"Suppression formation."
The order soldiers spread out to surround the demon in an instant.
Shin shrugged off his trenchcoat and revealed his full metallic form.
"You now stand in front of the Shining Order of Sacred Mercy. Our namesake is extended to all those who lay down their weapons and go quietly into the golden light of reincarnation. What say you?"
The demon spit on the ground. "Dogs of The Gold Order. When'd you switch from the hunting of abyss beasts to the terrorizing of us good-natured demons, huh?"
"We are an organization dedicated to protecting the multiverse from all threats that would seek to throw it into disarray. Your attempt to fuse the multiverse together flies directly in the face of the natural law and as such we have been called to respond. Do you deny it?"
The demon shrugged. "I am just a small cog in a very large machine, big man. You know how it goes."