Everyone in the room had one, single thought after Seras finally articulated her reasoning for calling them all here.
Heads swiveled in Kanami's direction.
The red dragoness marched to the beat of her own drum. She didn't usually do well when it came to sitting still.
And orders designed to force her to sit still were usually met with a string of resistance ranging from crude language to the hurling of objects.
Perhaps this was the reason why she and Abaddon fought as much as they loved each other.
They were just far too much alike for their own good.
"…How long does he expect us to stay here?"
"This is your home, Kanami. You don't have to act as if it is some foreign prison." Imani seemed hurt.
"T-That's not what I meant, mother, I just..." Kanami faltered.
'Don't want to be protected..' She thought.