A Replacement In Duty

When Mateo saw the portal open up in his office, the first thing he thought was that his old friend was about to come rushing in. 

But upon second thought, he remembered that Abaddon had been fully barred from this world, and as such dismissed the thought. 

For a brief moment he also thought it might be Lailah, but realized that she most likely had the same problem. 

So then who was coming?

*Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.*

The room rumbled as a large four legged creature stepped out of the portal one leg at a time. 

It's arrival was accompanied by a feeling of dread in the air, and a chillingly cold gust of wind. 

Mateo and Hera looked up in horror at the rider of the great flaming beast. 

A young woman with mocha brown skin and twin-colored eyes stared back at them with an expression full of amusement. 

Her hair was both a snowy white and a deeply stark black. Perhaps reflecting her own double sided nature.