Grandpa Abaddon!

Hajun, Asmodeus, Apophis, Karliah, and Bekka all fainted instantly once they had a moment to process.

Everyone else was supremely ecstatic over the news. The walls shook with the sound of their combined zeal.

Thea was bomb rushed.

The first to knock her to the ground was her younger sister, Nubia.

She was immediately followed by Lisa, and then Yara & Imani, and then the dog pile just kept on building…

Even Aubrey couldn't escape it.

A few individuals had to pause to give certain monologues before jumping on top of them.

Bashenga: "I was actually the first to know."

Straga: "Keeping the secret was fucking killing me, but I did it this time!"

Lisa: "Eris and I have known since yesterday, but we also felt like we were going to explode!"

Nyx: "I'm the one who helped get them pregnant!"

Through all of this, Abaddon was locked in a frozen state.