Abyss Dragons : The Nevi'im

Among Abaddon's wives, Valerie had one of the most impressive physiques.

So, it was no surprise that their union created one of the most physically dominant specimens ever to be born in Sheol.

Even though he only looked to be around 12 or 13, Straga was already standing at 5'8.

His physique was toned and shredded like he'd been working on it his whole life, but Abaddon knew that wasn't the case because he vividly remembered his son's diet consisting of mostly breast milk and bits of grilled meat.

Straga seemed to have inherited both Valerie and Abaddon's looks as well, and he seemed like he was going to become the most charming of his siblings.

Though young, his face was quite frankly... ethereal.

His raven hair was around medium length and just barely dropped below his shoulders, and his golden eyes shone with a natural luminescence.