Does Violence Make You Horny?

Even though she saw it all vividly, Yara still couldn't believe it.

Her son could shift now?

Use his flames?

Multiple different weapons??

Just what the hell happened??

Duke and Lailah, who were beside her, wore similar expressions.

This was his first fight ever, yet he was doing splendidly, and against a seasoned warrior at that.

Such a thing was simply unthinkable!

While Bekka was still high in the air, Exedra opened his mouth wide and released a jet of purple and black flames aimed directly at her!

Understanding that she had to block this with her full strength or risk serious bodily harm, Bekka swung her hammer in adownwards arc, while she coated her entire body in mana.



After an ear-splitting explosion, the arena was dead silent.

No one moved, and no one could see the outcome of the collision as there was a thick cloud of smoke in the air.

Suddenly, the hellhound woman fell from the sky, eyes closed and body covered in sweat and soot.

Her hammer had been completely destroyed, and there were pieces of it raining down onto the battlefield below.

When Exedra saw that Bekka was not moving, he immediately sprouted his wings and flew up to catch her before she could hit the ground.

"Gotcha." Catching her in a princess carry, he could see her injuries weren't anything severe, but defending against his infernal flames had used up every drop of mana in her body.

He didn't use enough power to injure her seriously, but if she had used even a little bit less mana to defend, her whole body would've been covered in terrible burns.

She was basically just napping after an intense workout.

"Hey! Can I get a medi-" Before Exedra could finish his request for help from the crowd, his head was grabbed by the young woman in his arms, and her lips were on his.

Exedra, and most of the spectators were incredibly shocked to see that not only did the young woman recover quickly, she even kissed her opponent.

Yara, Lailah, and Duke seemed to be the only ones not surprised by this development, and even somewhat expected it.

WarWolves are a very simple race, they decide their roles with their mates through a battle contest.

Once defeated, the victor would become the dominant one in the relationship, and the loser would submit themselves completely, be they man or woman.

Due to the special circumstances behind Bekka's marriage to Exedra, she believed she'd never get to fulfill her tribe's custom, but tod, she got her deeply buried wish.

She'd lost the fight, but contrary to feeling disappointed, she was ecstatic!

She finally had a true husband!


"They're adorable!"

"Fuck I want a girlfriend.."

"He won.. The Young Master won!!"

The loud cheers of the crowd snapped Exedra out of the small mental shock her surprise attack had put him in. If she'd used that attack during the battle, he'd have been finished!

"Where did something like that come from?" He wasn't expecting his first kiss to be stolen like that, but he honestly didn't care. 

He was just confused about why getting knocked out had suddenly put her in the mood for this sort of thing. 

'Is she maybe a masochist?' He wondered?

"We had a bet, remember?" She said with a seductive smile.

"Ah…Y, ea I guess we did."

'I'm sorry for thinking you were a pervert, Bekka...'

She leaned into his embrace and placed her head on his shoulder. "I belong to you now, so you have to treat me well, okay?"...Of course."

There was a lot that he would have to learn about being a husband and being a man, but when one of his wives was looking at him as tenderly as this, it all seemed more than worth it.

Bekka's ears suddenly perked up, and she looked at her new husband with expectant eyes. 

"Do you…want to go again?"

He didn't answer her, instead he decided to go on the offensive this time and stole his wife's plump lips.

Far from being surprised, Bekka became slightly more aggressive and slipped her tongue into her husband's mouth.

The crowd watching this let out whistles and loud rounds of applause once again.

This was like a stage play!

Seeing a sexy young couple battle intensely and then make out afterward was exactly what romance novels always spoke of!

The people who were spoken for in the crowd all made simultaneous vows not to let their partner sleep that night.

Interestingly enough, nine months later, there were a lot of new babies soon to be born in the castle.

Breaking their kiss, Exedra slowly whispered, " Sure... We can go as much as you like."

Bekka smiled so widely you couldn't even tell her eyes were open.