Kill Streak

Abaddon vividly remembered the first time his baby sister beat him up.

It was when they were still children of course, and he had yet to come into his powers.

The two were playing a board game for some supremely high stakes. (Candy)

Abaddon bested his baby sister in the contest and obnoxiously ate the prized candy in front of her. He would later describe his antics as 'A Dick Move'.

Kanami's bottom lip jutted out and trembled cutely; signaling a scenario her brother had already seen too many times before.

To keep her from crying, Abaddon prepared to offer her a bit of his spoils as a peace offering.

Imagine his surprise when his baby sister jumped across the table and beat him over the head with a metal dish.

It was the closest thing to what elders would describe as 'An old fashioned ass-whupping'.

Abaddon was bedridden for two whole weeks after that.

He was only four years old back then. Kanami was two.