A Suggestion For Assistance

In a hall meant for the elven leading figures to gather and make decisions, are as of current the four elders, Dilya, Monryck, Theron, and Orun.

Situated in the order of their rankings, they all had a solemn look on their faces.

"Does anybody have any suggestions"? Dilya questioned with her head facing to the front, giving her the full view of everybody present in the room, including Orun who is sitting opposite her.

"Anything at all, we are all ears". She repeated after she was met with no response on her first attempt.

The room was quiet with eye movement going about, the elders looking at each other for suggestions.

Orun was no exception to the solemn mood present in the room. He had his head straightened, and his mind elsewhere.

He succeeded in casting the barrier and for now, has trapped Mammon and his army of demons in it.

There is however a time limit to the effect of the barrier, and it is all dependent on how much Mammon tries to force it open.