Theron moved at the same time, each coming from a different direction. When they had almost gotten to Cerberus, they jumped up before their legs could touch the muddy ground and aimed for its head, Monryck taking the left head, and Theron going for the right.

They first landed on the nose, and from there, they walked to where the eyes were located. When they got there, they started throwing their fist in different forms, dealing damage to its eyes.

It had six eyeballs, two on each head. Monryck who is on top of its left head, aimed for both eyes, dealing damage to it one at a time. The same applies to Theron who is pummeling both eyeballs with his fist.