Lailah! Lailah! Lailah!

"And next up we have Courtney's mother, Mrs. Williams!"

*Whisper* "Which one is this..?"

*Whisper* "I thought she had multiple mommies…"

*Whisper* "The teacher looks disappointed for some reason. Do you think she wanted to see somebody else?"

The clicking of heels echoed off the classroom floor as a woman took center stage in front of the children.

Wearing a very professional white pantsuit and smart glasses to match, Lailah was her husband's sexy professor fantasy personified.

Parents around the room were split in terms of their feelings.

Women were jealous and very disappointed that Courtney's famously handsome father hadn't shown up.

Men were extremely glad that he hadn't shown up and that he had sent such a lovely specimen in his place.

Lailah could hear all of their thoughts quite well and was already planning to curse them with bleeding from every open pore on their body.