Problematic Premonitions

Izanami had actually woken up once before since she'd been in Tehom.

The reason she didn't get out was simple… she didn't know what to do once she left the room.

She had her memories back now. Knowledge of another life where she was a part of something much different than anything she had ever dreamed would be possible for her.

She saw scenes of herself falling in love with the same man who saved her and brought her here.

Even more embarrassing was how she had called out to him. Begging to be brought to the only real 'home' she ever remembered.

Could you blame her for being embarrassed and wanting to stay in here to herself?

She might have already strung herself up like a piniata if it would have actually been capable of killing her.

But since it wasn't, she didn't. Izanami just slept instead.

It was working well until at least a few minutes ago.

Eris hadn't exactly been squeamish about wiping her body down.